KumarRobotics / msckf_vio

Robust Stereo Visual Inertial Odometry for Fast Autonomous Flight
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hi, about the coordinator of left camera #118

Closed ynma-hanvo closed 2 years ago

ynma-hanvo commented 2 years ago

hello , everyone, I am not sure how do i get the cam0 coordinator( orientation and position) with respect to world; as the IMUState only got the coordinator for imu: //================================================ // Orientation // Take a vector from the world frame to // the IMU (body) frame. Eigen::Vector4d orientation;

// Position of the IMU (body) frame // in the world frame. Eigen::Vector3d position; //=================================== suppose I have a fixed transformation for cam_to_imu as T_cam_imu (kalibr result); how i can do it with eigen ? thanks for you answer;

ke-sun commented 2 years ago

You could simply multiply the two frames, T_world_lcam = T_world_imu * T_imu_lcam T_world_imu is estimated by the software. T_imu_lcam is in the calibration file.