KunaalKumar / Sugsn

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Tabbed Fragment Memory Leaks #13

Closed KunaalKumar closed 5 years ago

KunaalKumar commented 5 years ago
In com.kunaalkumar.suggsn:1.0:1.
* com.kunaalkumar.suggsn.movies.Popular has leaked:
* InputMethodManager$ControlledInputConnectionWrapper.mParentInputMethodManager
* ↳ InputMethodManager.mCurRootView
* ↳ DecorView.mAttachInfo
* ↳ View$AttachInfo.mScrollContainers
* ↳ ArrayList.elementData
* ↳ array Object[].[0]
* ↳ RecyclerView.mParent
* ↳ ViewPager.!(mAdapter)!
* ↳ TabsPagerAdapter.!(fragmentList)!
* ↳ ArrayList.!(elementData)!
* ↳ array Object[].!([0])!
* ↳ Popular

* Reference Key: f801be6e-b3c3-46e2-bbd4-53531720f7b2
* Device: Google google Android SDK built for x86 sdk_gphone_x86
* Android Version: 9 API: 28 LeakCanary: 1.6.3 31007b4
* Durations: watch=5218ms, gc=150ms, heap dump=3002ms, analysis=10212ms

* Details:
* Instance of android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$ControlledInputConnectionWrapper
|   static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 5
|   static $class$classSize = 396
|   static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = 755
|   static $class$iFields = 1879486024
|   static $class$objectSize = 48
|   static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class
|   static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@1875099976 (0x6fc3c148)
|   static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 1
|   static $class$name = "android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$ControlledInputConnectionWrapper"
|   static $class$sFields = 0
|   static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 536870912
|   static $class$classFlags = 0
|   static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[6]@1875948928 (0x6fd0b580)
|   static $class$methods = 1880402588
|   static $class$accessFlags = 524288
|   static $class$dexTypeIndex = 4904
|   static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 1
|   static $class$status = -536870912
|   static $classOverhead = byte[272]@1876101985 (0x6fd30b61)
|   static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 0
|   static $class$vtable = null
|   static $class$primitiveType = 131072
|   static $class$clinitThreadId = 0
|   static $class$superClass = com.android.internal.view.IInputConnectionWrapper
|   static $class$componentType = null
|   static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 48
|   static $class$extData = null
|   static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 6083
|   static $class$classLoader = null
|   mParentInputMethodManager = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager@315183032 (0x12c94fb8)
|   mFinished = false
|   mH = com.android.internal.view.IInputConnectionWrapper$MyHandler@316617280 (0x12df3240)
|   mInputConnection = android.view.inputmethod.BaseInputConnection@316617312 (0x12df3260)
|   mLock = java.lang.Object@316617344 (0x12df3280)
|   mMainLooper = android.os.Looper@315098200 (0x12c80458)
|   mDescriptor = "com.android.internal.view.IInputContext"
|   mObject = 3693761248
|   mOwner = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$ControlledInputConnectionWrapper@315231552 (0x12ca0d40)
|   shadow$_klass_ = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$ControlledInputConnectionWrapper
|   shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Instance of android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager
|   static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 103
|   static $class$classSize = 645
|   static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = 2097151
|   static DISPATCH_HANDLED = 1
|   static $class$objectSize = 128
|   static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 21
|   static $class$name = "android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager"
|   static MSG_UNBIND = 3
|   static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[0]@1873861472 (0x6fb0db60)
|   static DISPATCH_IN_PROGRESS = -1
|   static HIDE_IMPLICIT_ONLY = 1
|   static $class$accessFlags = 524305
|   static RESULT_HIDDEN = 3
|   static SHOW_FORCED = 2
|   static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 19
|   static $class$status = -536870912
|   static RESULT_SHOWN = 2
|   static $classOverhead = byte[384]@1876048073 (0x6fd238c9)
|   static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 3
|   static DEBUG = false
|   static MSG_BIND = 2
|   static $class$clinitThreadId = 0
|   static $class$superClass = java.lang.Object
|   static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 128
|   static sInstance = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager@315183032 (0x12c94fb8)
|   static PENDING_EVENT_COUNTER = "aq:imm"
|   static $class$iFields = 1880218568
|   static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class
|   static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@1875099976 (0x6fc3c148)
|   static CONTROL_START_INITIAL = 256
|   static $class$sFields = 1880218020
|   static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 1841501684
|   static $class$classFlags = 0
|   static SHOW_IMPLICIT = 1
|   static TAG = "InputMethodManager"
|   static $class$methods = 1882037744
|   static MSG_SEND_INPUT_EVENT = 5
|   static HIDE_NOT_ALWAYS = 2
|   static $class$dexTypeIndex = 4909
|   static $class$vtable = null
|   static $class$primitiveType = 131072
|   static MSG_SET_ACTIVE = 4
|   static $class$componentType = null
|   static $class$extData = null
|   static MSG_DUMP = 1
|   static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 2166
|   static $class$classLoader = null
|   static MSG_FLUSH_INPUT_EVENT = 7
|   mActive = true
|   mBindSequence = 236
|   mClient = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$1@315231600 (0x12ca0d70)
|   mCompletions = null
|   mCurChannel = android.view.InputChannel@316636792 (0x12df7e78)
|   mCurId = "com.google.android.inputmethod.latin/com.android.inputmethod.latin.LatinIME"
|   mCurMethod = com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodSession$Stub$Proxy@316636904 (0x12df7ee8)
|   mCurRootView = com.android.internal.policy.DecorView@315109824 (0x12c831c0)
|   mCurSender = null
|   mCurrentTextBoxAttribute = android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@316636920 (0x12df7ef8)
|   mCursorAnchorInfo = null
|   mCursorCandEnd = 0
|   mCursorCandStart = 0
|   mCursorRect = android.graphics.Rect@316636992 (0x12df7f40)
|   mCursorSelEnd = 0
|   mCursorSelStart = 0
|   mDummyInputConnection = android.view.inputmethod.BaseInputConnection@316617312 (0x12df3260)
|   mFullscreenMode = false
|   mH = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$H@316637016 (0x12df7f58)
|   mIInputContext = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$ControlledInputConnectionWrapper@315231552 (0x12ca0d40)
|   mLastSentUserActionNotificationSequenceNumber = -1
|   mMainLooper = android.os.Looper@315098200 (0x12c80458)
