Kuestenschmiede / PwaBundle

Adds PWA functionality to a contao application.
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Error due to hard dependency on contao/calendar-bundle #19

Closed fritzmg closed 3 years ago

fritzmg commented 3 years ago

Currently the composer.json of this package does not require contao/calendar-bundle. However there is an actual hard dependency at least here which might lead to an error like

  In PaletteManipulator.php line 113:                                          

    Palette "default" not found in table "tl_calendar_events"

See here for example.

In order to keep a soft dependency on contao/calendar-bundle the DCA changes for instance should only be applied, if the ContaoCalendarBundle is actually present.

Btw. keep in mind that newer Contao versions have more palettes in tl_calendar_events, not just default.

coastforge-cro commented 3 years ago

Thank you for reporting. This and similiar errors will be fixed in the next release, coming this week.