Kudostoy0u / pwsh10k

Powerlevel10k based theme for Powershell
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Make your own prompt w/ setup wizard #6

Closed Zeratoxx closed 2 years ago

Zeratoxx commented 2 years ago

Not quite an issue but is there a way to somehow export the theme from p10k from a Linux-shell? Or did you create the json by hand?

Kudostoy0u commented 2 years ago

AFAIK there is no way to convert a .p10k.zsh config file into a .omp.json one for oh-my-posh3 unfortunately. I custom made this theme with JSON.

If you would like me to recreate your powerlevel10k theme for powershell though, let me know 😉

Zeratoxx commented 2 years ago

Well, that's a pity.

But yes, I would love if you could recreate my theme :3 As long as it doesn't take too much of your time of course! It has to be the lowest prio :)

Kudostoy0u commented 2 years ago

Yep, just send me a screen shot of the prompt and I'll see towards recreating it!

LLBlumire commented 2 years ago

Hello, I'm not the original poster of this issue but I'd also be super interested in this, my p10k.zsh is here


and it looks like


Kudostoy0u commented 2 years ago


Though I might end up making pwsh10k into a script to make your own prompt (like powerlevel10k), then anyone can use the script to replicate their ideal prompt for powershell.

LLBlumire commented 2 years ago

That would be amazing!

Zeratoxx commented 2 years ago

I use two different configs:

  1. https://gist.github.com/Zeratoxx/ddb4bbd5ef4e645c28a27d0b32d0c5ee Screenshot: grafik

  2. https://gist.github.com/Zeratoxx/79bdba59bd926d04e6502d7a2f9f1ed9 Screenshot: grafik

Kudostoy0u commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the late follow up, I've been quite occupied :sweat_smile:. I'm not going to do the setup wizard like in powerlevel10k, it shows to be a much bigger undertaking than my first impression.

Here are your prompts: @Zeratoxx Config 1: https://pastebin.com/QnnnszRL Config 2: https://pastebin.com/rYTwBtda @LLBlumire Config 1: https://pastebin.com/BAAEhWpB

(Unfortunately a connector between the two sides of the prompt is not supported)

Zeratoxx commented 2 years ago

Thank you ❤️❤️

Kudostoy0u commented 2 years ago

No problem ;)

Feel free to reopen for any questions or issues!