|   mNextServedView = com.android.internal.policy.DecorView@315109824 (0x12c831c0)
|   mNextUserActionNotificationSequenceNumber = 5
|   mPendingEventPool = android.util.Pools$SimplePool@316637048 (0x12df7f78)
|   mPendingEvents = android.util.SparseArray@316637064 (0x12df7f88)
|   mRequestUpdateCursorAnchorInfoMonitorMode = 0
|   mRestartOnNextWindowFocus = false
|   mServedConnecting = false
|   mServedInputConnectionWrapper = null
|   mServedView = com.android.internal.policy.DecorView@315109824 (0x12c831c0)
|   mService = com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodManager$Stub$Proxy@316637088 (0x12df7fa0)
|   mTmpCursorRect = android.graphics.Rect@316637104 (0x12df7fb0)
|   shadow$_klass_ = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager
|   shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Instance of com.android.internal.policy.DecorView
|   static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 129
|   static DEBUG_MEASURE = false
|   static $class$classSize = 4162
|   static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = -1073741824
|   static $class$iFields = 1880130560
|   static $class$objectSize = 851
|   static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class
|   static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@1875099976 (0x6fc3c148)
|   static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 35
|   static $class$name = "com.android.internal.policy.DecorView"
|   static $class$sFields = 1880130428
|   static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 536870912
|   static $class$classFlags = 0
|   static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[14]@1875327608 (0x6fc73a78)
|   static TAG = "DecorView"
|   static $class$methods = 1881842260
|   static $class$accessFlags = 524289
|   static $class$dexTypeIndex = 6605
|   static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 59
|   static PIP_OUTLINE_PROVIDER = com.android.internal.policy.DecorView$1@1875327720 (0x6fc73ae8)
|   static $class$status = -536870912
|   static $classOverhead = byte[4012]@1877138177 (0x6fe2db01)
|   static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 4
|   static $class$vtable = null
|   static $class$primitiveType = 131072
|   static $class$clinitThreadId = 0
|   static $class$superClass = android.widget.FrameLayout
|   static SWEEP_OPEN_MENU = false
|   static STATUS_BAR_COLOR_VIEW_ATTRIBUTES = com.android.internal.policy.DecorView$ColorViewAttributes@1875327728 (0x6fc73af0)
|   static $class$componentType = null
|   static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 856
|   static $class$extData = null
|   static NAVIGATION_BAR_COLOR_VIEW_ATTRIBUTES = com.android.internal.policy.DecorView$ColorViewAttributes@1875327680 (0x6fc73ac0)
|   static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 6150
|   static $class$classLoader = null
|   mAllowUpdateElevation = true
|   mApplyFloatingHorizontalInsets = false
|   mApplyFloatingVerticalInsets = false
|   mAvailableWidth = 1078.875
|   mBackdropFrameRenderer = null
|   mBackgroundFallback = com.android.internal.widget.BackgroundFallback@315250248 (0x12ca5648)
|   mBackgroundPadding = android.graphics.Rect@315250264 (0x12ca5658)
|   mBarEnterExitDuration = 250
|   mCaptionBackgroundDrawable = null
|   mChanging = false
|   mContentRoot = android.widget.LinearLayout@315109144 (0x12c82f18)
|   mDecorCaptionView = null
|   mDefaultOpacity = -1
|   mDownY = 0
|   mDrawingBounds = android.graphics.Rect@315250288 (0x12ca5670)
|   mElevationAdjustedForStack = false
|   mFadeAnim = null
|   mFeatureId = -1
|   mFloatingActionMode = null
|   mFloatingActionModeOriginatingView = null
|   mFloatingInsets = android.graphics.Rect@315250312 (0x12ca5688)
|   mFloatingToolbar = null
|   mFloatingToolbarPreDrawListener = null
|   mForceWindowDrawsStatusBarBackground = true
|   mFrameOffsets = android.graphics.Rect@315250336 (0x12ca56a0)
|   mFramePadding = android.graphics.Rect@315250360 (0x12ca56b8)
|   mHasCaption = false
|   mHideInterpolator = android.view.animation.PathInterpolator@315250384 (0x12ca56d0)
|   mHorizontalResizeShadowPaint = android.graphics.Paint@315250408 (0x12ca56e8)
|   mIsInPictureInPictureMode = false
|   mLastBackgroundDrawableCb = null
|   mLastBottomInset = 126
|   mLastHasBottomStableInset = true
|   mLastHasLeftStableInset = false
|   mLastHasRightStableInset = false
|   mLastHasTopStableInset = true
|   mLastLeftInset = 0
|   mLastOutlineProvider = null
|   mLastRightInset = 0
|   mLastShouldAlwaysConsumeNavBar = false
|   mLastTopInset = 63
|   mLastWindowFlags = -2122252032
|   mLogTag = "DecorView[]"
|   mMenuBackground = null
|   mNavigationColorViewState = com.android.internal.policy.DecorView$ColorViewState@315250544 (0x12ca5770)
|   mOutsets = android.graphics.Rect@315250576 (0x12ca5790)
|   mPrimaryActionMode = null
|   mPrimaryActionModePopup = null
|   mPrimaryActionModeView = null
|   mResizeMode = -1
|   mResizeShadowSize = 13
|   mResizingBackgroundDrawable = android.graphics.drawable.ColorDrawable@315250600 (0x12ca57a8)
|   mRootScrollY = 0
|   mSemiTransparentStatusBarColor = 1711276032
|   mShowInterpolator = android.view.animation.PathInterpolator@315250656 (0x12ca57e0)
|   mShowPrimaryActionModePopup = null
|   mStatusColorViewState = com.android.internal.policy.DecorView$ColorViewState@315250680 (0x12ca57f8)
|   mStatusGuard = null
|   mTempRect = null
|   mUserCaptionBackgroundDrawable = null
|   mVerticalResizeShadowPaint = android.graphics.Paint@315250712 (0x12ca5818)
|   mWatchingForMenu = false
|   mWindow = com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow@315250816 (0x12ca5880)
|   mWindowResizeCallbacksAdded = true
|   mForegroundPaddingBottom = 0
|   mForegroundPaddingLeft = 0
|   mForegroundPaddingRight = 0
|   mForegroundPaddingTop = 0
|   mMatchParentChildren = java.util.ArrayList@315251192 (0x12ca59f8)
|   mMeasureAllChildren = false
|   mAnimationListener = null
|   mCachePaint = null
|   mChildCountWithTransientState = 0
|   mChildTransformation = null
|   mChildUnhandledKeyListeners = 0
|   mChildren = android.view.View[12]@315127776 (0x12c877e0)
|   mChildrenCount = 3
|   mChildrenInterestedInDrag = null
|   mCurrentDragChild = null
|   mCurrentDragStartEvent = null
|   mDefaultFocus = null
|   mDisappearingChildren = null
|   mFirstHoverTarget = null
|   mFirstTouchTarget = null
|   mFocused = null
|   mFocusedInCluster = null
|   mGroupFlags = 2375763
|   mHoveredSelf = false
|   mInvalidateRegion = null
|   mInvalidationTransformation = null
|   mIsInterestedInDrag = false
|   mLastTouchDownIndex = 0
|   mLastTouchDownTime = 101370468
|   mLastTouchDownX = 574.9695
|   mLastTouchDownY = 1399.9219
|   mLayoutAnimationController = null
|   mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false
|   mLayoutMode = -1
|   mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$4@315251216 (0x12ca5a10)
|   mLocalPoint = null
|   mNestedScrollAxes = 0
|   mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null
