KumarRobotics / msckf_vio

Robust Stereo Visual Inertial Odometry for Fast Autonomous Flight
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Question abot EUROC dataset groundtruth #110

Closed jingshaojing closed 3 years ago

jingshaojing commented 3 years ago

FOR v1_01_easy.zip dataset, the groundtruth as explained is :..\V1_01_easy\mav0\vicon0\data.csv, however what about V1_01_easy\mav0\state_groundtruth_estimate0\data.csv, as named it is also a groundtruth, and someone use this to compare s-msckf reslult to groundtruth with EVO tool, as sensor yaml explained the latter: "sensor_type: visual-inertial comment: The nonlinear least-squares batch solution over the Vicon pose and IMU measurements including time offset estimation." So, which one I should to use? or either one will do?

jingshaojing commented 3 years ago

Another question is I use matlab to compare result with vicon grundtruth, but result begin with (0,0,0), vicon begin with another position ,so I think I shoule change the initial for IMU accordind to the timestamp? So ,I want to know my idea is right or not?