KudoAI / chatgpt.js

🤖 A powerful, open source client-side JavaScript library for ChatGPT
MIT License
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Use of source code without attribution #34

Closed adamlui closed 1 year ago

adamlui commented 1 year ago

@mefengl in your chatgpt-infinite you need to attribute this repo or chatgptjs.org and/or mention copyright me & you under MIT license (and any other scripts you use the code in)

adamlui commented 1 year ago

Can you explain why you did not though? (It is stealing if you don't, it's already free)

adamlui commented 1 year ago

I will report you to Greasyfork and/or take legal action if you don't remedy this serious matter @mefengl

mefengl commented 1 year ago

? Don't worry, I don't mean to remove them, it should be there a few days ago, and it will be there later.

adamlui commented 1 year ago

Well since you are not taking this urgently, you have demonstrated you are just a copycat hogging credit for work you did not do. I reported you X3

adamlui commented 1 year ago

You copy my menus my fetches my everything you are a leech, pretending to be smart when you use a bot to write your code

adamlui commented 1 year ago

That is why your code is so bad you don't even understand basic concepts or structure

mefengl commented 1 year ago

I don't know why you are so eager to belittle me. You should know that the code I am currently using is basically functions from chatgpt-utils.

What you said about it being unreferenced only happened 17 hours ago (because I had AI refactor it).

Also, the reason why I needed to create this repo was that there were issues with the latest code at that time, and I needed a stable repository to use.

I don't want to argue with you because I think a repository like this is good, and there's no need to recreate it.

I only have a little time to do what I want to do. For me, usable code is enough. I like building, not coding.

adamlui commented 1 year ago

You should know that the code I am currently using is basically functions from chatgpt-utils.

No, you copied my chat-clearing logic and many other functions. Also chatgpt-utils was a copy of my auto-clear and widescreen functions (don't think the world is so stupid, I knew but did not care, any average person can see you are following me to copy)

What you said about it being unreferenced only happened 17 hours ago (because I had AI refactor it).

It doesn't matter if it happened 1 hour ago, you already said you're not taking care of it now, so I reported you

Also, the reason why I needed to create this repo was that there were issues with the latest code at that time, and I needed a stable repository to use.

You published it on Greasyfork without the copyright notice, your reason is a lie.

I don't want to argue with you because I think a repository like this is good, and there's no need to recreate it.

You are trying to recreate it already. I should never let poison into the house

I only have a little time to do what I want to do. For me, usable code is enough. I like building, not coding.

Do it with other people stop leeching mine (or give credit or else you will find legal trouble)

adamlui commented 1 year ago

I am not joking I am in my 30s don't think I am a boy. This may be acceptable in China, but America is the land of lawsuits

adamlui commented 1 year ago

...and I have a lot of money to spend pursuing litigation vs. you

mefengl commented 1 year ago

chatgpt-utils was a copy of my auto-clear and widescreen functions

When I say chatgpt-utils, I mean this https://github.com/mefengl/chatgpt-utils; it's not.

Its code even comes from my very earlier issues

I will reopen that repo, also with other functions that I use

mefengl commented 1 year ago

I am not joking I am in my 30s don't think I am a boy. This may be acceptable in China, but America is the land of lawsuits

It's also not acceptable in China

adamlui commented 1 year ago

I only have a little time

And I have a lot of time to punish you. I let you in my house to copy/learn for free, and you pay me back by stealing. And you still don't repent or fix, that means you don't care. So I will be taking legal action against you Feng.

When I say chatgpt-utils, I mean this https://github.com/mefengl/chatgpt-utils; it's not.

Its code even comes from my very earlier issues

Yes, it is copy. I did textarea DOM manipulation and you copy me few days later. I did chat-clearing and you immediately copy. I use XHR and you copy right away. How can you talk to me like a blind man? Do you seriously believe your own lies? Your behavior is obvious to anyone but yourself, if you are lying to yourself

adamlui commented 1 year ago

You even copy my documentation style with the asking for contributors within a day or 2 after I added that to chatgpt.js. Are you seriously going to keep pretending you are not following my moves?

adamlui commented 1 year ago

You are not my first stalker don't think I don't notice, I just don't say anything

adamlui commented 1 year ago

...until you stole from me and to this very moment, will not do anything about it. So we are enemies, you made that choice. You choose not to correct your bad ways, so I must punish you now.

adamlui commented 1 year ago

The moment you steal credit you are on thin ice. The moment you pretend nothing happened the ice starts melting. Then you say you'll do something "later" = you are falling into the hole now. You choice, not mine.

adamlui commented 1 year ago

As I said, I have a lot of time in the world to punish my enemies, so you made a terrible decision to insult my intelligence and dismiss this all and refuse to take action right now this second. You have let me know what you think of me, and I will act accordingly with litigation.