|   mPersistentDrawingCache = 2
|   mPreSortedChildren = null
|   mSuppressLayout = false
|   mTempPoint = float[2]@315251232 (0x12ca5a20)
|   mTooltipHoverTarget = null
|   mTooltipHoveredSelf = false
|   mTransientIndices = null
|   mTransientViews = null
|   mTransition = null
|   mTransitioningViews = null
|   mVisibilityChangingChildren = null
|   mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1
|   mAccessibilityDelegate = null
|   mAccessibilityPaneTitle = null
|   mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1
|   mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1
|   mAccessibilityViewId = -1
|   mAnimator = null
|   mAttachInfo = android.view.View$AttachInfo@315098624 (0x12c80600)
|   mAttributes = null
|   mAutofillHints = null
|   mAutofillId = null
|   mAutofillViewId = -1
|   mBackground = android.graphics.drawable.ColorDrawable@315250600 (0x12ca57a8)
|   mBackgroundRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@315251256 (0x12ca5a38)
|   mBackgroundResource = 0
|   mBackgroundSizeChanged = false
|   mBackgroundTint = null
|   mBottom = 1920
|   mCachingFailed = false
|   mClipBounds = null
|   mContentDescription = null
|   mContext = com.android.internal.policy.DecorContext@315232016 (0x12ca0f10)
|   mCurrentAnimation = null
|   mDefaultFocusHighlight = null
|   mDefaultFocusHighlightCache = null
|   mDefaultFocusHighlightEnabled = true
|   mDefaultFocusHighlightSizeChanged = true
|   mDrawableState = int[3]@1875802088 (0x6fce77e8)
|   mDrawingCache = null
|   mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0
|   mFloatingTreeObserver = null
|   mForegroundInfo = null
|   mFrameMetricsObservers = null
|   mGhostView = null
|   mHasPerformedLongPress = false
|   mID = -1
|   mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false
|   mInContextButtonPress = false
|   mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null
|   mKeyedTags = null
|   mLabelForId = -1
|   mLastIsOpaque = true
|   mLayerPaint = null
|   mLayerType = 0
|   mLayoutInsets = null
|   mLayoutParams = android.view.WindowManager$LayoutParams@315251280 (0x12ca5a50)
|   mLeft = 0
|   mLeftPaddingDefined = true
|   mListenerInfo = null
|   mLongClickX = NaN
|   mLongClickY = NaN
|   mMatchIdPredicate = null
|   mMatchLabelForPredicate = null
|   mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@315251464 (0x12ca5b08)
|   mMeasuredHeight = 1920
|   mMeasuredWidth = 1080
|   mMinHeight = 0
|   mMinWidth = 0
|   mNestedScrollingParent = null
|   mNextClusterForwardId = -1
|   mNextFocusDownId = -1
|   mNextFocusForwardId = -1
|   mNextFocusLeftId = -1
|   mNextFocusRightId = -1
|   mNextFocusUpId = -1
|   mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 1073743744
|   mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742904
|   mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1875257864 (0x6fc62a08)
|   mOverScrollMode = 1
|   mOverlay = null
|   mPaddingBottom = 0
|   mPaddingLeft = 0
|   mPaddingRight = 0
|   mPaddingTop = 0
|   mParent = android.view.ViewRootImpl@315097256 (0x12c800a8)
|   mPendingCheckForLongPress = null
|   mPendingCheckForTap = null
|   mPerformClick = null
|   mPointerIcon = null
|   mPrivateFlags = 25200696
|   mPrivateFlags2 = 1611867680
|   mPrivateFlags3 = 536870916
|   mRecreateDisplayList = false
|   mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@315127752 (0x12c877c8)
|   mResources = android.content.res.Resources@315235616 (0x12ca1d20)
|   mRight = 1080
|   mRightPaddingDefined = true
|   mRoundScrollbarRenderer = null
|   mRunQueue = null
|   mScrollCache = null
|   mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null
|   mScrollX = 0
|   mScrollY = 0
|   mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null
|   mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false
|   mStartActivityRequestWho = null
|   mStateListAnimator = null
|   mSystemUiVisibility = 8208
|   mTag = null
|   mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null
|   mTooltipInfo = null
|   mTop = 0
|   mTouchDelegate = null
|   mTouchSlop = 21
|   mTransformationInfo = null
|   mTransientStateCount = 0
|   mTransitionName = null
|   mUnscaledDrawingCache = null
|   mUnsetPressedState = null
|   mUserPaddingBottom = 0
|   mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648
|   mUserPaddingLeft = 0
|   mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0
|   mUserPaddingRight = 0
|   mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0
|   mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648
|   mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0
|   mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0
|   mViewFlags = 402655376
|   mVisibilityChangeForAutofillHandler = null
|   mWindowAttachCount = 1
|   shadow$_klass_ = com.android.internal.policy.DecorView
|   shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Instance of android.view.View$AttachInfo
|   static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 1
|   static $class$classSize = 172
|   static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = -1073741824
|   static $class$iFields = 1880185264
|   static $class$objectSize = 257
|   static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class
|   static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@1875099976 (0x6fc3c148)
|   static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 45
|   static $class$name = "android.view.View$AttachInfo"
|   static $class$sFields = 0
|   static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 536870912
|   static $class$classFlags = 0
|   static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[0]@1873861472 (0x6fb0db60)
|   static $class$methods = 1881966056
|   static $class$accessFlags = 524304
|   static $class$dexTypeIndex = 4537
|   static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 1
|   static $class$status = -536870912
|   static $classOverhead = byte[48]@1877221761 (0x6fe42181)
|   static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 0
|   static $class$vtable = null
|   static $class$primitiveType = 131072
|   static $class$clinitThreadId = 0
|   static $class$superClass = java.lang.Object
|   static $class$componentType = null
|   static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 264
|   static $class$extData = null
|   static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 1943
|   static $class$classLoader = null
|   mAccessibilityFetchFlags = 0
|   mAccessibilityFocusDrawable = null
|   mAccessibilityWindowId = -1
|   mAlwaysConsumeNavBar = false
|   mApplicationScale = 1.0
|   mAutofilledDrawable = null
|   mCanvas = null
|   mContentInsets = android.graphics.Rect@315127600 (0x12c87730)
|   mDebugLayout = false
|   mDisabledSystemUiVisibility = 0
|   mDisplay = android.view.Display@315117896 (0x12c85148)
|   mDisplayCutout = android.view.DisplayCutout$ParcelableWrapper@315234408 (0x12ca1868)
|   mDisplayState = 2
|   mDragSurface = null
|   mDragToken = null
