Kulturnilpferd / BeardleysDiabloOrbsClassic

A WoW UI overhaul for WoW Classic
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Can't see pets(hunter or warlock) actionbars #4

Open batoloc0 opened 4 years ago

batoloc0 commented 4 years ago

I don't know if is a bug, but I try everything to fix still no luck :(, hope you can help me, thanks in advance

Velladonna commented 4 years ago

I can second this issue, I am a warlock and cannot see my minion's action bars. Would appreciate a fix for this, because I otherwise love the ui.

bfm1977 commented 3 years ago

Similar to when a priest mind controls. Cannot see the pet bar.

Teknishun7 commented 2 years ago

The pet bar art should show up behind the top of the health orb…ish but it won’t have any pet buttons on it. The code seems to set the pet button points independantly of the the bar so it looks like they will be below the bottom of the screen.

I’m guessing that classic (era and possibly TBC) manages the bottom bars, art etc. differently to the original Blizzard code the addon was designed for (I don’t use these parts of the stock UI so…).

As a quick (untested doing anything other than standing in a city) workaround I commented out all the PetActionButtonxxx changes and modified the PetActionBarFrame positioning section to:

--  PetActionBarFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOM", UIParent, "BOTTOM",-77,194)
    PetActionBarFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", MainMenuExpBar, "TOPLEFT", -12, 50)
--  PetActionBarFrame.ignoreFramePositionManager = true
    PetActionBarFrame.SetPoint = function() end
    PetActionBarFrame.SetSize = function() end
    PetActionBarFrame.SetWidth = function() end
    PetActionBarFrame.SetHeight = function() end

I would consider this more for show but it might be ok until someone who knows the addon and the stock code provides better.