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Support more search engines and even merge with duckduckgpt? #18

Open PeterDaveHello opened 8 months ago

PeterDaveHello commented 8 months ago

Hello, I just get started to try this browser plug-in, also trying to contribute (https://github.com/KudoAI/bravegpt/pull/16, https://github.com/KudoAI/bravegpt/issues/17), and I found https://github.com/KudoAI/duckduckgpt, it looks like there may be a lot function/code base can be shared between this two projects, which save the developer and contributor a lot of effort to enhance the feature, so just wondering would you consider to just merge them, and more search engines support can be added? Thanks!

adamlui commented 8 months ago

Hey @PeterDaveHello indeed the codebase are near identical, which search engines would you like supported? Also it does not take me much effort to sync code between the scripts btw (and I enjoy it actually)

PeterDaveHello commented 8 months ago

Maybe Google, StartPage, Bing, Kagi, etc.? Though the effort to sync code base could be acceptable right now, once, you got more contribution and feature, it'll become much higher, and even for the users, simply install one would be better, especially there are some configs can be shared, right?

adamlui commented 8 months ago

@PeterDaveHello I am working on a Google one that I will publish once I implement a new feature (which will also be applied to DDGPT and BraveGPT). The sync code can always be automated when there's too many. A user in the past posted on DuckDuckGo forum they prefer the singular approach because the code would get larger and larger as more custom logic or CSS is added. But one is also useful for those who prefer that way, so I'm thinking of doing one for many AND continue to make singular ones