|   mDrawingTime = 101371025
|   mEmptyPartialLayoutViews = null
|   mForceReportNewAttributes = false
|   mGivenInternalInsets = android.view.ViewTreeObserver$InternalInsetsInfo@315234424 (0x12ca1878)
|   mGlobalSystemUiVisibility = -1
|   mHandler = android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler@315110704 (0x12c83530)
|   mHandlingPointerEvent = false
|   mHardwareAccelerated = true
|   mHardwareAccelerationRequested = true
|   mHasNonEmptyGivenInternalInsets = false
|   mHasSystemUiListeners = false
|   mHasWindowFocus = true
|   mIWindowId = android.view.IWindowId$Stub$Proxy@315234448 (0x12ca1890)
|   mIgnoreDirtyState = false
|   mInTouchMode = true
|   mInvalidateChildLocation = int[2]@315234464 (0x12ca18a0)
|   mKeepScreenOn = false
|   mKeyDispatchState = android.view.KeyEvent$DispatcherState@315234488 (0x12ca18b8)
|   mNeedsUpdateLightCenter = false
|   mOutsets = android.graphics.Rect@315234512 (0x12ca18d0)
|   mOverscanInsets = android.graphics.Rect@315234536 (0x12ca18e8)
|   mOverscanRequested = false
|   mPanelParentWindowToken = null
|   mPartialLayoutViews = java.util.ArrayList@315234560 (0x12ca1900)
|   mPendingAnimatingRenderNodes = null
|   mPoint = android.graphics.Point@315234584 (0x12ca1918)
|   mRecomputeGlobalAttributes = false
|   mRootCallbacks = android.view.ViewRootImpl@315097256 (0x12c800a8)
|   mRootView = com.android.internal.policy.DecorView@315109824 (0x12c831c0)
|   mScalingRequired = false
|   mScrollContainers = java.util.ArrayList@315234600 (0x12ca1928)
|   mSession = android.view.IWindowSession$Stub$Proxy@315182584 (0x12c94df8)
|   mSetIgnoreDirtyState = false
|   mStableInsets = android.graphics.Rect@315234624 (0x12ca1940)
|   mSystemUiVisibility = 8208
|   mTempArrayList = java.util.ArrayList@315234648 (0x12ca1958)
|   mThreadedRenderer = android.view.ThreadedRenderer@315117640 (0x12c85048)
|   mTmpInvalRect = android.graphics.Rect@315105776 (0x12c821f0)
|   mTmpLocation = int[2]@315234672 (0x12ca1970)
|   mTmpMatrix = android.graphics.Matrix@315234696 (0x12ca1988)
|   mTmpOutline = android.graphics.Outline@315234712 (0x12ca1998)
|   mTmpRectList = java.util.ArrayList@315234744 (0x12ca19b8)
|   mTmpTransformLocation = float[2]@315234768 (0x12ca19d0)
|   mTmpTransformRect = android.graphics.RectF@315234792 (0x12ca19e8)
|   mTmpTransformRect1 = android.graphics.RectF@315234816 (0x12ca1a00)
|   mTmpTransformation = android.view.animation.Transformation@315234840 (0x12ca1a18)
|   mTooltipHost = null
|   mTransparentLocation = int[2]@315234872 (0x12ca1a38)
|   mTreeObserver = android.view.ViewTreeObserver@315118704 (0x12c85470)
|   mUnbufferedDispatchRequested = false
|   mUse32BitDrawingCache = true
|   mViewRequestingLayout = null
|   mViewRootImpl = android.view.ViewRootImpl@315097256 (0x12c800a8)
|   mViewScrollChanged = false
|   mViewVisibilityChanged = false
|   mVisibleInsets = android.graphics.Rect@315127624 (0x12c87748)
|   mWindow = android.view.ViewRootImpl$W@315231496 (0x12ca0d08)
|   mWindowId = android.view.WindowId@315234896 (0x12ca1a50)
|   mWindowLeft = 0
|   mWindowToken = android.view.ViewRootImpl$W@315231496 (0x12ca0d08)
|   mWindowTop = 0
|   mWindowVisibility = 0
|   shadow$_klass_ = android.view.View$AttachInfo
|   shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Instance of java.util.ArrayList
|   static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 46
|   static $class$classSize = 328
|   static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = 2
|   static serialVersionUID = 8683452581122892189
|   static $class$iFields = 1871411208
|   static EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA = java.lang.Object[0]@1872681024 (0x6f9ed840)
|   static $class$objectSize = 20
|   static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class
|   static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@1870221552 (0x6f7950f0)
|   static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 1
|   static $class$name = "java.util.ArrayList"
|   static $class$sFields = 1871411124
|   static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 536870912
|   static $class$classFlags = 0
|   static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[12]@1870521032 (0x6f7de2c8)
|   static $class$methods = 1871549508
|   static $class$accessFlags = 524289
|   static $class$dexTypeIndex = 1417
|   static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 15
|   static $class$status = -536870912
|   static $classOverhead = byte[180]@1870550009 (0x6f7e53f9)
|   static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 2
|   static $class$vtable = null
|   static $class$primitiveType = 131072
|   static DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10
|   static $class$clinitThreadId = 0
|   static $class$superClass = java.util.AbstractList
|   static $class$componentType = null
|   static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 24
|   static MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = 2147483639
|   static $class$extData = null
|   static DEFAULTCAPACITY_EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA = java.lang.Object[0]@1875255248 (0x6fc61fd0)
|   static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 3077
|   static $class$classLoader = null
|   elementData = java.lang.Object[10]@316587544 (0x12debe18)
|   size = 2
|   modCount = 10
|   shadow$_klass_ = java.util.ArrayList
|   shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Array of java.lang.Object[]
|   [0] = androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView@315130064 (0x12c880d0)
|   [1] = androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView@315130952 (0x12c88448)
|   [2] = null
|   [3] = null
|   [4] = null
|   [5] = null
|   [6] = null
|   [7] = null
|   [8] = null
|   [9] = null
* Instance of androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView
|   static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 231
|   static sQuinticInterpolator = androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$3@316250248 (0x12d99888)
|   static $class$classSize = 4625
|   static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = -1073741824
|   static TOUCH_SLOP_DEFAULT = 0
|   static TRACE_CREATE_VIEW_TAG = "RV CreateView"
|   static $class$objectSize = 864
|   static NO_POSITION = -1
|   static ALLOW_THREAD_GAP_WORK = true
|   static TRACE_BIND_VIEW_TAG = "RV OnBindView"
|   static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 43
|   static $class$name = "androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView"
|   static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[18]@316483712 (0x12dd2880)
|   static $class$accessFlags = 524289
|   static HORIZONTAL = 0
|   static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 45
|   static $class$status = -536870912
|   static $classOverhead = byte[4376]@315398209 (0x12cc9841)
|   static MAX_SCROLL_DURATION = 2000
|   static SCROLL_STATE_IDLE = 0
|   static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 13
