Kukunin / webgl-scrypt

WebGL Scrypt implementation
GNU General Public License v2.0
33 stars 5 forks source link

Combine with scrypt-async-js? #1

Closed taoeffect closed 9 years ago

taoeffect commented 9 years ago

Very cool library! It doesn't seem to work (getting mismatches in the console), but still really awesome!

Would you consider combining this work with scrypt-async-js? See also corresponding issue I just made there.

Kukunin commented 9 years ago

Thank you for interest. Unfortunately, this project is just "proof of concept", and it proves, that WebGL is too slow for scrypt for now. There is limit on shader size, and you can't make much work in one draw call. So, there are about 150 000 draw calls to calculate scrypt. Every draw call is slow operation.

We need to wait support of native it operations, compute_shader extension etc. Or wide support of WebCL.

So, no development for now.

taoeffect commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the update @Kukunin. Still, great work! I'm very interested in what you've done, and do hope that those native extensions make it into browsers soon.

Kukunin commented 9 years ago
