Closed Quadragintillion closed 1 year ago
@DraginWasTaken can you link to your code?
I literally just have chatgpt.sendInNewChat("say hi");
in an async function.
It may have something to do with that I put the actual file in my directory instead of added a requirement for it (as it was giving an error when I imported it from the site)
@DraginWasTaken I would love to test all the code you have for context, if you create a repo ( could be private ) that would be cool
@DraginWasTaken ( I know it should "just work" but if you can do this , you would be really helping to troubleshoot what should be a simple issue )
const delay = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms));
var page = document.getElementById("main"); var button = document.createElement("button"); button.addEventListener("click", hiIAreAFunction); = "margin: 0px; padding: 5px; border-radius: 0.25rem; border-width: 1px; width: auto; cursor: pointer;"; button.appendChild(document.createTextNode("just a button lol")); page.appendChild(button);
async function hiIAreAFunction() { let userInput = prompt('Please input prompt:'); console.log(userInput); chatgpt.sendInNewChat("say hi"); // test prompt await delay(3000); alert(chatgpt.getResponse(0)); }
@DraginWasTaken is it a userscript, also are you appending the button to (and does it appear)
@DraginWasTaken can you install this userscript and confirm it works for you too?
// ==UserScript==
// @name New Userscript
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author You
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
// Import condensed chatgpt.js to test
var chatgpt = {
send: function(msg) {
var textArea = document.querySelector('form textarea');
textArea.value = msg;
textArea.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keydown', { keyCode: 13, bubbles: true }));
sendInNewChat: function(msg) {
document.querySelector('nav > a').click();
setTimeout(function() { chatgpt.send(msg); }, 500);
getResponse: function(pos) {
var responseDivSelector = 'main > div > div > div > div > div[class*=group]';
var strPos = pos.toString().toLowerCase();
if (/last|final/.test(strPos)) { // get last response
var responseDivs = document.querySelectorAll(responseDivSelector);
if (responseDivs.length < 2) return ''; // if no responses, return empty string
return responseDivs[responseDivs.length - 1].textContent;
} else { // get nth response
var nthOfResponse = (
// Calculate base number
Number.isInteger(pos) ? pos : // do nothing for integers
strPos.match(/^\d+/) ? strPos.match(/^\d+/)[0] : // extract first digits for strings w/ them
( // convert words to integers for digitless strings
/^(1|one|fir)(st)?$/.test(strPos) ? 1
: /^(2|tw(o|en|el(ve|f))|seco)(nd|t[yi])?(e?th)?$/.test(strPos) ? 2
: /^(3|th(ree|ir?))(rd|teen|t[yi])?(e?th)?$/.test(strPos) ? 3
: /^(4|fou?r)(teen|t[yi])?(e?th)?$/.test(strPos) ? 4
: /^(5|fi(ve|f))(teen|t[yi])?(e?th)?$/.test(strPos) ? 5
: /^(6|six)(teen|t[yi])?(e?th)?$/.test(strPos) ? 6
: /^(7|seven)(teen|t[yi])?(e?th)?$/.test(strPos) ? 7
: /^(8|eight?)(teen|t[yi])?(e?th)?$/.test(strPos) ? 8
: /^(9|nine?)(teen|t[yi])?(e?th)?$/.test(strPos) ? 9
: /^(10|ten)(th)?$/.test(strPos) ? 10 : 1 )
// Transform base number if suffixed
* ( /ty|ieth$/.test(strPos) ? 10 : 1 ) // x 10 if -ty/ieth
+ ( /teen(th)?$/.test(strPos) ? 10 : 0 ) // + 10 if -teen/teenth
) * 2; // factor for own msg's
var responseDiv = document.querySelector(`${responseDivSelector}:nth-of-type(${nthOfResponse}) p`);
return responseDiv ? responseDiv.textContent : '';
// Functions
function insertButton() {
var sidebar = document.querySelector('nav');
if (!sidebar.contains(button)) { // check if button exists first
const delay = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms));
async function hiIAreAFunction() {
let userInput = prompt('Please input prompt:');
chatgpt.sendInNewChat("say hi"); // test prompt
await delay(3000);
// Main routine
// Create button, add listener/style/txt
var button = document.createElement("button");
button.addEventListener("click", hiIAreAFunction); = "margin: 0px; padding: 5px; border-radius: 0.25rem; border-width: 1px; width: auto; cursor: pointer;";
button.appendChild(document.createTextNode("just a button lol"));
// Insert button on page load + during navigation
var navObserver = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function (mutation) {