|   static DEBUG = false
|   static TRACE_NESTED_PREFETCH_TAG = "RV Nested Prefetch"
|   static $class$clinitThreadId = 12247
|   static $class$superClass = android.view.ViewGroup
|   static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 864
|   static NO_ID = -1
|   static TRACE_ON_LAYOUT_TAG = "RV OnLayout"
|   static TRACE_HANDLE_ADAPTER_UPDATES_TAG = "RV PartialInvalidate"
|   static DISPATCH_TEMP_DETACH = false
|   static FOREVER_NS = 9223372036854775807
|   static TRACE_PREFETCH_TAG = "RV Prefetch"
|   static TRACE_SCROLL_TAG = "RV Scroll"
|   static $class$iFields = 3762508736
|   static VERBOSE_TRACING = false
|   static TRACE_ON_DATA_SET_CHANGE_LAYOUT_TAG = "RV FullInvalidate"
|   static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class
|   static VERTICAL = 1
|   static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@315129904 (0x12c88030)
|   static $class$sFields = 3762508152
|   static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 0
|   static $class$classFlags = 0
|   static CLIP_TO_PADDING_ATTR = int[1]@316483864 (0x12dd2918)
|   static NESTED_SCROLLING_ATTRS = int[1]@316483912 (0x12dd2948)
|   static TAG = "RecyclerView"
|   static $class$methods = 3762509912
|   static $class$dexTypeIndex = 2522
|   static TOUCH_SLOP_PAGING = 1
|   static $class$vtable = null
|   static $class$primitiveType = 131072
|   static INVALID_TYPE = -1
|   static $class$componentType = null
|   static $class$extData = null
|   static INVALID_POINTER = -1
|   static LAYOUT_MANAGER_CONSTRUCTOR_SIGNATURE = java.lang.Class[4]@316483880 (0x12dd2928)
|   static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 4746
|   static $class$classLoader = dalvik.system.PathClassLoader@315179528 (0x12c94208)
|   mAccessibilityDelegate = androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerViewAccessibilityDelegate@315488816 (0x12cdfa30)
|   mAccessibilityManager = android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager@315184248 (0x12c95478)
|   mAdapter = com.kunaalkumar.suggsn.results_components.ResultsAdapter@315488840 (0x12cdfa48)
|   mAdapterHelper = androidx.recyclerview.widget.AdapterHelper@315488872 (0x12cdfa68)
|   mAdapterUpdateDuringMeasure = false
|   mBottomGlow = null
|   mChildDrawingOrderCallback = null
|   mChildHelper = androidx.recyclerview.widget.ChildHelper@315488912 (0x12cdfa90)
|   mClipToPadding = true
|   mDataSetHasChangedAfterLayout = false
|   mDispatchItemsChangedEvent = false
|   mDispatchScrollCounter = 0
|   mEatenAccessibilityChangeFlags = 0
|   mEdgeEffectFactory = androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$EdgeEffectFactory@315488936 (0x12cdfaa8)
|   mEnableFastScroller = false
|   mFirstLayoutComplete = true
|   mGapWorker = androidx.recyclerview.widget.GapWorker@315488944 (0x12cdfab0)
|   mHasFixedSize = true
|   mIgnoreMotionEventTillDown = false
|   mInitialTouchX = 801
|   mInitialTouchY = 1016
|   mInterceptRequestLayoutDepth = 0
|   mInterceptingOnItemTouchListener = null
|   mIsAttached = true
|   mItemAnimator = androidx.recyclerview.widget.DefaultItemAnimator@315488976 (0x12cdfad0)
|   mItemAnimatorListener = androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$ItemAnimatorRestoreListener@315489072 (0x12cdfb30)
|   mItemAnimatorRunner = androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$2@315489088 (0x12cdfb40)
|   mItemDecorations = java.util.ArrayList@315489104 (0x12cdfb50)
|   mItemsAddedOrRemoved = false
|   mItemsChanged = false
|   mLastTouchX = 801
|   mLastTouchY = 1016
|   mLayout = androidx.recyclerview.widget.GridLayoutManager@315489128 (0x12cdfb68)
|   mLayoutFrozen = false
|   mLayoutOrScrollCounter = 0
|   mLayoutWasDefered = false
|   mLeftGlow = null
|   mMaxFlingVelocity = 21000
|   mMinFlingVelocity = 131
|   mMinMaxLayoutPositions = int[2]@315489264 (0x12cdfbf0)
|   mNestedOffsets = int[2]@315489288 (0x12cdfc08)
|   mObserver = androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$RecyclerViewDataObserver@315489312 (0x12cdfc20)
|   mOnChildAttachStateListeners = null
|   mOnFlingListener = null
|   mOnItemTouchListeners = java.util.ArrayList@315489328 (0x12cdfc30)
|   mPendingAccessibilityImportanceChange = java.util.ArrayList@315489352 (0x12cdfc48)
|   mPendingSavedState = null
|   mPostedAnimatorRunner = false
|   mPrefetchRegistry = androidx.recyclerview.widget.GapWorker$LayoutPrefetchRegistryImpl@315489376 (0x12cdfc60)
|   mPreserveFocusAfterLayout = true
|   mRecycler = androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$Recycler@315489400 (0x12cdfc78)
|   mRecyclerListener = null
|   mReusableIntPair = int[2]@315489448 (0x12cdfca8)
|   mRightGlow = null
|   mScaledHorizontalScrollFactor = 168.0
|   mScaledVerticalScrollFactor = 168.0
|   mScrollListener = null
|   mScrollListeners = java.util.ArrayList@315489472 (0x12cdfcc0)
|   mScrollOffset = int[2]@315489496 (0x12cdfcd8)
|   mScrollPointerId = 0
|   mScrollState = 0
|   mScrollingChildHelper = androidx.core.view.NestedScrollingChildHelper@315489520 (0x12cdfcf0)
|   mState = androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$State@315489552 (0x12cdfd10)
|   mTempRect = android.graphics.Rect@315489616 (0x12cdfd50)
|   mTempRect2 = android.graphics.Rect@315489640 (0x12cdfd68)
|   mTempRectF = android.graphics.RectF@315489664 (0x12cdfd80)
|   mTopGlow = null
|   mTouchSlop = 21
|   mUpdateChildViewsRunnable = androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$1@315489688 (0x12cdfd98)
|   mVelocityTracker = android.view.VelocityTracker@315489704 (0x12cdfda8)
|   mViewFlinger = androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$ViewFlinger@315489728 (0x12cdfdc0)
|   mViewInfoProcessCallback = androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$4@315489760 (0x12cdfde0)
|   mViewInfoStore = androidx.recyclerview.widget.ViewInfoStore@315489776 (0x12cdfdf0)
|   mAnimationListener = null
|   mCachePaint = null
|   mChildCountWithTransientState = 0
|   mChildTransformation = null
|   mChildUnhandledKeyListeners = 0
|   mChildren = android.view.View[12]@315489792 (0x12cdfe00)
|   mChildrenCount = 4
|   mChildrenInterestedInDrag = null
|   mCurrentDragChild = null
|   mCurrentDragStartEvent = null
|   mDefaultFocus = null
|   mDisappearingChildren = null
|   mFirstHoverTarget = null
|   mFirstTouchTarget = null
|   mFocused = null
|   mFocusedInCluster = null
|   mGroupFlags = 2375763
|   mHoveredSelf = false
|   mInvalidateRegion = null
|   mInvalidationTransformation = null
|   mIsInterestedInDrag = false
|   mLastTouchDownIndex = 3
|   mLastTouchDownTime = 101365466
|   mLastTouchDownX = 800.96924
|   mLastTouchDownY = 1015.90625
|   mLayoutAnimationController = null
|   mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false
|   mLayoutMode = -1
|   mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$4@315489856 (0x12cdfe40)
|   mLocalPoint = null
|   mNestedScrollAxes = 0
|   mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null
|   mPersistentDrawingCache = 2
