Open ykhedar opened 8 years ago
This file is supposed to be auto-generated and placed in your catkin devel folder.
Okay thanks.
Hi Chao, I was able to compile the package along with the camera_base package. Now first I am launching the node as specified in the readme. I have changed the IP of the camera in the node.launch & nodelet.launch file to my cameras IP. But when I launch the node.launch I get a warning that calib URL not found.
NODES / thermal (flir_gige/flir_gige_node)
core service [/rosout] found process[thermal-1]: started with pid [9153] [ INFO] [1465310797.259526291]: /thermal: Initializing reconfigure server [ INFO] [1465310798.986901458]: using default calibration URL [ INFO] [1465310798.987011439]: camera calibration URL: file:///home/ankommen/.ros/camera_info/flir_ax5.yaml [ INFO] [1465310798.987084606]: Unable to open camera calibration file [/home/ankommen/.ros/camera_info/flir_ax5.yaml] [ WARN] [1465310798.987119291]: Camera calibration file /home/ankommen/.ros/camera_info/flir_ax5.yaml not found.`
Now after this nothing happens. If this is not a problem how do I see the images from my camera.
The camera node is publishing the images, which I was able to sibscribe to using image_view package. So I think I will read something about calibration thing. But it would be great if you could guide me to, how do I reconfigure my device.
The loading of calibration file is handled by camera info manager. If there is a calibration file, it will be loaded, otherwise a default one will be published. If you don't need the calibration, then you can just let it be and there's no problem in image acquisition. However, if you do need to calibrate the thermal camera for some purposes (say overlay that onto color image) then you need to make a special calibration board and calibrate the thermal camera using ros camera calibration.
Thanks a lot for your quick revert.
Hi, Is it necessary to calibrate the camera before using this code? Because when i try to subscribe to processed image i get the error that camera is not calibrated. Below is the error msg with launch information. ` ankommen@ankommen-desktop:~/catkin_ws$ roslaunch flir_gige thermal_proc.launch ... logging to /home/ankommen/.ros/log/41c59ace-317b-11e6-91ba-b8aeed79a944/roslaunch-ankommen-desktop-16751.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://ankommen-desktop:46843/
NODES /thermal/ thermal_proc (flir_gige/thermal_proc_node)
core service [/rosout] found process[thermal/thermal_proc-1]: started with pid [16769] [ INFO] [1465834188.941318645]: /thermal/thermal_proc: Initializaing reconfigure server [ERROR] [1465834357.187511920]: Topic '/thermal/image_proc' requested but camera publishing '/thermal/camera_info' is uncalibrated `
The thermal proc node does the following thing:
Thanks for the clarification. I was able to run the thermal node for visualisation but my doubt still is, do we really need camera calibration (I am using FLIR A65X camera)? Since this is a thermal camera the calibration picture generated won't be recognised by it. I tried it and the camera was not able to find black dots from the image.
I was using camera calibration to store some constants required to convert 16-bit raw to temperature. I'm not sure those constants will remain the same or not, thus I put put them in calibration. If you never need the actually temperature from the camera, then I assume camera calibration info is not needed.
Okay, I understand now. I will be using the default values of B,F,O,.....constants since I guess the temperature accuracy won't be that bad for my application. I will re-visit the calibration issue later, if required. Thanks for your help, really appreciate it.
FlirGigeDynConfig.h is missing from the master branch.