Open longddd-blink opened 1 year ago
The command to run a trained model on a video should look like this:
python3 -u /pose-est-env/deep-hres-net/tools/ --model-file "/pose-est-env/pose-est-model.pth" "/pose-est-env/pose-est-conf.yaml" "[Input_video.avi]" "[Output_pose_est_v2.h5]"
This happens to be the command using our singularity image -- which includes this code repository and our trained model inside it. If you don't use the singularity image, deep-hres-net/tools/
is this file.
If I prepare a mouse gait video test.avi
, how can I use this model to start behavioral prediction? Are there any specific steps?
@jacobbeierle has been working on a star protocols report for going from video to gait, which we will link in this repository when it's ready.
The major steps are
python3 --batch-file ~/my-experiment-batch.txt --root-dir ~/my-experiment-pose-dir --out-file ~/my-experiment-gait.h5
python --gait-h5 ~/my-experiment-gait.h5 --speed speed-bin > ~/filename.csv
There's a lot of other minor steps to make sure your videos can work well with our pose network alongside a variety of tools related to the gait analysis. Right now all the features are listed behind python <> --help
. I'll be sure to ping this thread when the star protocols document becomes public.
Thanks for the instructions, so I need to use deep-hrnet-mouse
repository to generate Output_pose_est_v2.h5
corresponding to Input_video.avi
In the first step.
I used your instruction in the first comment, but I encountered an error of dimension mismatch, so what pre-work should done with my input videos?
I wasn't the initial author of this repository, so I'm not as experienced with troubleshooting errors that it produces. However, the video data we send into it is 480x480. I don't know if this is a requirement of the network, however.
We use ffmpeg to pre-process the video, but any other software that can crop and scale the video should work.
ffmpeg -i <input.avi> -c:v mpeg4 -q 0 -vf 'scale=480:480' <output.avi>
Note that if your input video is not square, that command will stretch the video. To solve that, you will need to add in a crop operation (eg -vf 'crop=out_w:out_h:x:y,scale=480:480'
If that doesn't help, please add the exact command with error log along with the pixel resolution of the video you're trying to use.
Thank you. It's very helpful!
What tools' scripts should I start running to generate pose_est_v2 files for JABS ?