|   mPreSortedChildren = null
|   mSuppressLayout = false
|   mTempPoint = float[2]@315489872 (0x12cdfe50)
|   mTooltipHoverTarget = null
|   mTooltipHoveredSelf = false
|   mTransientIndices = null
|   mTransientViews = null
|   mTransition = null
|   mTransitioningViews = null
|   mVisibilityChangingChildren = null
|   mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1
|   mAccessibilityDelegate = androidx.core.view.AccessibilityDelegateCompat$AccessibilityDelegateAdapter@315489896 (0x12cdfe68)
|   mAccessibilityPaneTitle = null
|   mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1
|   mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1
|   mAccessibilityViewId = -1
|   mAnimator = null
|   mAttachInfo = android.view.View$AttachInfo@315098624 (0x12c80600)
|   mAttributes = null
|   mAutofillHints = null
|   mAutofillId = null
|   mAutofillViewId = -1
|   mBackground = null
|   mBackgroundRenderNode = null
|   mBackgroundResource = 0
|   mBackgroundSizeChanged = true
|   mBackgroundTint = null
|   mBottom = 1458
|   mCachingFailed = false
|   mClipBounds = null
|   mContentDescription = null
|   mContext = com.kunaalkumar.suggsn.MainActivity@315118928 (0x12c85550)
|   mCurrentAnimation = null
|   mDefaultFocusHighlight = null
|   mDefaultFocusHighlightCache = null
|   mDefaultFocusHighlightEnabled = true
|   mDefaultFocusHighlightSizeChanged = true
|   mDrawableState = int[3]@1875802088 (0x6fce77e8)
|   mDrawingCache = null
|   mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0
|   mFloatingTreeObserver = null
|   mForegroundInfo = null
|   mFrameMetricsObservers = null
|   mGhostView = null
|   mHasPerformedLongPress = false
|   mID = 2131230954
|   mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false
|   mInContextButtonPress = false
|   mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null
|   mKeyedTags = null
|   mLabelForId = -1
|   mLastIsOpaque = false
|   mLayerPaint = null
|   mLayerType = 0
|   mLayoutInsets = null
|   mLayoutParams = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager$LayoutParams@315489912 (0x12cdfe78)
|   mLeft = 2160
|   mLeftPaddingDefined = false
|   mListenerInfo = null
|   mLongClickX = NaN
|   mLongClickY = NaN
|   mMatchIdPredicate = null
|   mMatchLabelForPredicate = null
|   mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@315489952 (0x12cdfea0)
|   mMeasuredHeight = 1458
|   mMeasuredWidth = 1080
|   mMinHeight = 0
|   mMinWidth = 0
|   mNestedScrollingParent = null
|   mNextClusterForwardId = -1
|   mNextFocusDownId = -1
|   mNextFocusForwardId = -1
|   mNextFocusLeftId = -1
|   mNextFocusRightId = -1
|   mNextFocusUpId = -1
|   mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 1073743282
|   mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742904
|   mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1875257864 (0x6fc62a08)
|   mOverScrollMode = 1
|   mOverlay = null
|   mPaddingBottom = 0
|   mPaddingLeft = 0
|   mPaddingRight = 0
|   mPaddingTop = 0
|   mParent = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager@315100024 (0x12c80b78)
|   mPendingCheckForLongPress = null
|   mPendingCheckForTap = null
|   mPerformClick = null
|   mPointerIcon = null
|   mPrivateFlags = 18384944
|   mPrivateFlags2 = 1611867688
|   mPrivateFlags3 = 541065220
|   mRecreateDisplayList = false
|   mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@315130928 (0x12c88430)
|   mResources = android.content.res.Resources@315235616 (0x12ca1d20)
|   mRight = 3240
|   mRightPaddingDefined = false
|   mRoundScrollbarRenderer = null
|   mRunQueue = android.view.HandlerActionQueue@315489976 (0x12cdfeb8)
|   mScrollCache = null
|   mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null
|   mScrollX = 0
|   mScrollY = 0
|   mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null
|   mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false
|   mStartActivityRequestWho = null
|   mStateListAnimator = null
|   mSystemUiVisibility = 0
|   mTag = null
|   mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null
|   mTooltipInfo = null
|   mTop = 0
|   mTouchDelegate = null
|   mTouchSlop = 21
|   mTransformationInfo = null
|   mTransientStateCount = 0
|   mTransitionName = null
|   mUnscaledDrawingCache = null
|   mUnsetPressedState = null
|   mUserPaddingBottom = 0
|   mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648
|   mUserPaddingLeft = 0
|   mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0
|   mUserPaddingRight = 0
|   mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0
|   mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648
|   mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0
|   mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0
|   mViewFlags = 939786241
|   mVisibilityChangeForAutofillHandler = null
|   mWindowAttachCount = 1
|   shadow$_klass_ = androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView
|   shadow$_monitor_ = -1897745346
* Instance of androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager
|   static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 97
|   static $class$classSize = 4214
|   static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = -1073741824
|   static $class$objectSize = 819
|   static sInterpolator = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager$2@315235792 (0x12ca1dd0)
|   static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 19
|   static $class$name = "androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager"
|   static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[10]@315235656 (0x12ca1d48)
|   static MIN_DISTANCE_FOR_FLING = 25
|   static $class$accessFlags = 524289
|   static LAYOUT_ATTRS = int[1]@315235776 (0x12ca1dc0)
|   static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 26
|   static DRAW_ORDER_DEFAULT = 0
|   static $class$status = -536870912
|   static $classOverhead = byte[4016]@315100849 (0x12c80eb1)
|   static SCROLL_STATE_IDLE = 0
|   static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 5
|   static DEBUG = false
|   static $class$clinitThreadId = 12247
|   static $class$superClass = android.view.ViewGroup
|   static DEFAULT_GUTTER_SIZE = 16
|   static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 824
|   static COMPARATOR = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager$1@315235768 (0x12ca1db8)
|   static DRAW_ORDER_FORWARD = 1
|   static CLOSE_ENOUGH = 2
|   static $class$iFields = 3762482840
|   static DRAW_ORDER_REVERSE = 2
|   static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class
|   static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@315129904 (0x12c88030)
|   static USE_CACHE = false
|   static $class$sFields = 3762482512
|   static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 0
|   static $class$classFlags = 0
|   static TAG = "ViewPager"
|   static sPositionComparator = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager$ViewPositionComparator@315235800 (0x12ca1dd8)
|   static $class$methods = 3762483760