if (mutation.type === 'childList' && mutation.addedNodes.length) {
navObserver.observe(document.documentElement, { childList: true, subtree: true })
For the button insertion, it must occur w/ each node mutation or else it can disappear cuz ChatGPT DOM constantly refreshes (so I added a mutation observer)
For getResponse()
OpenAI changed their HTML structure so it didn't work for you, but the function in this script has been updated and will be added to latest release of lib & works as intended/indicated by alert at end of demo:
@DraginWasTaken I didn't update the URL
in a while but now it should point to the latest release
You can use in async IIFE like:
(async function() {
const { chatgpt } = await import('')
// Your code here
..and in userscript if publishing to repo, a hash is required so it is
// ==/UserScript==
// Your code here
@adamlui Refused to load the script '' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'wasm-unsafe-eval' 'inline-speculation-rules' http://localhost:". Note that 'script-src-elem' was not explicitly set, so 'script-src' is used as a fallback.
@DraginWasTaken it is being injected to Also can you try the updated code in the repo in a local dir again?
I just reran it and noticed a 2nd error: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to fetch dynamically imported module:
Also, I probably should have said this before, but I'm making a Chrome extension. I don't know if that changes anything.
Thanks for the info, for Chrome extensions they don't work well with remote-imported libs for some reason (I need to updated readme with Chrome instructions) but the way it works for me is, I include the library in lib/, then, at the top of content or background script, I write:
/* NOTE: This script uses code from the powerful chatgpt.js library @ */
/* (c) 2023 Adam Lui, chatgpt.js & contributors under the MIT license. */
(async function() {
// Import libs
var { chatgpt } = await import(chrome.runtime.getURL('lib/chatgpt.js'))
// your code here
(also the extension should be run at as the lib interacts w/ the DOM there)
@DraginWasTaken when you finish the extension I'd love to add it to showcase section of readme (especially if it's epic!)
It's giving yet another error...
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to fetch dynamically imported module: chrome-extension://#########/lib/chatgpt.js
(btw the id is censored just bc i havent made a chrome extension before and idk if that just lets ppl access it, prob not but its just a safety precaution)
@DraginWasTaken I have to rest now because of COVID my heart is in pain, but I promise you I will try to solve your problem to the fullest when I awaken (I realized I had modified chatgpt.js for Chrome by adding export { chatgpt } as last line to make it work + some manifest.json lines, but I would prefer the export to work in one single file so users don't have to edit based on environment)
I'm using manifest v3, is that any different? Also, I hope you get better soon!
Hey @DraginWasTaken thanks for recovery wishes, I added Chrome instructions here finally:
Thanks so much! It finally imports! However, I'm having another issue. I have this code:
chatgpt.sendInNewChat("say hi");
await delay(3000);
It gives this error when run: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toString') at Object.getResponse (chatgpt.js:226:26) at HTMLButtonElement.hiIAreAFunction
Wait nevermind, that was on me, I put getResponse instead of getLastResponse. But now it's returning blank when it's called. (Same code but getLastResponse)
@DraginWasTaken can you paste the getLastResponse function from lib/chatgpt.js?
getLastResponse: function() { var lastResponseDiv = chatgpt.getLastResponseDiv(); return lastResponseDiv ? lastResponseDiv.textContent : ''; },
@DraginWasTaken I put your code as lines 19-21 of content.js
in this demo, and it works in Chrome for me:
(Also you can use await chatgpt.isIdle()
to ensure response is received first)
Wait, I think I'm using this library totally wrong. The extension I'm making isn't for the actual OpenAI website, I've been using it to try to connect to ChatGPT from another website.
Am I using it correctly?
Ohh @Quadragintillion it works only if you are making it for the actual OpenAI website. But you can look at and to see how I connect from other sites (not using lib)
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of null (setting 'value')