Kuingsmile / word-GPT-Plus

Word GPT Plus is a word add-in which integrates the chatGPT model into Microsoft Word. Both official and web api is supported.
MIT License
629 stars 97 forks source link

[Bug]: #36

Closed artrusx closed 5 months ago

artrusx commented 5 months ago

前置阅读 | Pre-reading

服务类型 | Service Type

Official hosted service

系统信息 | System Information


Office 版本 | Office Version

microsoft 365

问题重现 | Bug reproduce

The ForwardDomain parameter is not applied because of an error in this line. The correct name of the parameter is "baseURL". const config = { apiKey, baseURL: basePath, dangerouslyAllowBrowser: true }

Kuingsmile commented 5 months ago

Thanks,this has been fixed.