|   static MAX_SETTLE_DURATION = 600
|   static $class$dexTypeIndex = 2788
|   static $class$vtable = null
|   static $class$primitiveType = 131072
|   static MIN_FLING_VELOCITY = 400
|   static $class$componentType = null
|   static $class$extData = null
|   static INVALID_POINTER = -1
|   static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 1480
|   static $class$classLoader = dalvik.system.PathClassLoader@315179528 (0x12c94208)
|   mActivePointerId = -1
|   mAdapter = com.kunaalkumar.suggsn.TabsPagerAdapter@315131840 (0x12c887c0)
|   mAdapterChangeListeners = java.util.ArrayList@315235320 (0x12ca1bf8)
|   mBottomPageBounds = 1458
|   mCalledSuper = true
|   mChildHeightMeasureSpec = 1073743282
|   mChildWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742904
|   mCloseEnough = 5
|   mCurItem = 3
|   mDecorChildCount = 0
|   mDefaultGutterSize = 42
|   mDrawingOrder = 0
|   mDrawingOrderedChildren = null
|   mEndScrollRunnable = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager$3@315235344 (0x12ca1c10)
|   mExpectedAdapterCount = 4
|   mFakeDragBeginTime = 0
|   mFakeDragging = false
|   mFirstLayout = false
|   mFirstOffset = -3.4028235E38
|   mFlingDistance = 65
|   mGutterSize = 42
|   mInLayout = false
|   mInitialMotionX = 574.9695
|   mInitialMotionY = 1056.9219
|   mInternalPageChangeListener = null
|   mIsBeingDragged = false
|   mIsScrollStarted = true
|   mIsUnableToDrag = false
|   mItems = java.util.ArrayList@315129760 (0x12c87fa0)
|   mLastMotionX = -25.98816
|   mLastMotionY = 1056.9219
|   mLastOffset = 3.0
|   mLeftEdge = android.widget.EdgeEffect@315132192 (0x12c88920)
|   mMarginDrawable = null
|   mMaximumVelocity = 21000
|   mMinimumVelocity = 1050
|   mNeedCalculatePageOffsets = false
|   mObserver = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager$PagerObserver@315235360 (0x12ca1c20)
|   mOffscreenPageLimit = 1
|   mOnPageChangeListener = null
|   mOnPageChangeListeners = java.util.ArrayList@315235376 (0x12ca1c30)
|   mPageMargin = 0
|   mPageTransformer = null
|   mPageTransformerLayerType = 0
|   mPopulatePending = false
|   mRestoredAdapterState = null
|   mRestoredClassLoader = null
|   mRestoredCurItem = -1
|   mRightEdge = android.widget.EdgeEffect@315132272 (0x12c88970)
|   mScrollState = 0
|   mScroller = android.widget.Scroller@315129472 (0x12c87e80)
|   mScrollingCacheEnabled = true
|   mTempItem = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager$ItemInfo@315235400 (0x12ca1c48)
|   mTempRect = android.graphics.Rect@315235432 (0x12ca1c68)
|   mTopPageBounds = 0
|   mTouchSlop = 42
|   mVelocityTracker = null
|   mAnimationListener = null
|   mCachePaint = null
|   mChildCountWithTransientState = 0
|   mChildTransformation = null
|   mChildUnhandledKeyListeners = 0
|   mChildren = android.view.View[12]@315130000 (0x12c88090)
|   mChildrenCount = 2
|   mChildrenInterestedInDrag = null
|   mCurrentDragChild = null
|   mCurrentDragStartEvent = null
|   mDefaultFocus = null
|   mDisappearingChildren = null
|   mFirstHoverTarget = null
|   mFirstTouchTarget = null
|   mFocused = null
|   mFocusedInCluster = null
|   mGroupFlags = 2375763
|   mHoveredSelf = false
|   mInvalidateRegion = null
|   mInvalidationTransformation = null
|   mIsInterestedInDrag = false
|   mLastTouchDownIndex = 1
|   mLastTouchDownTime = 101370468
|   mLastTouchDownX = 574.9695
|   mLastTouchDownY = 1056.9219
|   mLayoutAnimationController = null
|   mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false
|   mLayoutMode = -1
|   mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$4@315235456 (0x12ca1c80)
|   mLocalPoint = null
|   mNestedScrollAxes = 0
|   mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null
|   mPersistentDrawingCache = 2
|   mPreSortedChildren = null
|   mSuppressLayout = false
|   mTempPoint = float[2]@315235472 (0x12ca1c90)
|   mTooltipHoverTarget = null
|   mTooltipHoveredSelf = false
|   mTransientIndices = null
|   mTransientViews = null
|   mTransition = null
|   mTransitioningViews = null
|   mVisibilityChangingChildren = null
|   mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1
|   mAccessibilityDelegate = androidx.core.view.AccessibilityDelegateCompat$AccessibilityDelegateAdapter@315235496 (0x12ca1ca8)
|   mAccessibilityPaneTitle = null
|   mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1
|   mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1
|   mAccessibilityViewId = -1
|   mAnimator = null
|   mAttachInfo = android.view.View$AttachInfo@315098624 (0x12c80600)
|   mAttributes = null
|   mAutofillHints = null
|   mAutofillId = null
|   mAutofillViewId = -1
|   mBackground = null
|   mBackgroundRenderNode = null
|   mBackgroundResource = 0
|   mBackgroundSizeChanged = true
|   mBackgroundTint = null
|   mBottom = 1738
|   mCachingFailed = false
|   mClipBounds = null
|   mContentDescription = null
|   mContext = com.kunaalkumar.suggsn.MainActivity@315118928 (0x12c85550)
|   mCurrentAnimation = null
|   mDefaultFocusHighlight = null
|   mDefaultFocusHighlightCache = null
|   mDefaultFocusHighlightEnabled = true
|   mDefaultFocusHighlightSizeChanged = true
|   mDrawableState = int[3]@1875802088 (0x6fce77e8)
|   mDrawingCache = null
|   mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0
|   mFloatingTreeObserver = null
|   mForegroundInfo = null
|   mFrameMetricsObservers = null
|   mGhostView = null
|   mHasPerformedLongPress = false
|   mID = 2131231057
|   mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false
|   mInContextButtonPress = false
|   mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null
|   mKeyedTags = null
|   mLabelForId = -1
|   mLastIsOpaque = false
|   mLayerPaint = null
|   mLayerType = 0
|   mLayoutInsets = null
|   mLayoutParams = androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout$LayoutParams@315125672 (0x12c86fa8)
|   mLeft = 0
|   mLeftPaddingDefined = false
|   mListenerInfo = android.view.View$ListenerInfo@315235512 (0x12ca1cb8)
|   mLongClickX = NaN
|   mLongClickY = NaN
|   mMatchIdPredicate = null
|   mMatchLabelForPredicate = null
|   mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@315235592 (0x12ca1d08)
|   mMeasuredHeight = 1458
|   mMeasuredWidth = 1080
|   mMinHeight = 0
|   mMinWidth = 0
|   mNestedScrollingParent = null
|   mNextClusterForwardId = -1
|   mNextFocusDownId = -1
|   mNextFocusForwardId = -1
|   mNextFocusLeftId = -1
|   mNextFocusRightId = -1
|   mNextFocusUpId = -1
|   mOldHeightMeasureSpec = -2147482190
|   mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742904
|   mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1875257864 (0x6fc62a08)
|   mOverScrollMode = 1
|   mOverlay = null
|   mPaddingBottom = 0
|   mPaddingLeft = 0
|   mPaddingRight = 0
|   mPaddingTop = 0
|   mParent = androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout@315105088 (0x12c81f40)
|   mPendingCheckForLongPress = null
|   mPendingCheckForTap = null
|   mPerformClick = null
|   mPointerIcon = null
|   mPrivateFlags = 16812080