adamlui commented 1 year ago

Don't forget we know each other's names, legal action will not be hard

mefengl commented 1 year ago

first, I have added it back (not add it, but add it back, basically just after I woke up)

second, do the things you think you should do, let me see how big this mistake is, to use the code I am contributing to

third, I have other jobs to do, bye now

adamlui commented 1 year ago

Search for me on LinkedIn (I have lawyers as connecyions)

adamlui commented 1 year ago

first, I have added it back (not add it, but add it back, basically just after I woke up)

I don't know what you add where but the fact you would rather sleep then take me seriously means we are enemies now

second, do the things you think you should do, let me see how big this mistake is, to use the code I am contributing to

You have contributed nothing but useless functions I was trying to be nice so you can feel like a team mate. The code you used were my advanced functions (I don't care if you use your simple ones)

third, I have other jobs to do, bye now

You said this before as an excuse you will be inactive, and now I discover the job is stealing. Keep on doing it, you'll see what happens

mefengl commented 1 year ago

What I want to say finally is, why do you look at me like that?

adamlui commented 1 year ago

What I want to say finally is, why do you look at me like that?

I have no respect for thieves

adamlui commented 1 year ago

You were begging me to add inserting elements because you couldn't figure out how to abstract it from my scripts. Intentionally, I ignored you, knowing you just wanted to steal it for own scripts. (If you knew how you would write it yourself)

adamlui commented 1 year ago

I don't care if you copy but when you erase credit you are despicable thief that deserves the full punishment of the law

adamlui commented 1 year ago

You are so greedy/selfish, even though attributing chatgpt.js would give you credit as (undeserved) co-author, you still choose to omit attribution to boost yourself only, using the hard work of other people. How can you be so stupid...

adamlui commented 1 year ago

Only the greediest people think like that. Normal person is happy already for gaining credit for little-to-no work while I do the heavy lifting. But you are too selfish, you went too far...

adamlui commented 1 year ago

Also I have many connections with investors and would've let you in if I raised funding for my projects gaining traction. But you have showed your greed is uncontainable, so that is a tragedy

adamlui commented 1 year ago

You see my successful traction from very little time spent, so you thought you could copy me. But the difference is I put in hard work and am an expert marketer. You can't just steal what you don't have...

adamlui commented 1 year ago

i.e. I made it look easier than it is so you thought you could do it too. Try and find out you made a mistake

mefengl commented 1 year ago

You don't understand; I already said before I don't mean to delete them (or why I will not add them in the first place)

I didn't add it back 17 hours ago because I didn't notice it; I thought it was there

When you calm down, you can think, am I really doing what you say, like a thief?

adamlui commented 1 year ago

You don't understand; I already said before I don't mean to delete them (or why I would add them in the first place)

Why? Because I told you to look on my LinkedIn and my lawyer connections are scary? And I know your name?

I didn't add it back 17 hours ago because I didn't notice it; I thought it was there

Show me what tool you used I will test your claim

When you calm down, you can think, am I really doing what you say?

Not originally, no, you said "later" and pretend nothing was wrong. So you are greedy and disrespectful. I had to pressure you (which I am good at) to make you take action instead of sleep on your butt

adamlui commented 1 year ago

Also you did this to 3 different projects, so no, you are lying. (You will find out which ones if GitHub contacts you)

adamlui commented 1 year ago

(I reported you for copyright infringement three times for three different repos, you cannot keep claiming 'mistake' it's just not believable, say things that make sense)

mefengl commented 1 year ago

I don't know what else to say; I thought one of the repos you said had "copyright infringement" I may share it with you happily before

I will add the copyright back (if I am not already) when GitHub contacts me.

adamlui commented 1 year ago

I don't know what you are saying. I am saying my code is all over your projects without proper attribution. You seem to be saying you want to get away with it unless GitHub tells you no. Am I wrong?

adamlui commented 1 year ago

(I will also report you on Greasyfork for trying to publish my code as if you are the author)

adamlui commented 1 year ago

(You could probably get banned for this)

mefengl commented 1 year ago

saying my code is all over your projects without proper attribution

Please tell me where; I will add it back if it is.

the proper attribution in chatgpt-playground I have already added back.

What's else?

adamlui commented 1 year ago

I'm not telling you what you know or doing your work for you lol

mefengl commented 1 year ago

(You could probably get banned for this)

nope, I will delete them all, until we find out what really happened

adamlui commented 1 year ago

You are so lazy, even when confronted you want the victim to work for you smh

adamlui commented 1 year ago

No wonder you use a bot to write unsurprisingly bad code

mefengl commented 1 year ago

Yes, I also use it to write English sentences, or I can't even talk with you

adamlui commented 1 year ago

Why not Google translate

mefengl commented 1 year ago

are you calm down?

mefengl commented 1 year ago

it's MIT license; of course I will add it.

And I am just using this repo to do other features (not provide it to others), what are you worried about?

adamlui commented 1 year ago

I don't know what you are saying

adamlui commented 1 year ago

You are a co-author of this thanks to my generosity (I really don't need your help, our level is worlds apart I wrote JS since the 1990s) you should be promoting chatgpt.js not yourself using chatgpt.js code. If chatgpt.js goes up you go up, too, how are you so blind to this? Do you not understand I did not begin marketing yet?