|   mPrivateFlags2 = 1611867688
|   mPrivateFlags3 = 536870916
|   mRecreateDisplayList = false
|   mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@315127552 (0x12c87700)
|   mResources = android.content.res.Resources@315235616 (0x12ca1d20)
|   mRight = 1080
|   mRightPaddingDefined = false
|   mRoundScrollbarRenderer = null
|   mRunQueue = null
|   mScrollCache = null
|   mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null
|   mScrollX = 3240
|   mScrollY = 0
|   mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null
|   mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false
|   mStartActivityRequestWho = null
|   mStateListAnimator = null
|   mSystemUiVisibility = 0
|   mTag = null
|   mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null
|   mTooltipInfo = null
|   mTop = 280
|   mTouchDelegate = null
|   mTouchSlop = 21
|   mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@315127512 (0x12c876d8)
|   mTransientStateCount = 0
|   mTransitionName = null
|   mUnscaledDrawingCache = null
|   mUnsetPressedState = null
|   mUserPaddingBottom = 0
|   mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648
|   mUserPaddingLeft = 0
|   mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0
|   mUserPaddingRight = 0
|   mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0
|   mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648
|   mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0
|   mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0
|   mViewFlags = 402653185
|   mVisibilityChangeForAutofillHandler = null
|   mWindowAttachCount = 1
|   shadow$_klass_ = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager
|   shadow$_monitor_ = -1960703154
* Instance of com.kunaalkumar.suggsn.TabsPagerAdapter
|   static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 7
|   static $class$classSize = 280
|   static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = 511
|   static serialVersionUID = -622313553834022428
|   static $class$iFields = 3762480096
|   static $class$objectSize = 44
|   static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class
|   static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@315491336 (0x12ce0408)
|   static $change = null
|   static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 2
|   static $class$name = null
|   static $class$sFields = 3762480056
|   static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 0
|   static $class$classFlags = 0
|   static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[0]@1873861472 (0x6fb0db60)
|   static $class$methods = 3762480136
|   static $class$accessFlags = 524305
|   static $class$dexTypeIndex = 203
|   static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 3
|   static $class$status = -536870912
|   static $classOverhead = byte[144]@315131889 (0x12c887f1)
|   static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 1
|   static $class$vtable = null
|   static $class$primitiveType = 131072
|   static $class$clinitThreadId = 12247
|   static $class$superClass = androidx.fragment.app.FragmentStatePagerAdapter
|   static $class$componentType = null
|   static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 48
|   static $class$extData = null
|   static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 78
|   static $class$classLoader = dalvik.system.PathClassLoader@315179528 (0x12c94208)
|   fragmentList = java.util.ArrayList@315132168 (0x12c88908)
|   titleList = java.util.ArrayList@315491312 (0x12ce03f0)
|   mCurTransaction = null
|   mCurrentPrimaryItem = com.kunaalkumar.suggsn.movies.NowPlaying@315267624 (0x12ca9a28)
|   mFragmentManager = androidx.fragment.app.FragmentManagerImpl@315491152 (0x12ce0350)
|   mFragments = java.util.ArrayList@315491264 (0x12ce03c0)
|   mSavedState = java.util.ArrayList@315491288 (0x12ce03d8)
|   mObservable = android.database.DataSetObservable@315491136 (0x12ce0340)
|   mViewPagerObserver = androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager$PagerObserver@315235360 (0x12ca1c20)
|   shadow$_klass_ = com.kunaalkumar.suggsn.TabsPagerAdapter
|   shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Instance of java.util.ArrayList
|   static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 46
|   static $class$classSize = 328
|   static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = 2
|   static serialVersionUID = 8683452581122892189
|   static $class$iFields = 1871411208
|   static EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA = java.lang.Object[0]@1872681024 (0x6f9ed840)
|   static $class$objectSize = 20
|   static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class
|   static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@1870221552 (0x6f7950f0)
|   static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 1
|   static $class$name = "java.util.ArrayList"
|   static $class$sFields = 1871411124
|   static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 536870912
|   static $class$classFlags = 0
|   static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[12]@1870521032 (0x6f7de2c8)
|   static $class$methods = 1871549508
|   static $class$accessFlags = 524289
|   static $class$dexTypeIndex = 1417
|   static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 15
|   static $class$status = -536870912
|   static $classOverhead = byte[180]@1870550009 (0x6f7e53f9)
|   static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 2
|   static $class$vtable = null
|   static $class$primitiveType = 131072
|   static DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10
|   static $class$clinitThreadId = 0
|   static $class$superClass = java.util.AbstractList
|   static $class$componentType = null
|   static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 24
|   static MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = 2147483639
|   static $class$extData = null
|   static DEFAULTCAPACITY_EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA = java.lang.Object[0]@1875255248 (0x6fc61fd0)
|   static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 3077
|   static $class$classLoader = null
|   elementData = java.lang.Object[10]@315491560 (0x12ce04e8)
|   size = 4
|   modCount = 4
|   shadow$_klass_ = java.util.ArrayList
|   shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Array of java.lang.Object[]
|   [0] = com.kunaalkumar.suggsn.movies.Popular@315782688 (0x12d27620)
|   [1] = com.kunaalkumar.suggsn.movies.TopRated@315782848 (0x12d276c0)
|   [2] = com.kunaalkumar.suggsn.movies.Upcoming@315267464 (0x12ca9988)
|   [3] = com.kunaalkumar.suggsn.movies.NowPlaying@315267624 (0x12ca9a28)
|   [4] = null
|   [5] = null
|   [6] = null
|   [7] = null
|   [8] = null
|   [9] = null
* Instance of com.kunaalkumar.suggsn.movies.Popular
|   static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 14
|   static $class$classSize = 848
|   static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = -1073741824
|   static serialVersionUID = 6821150109938528707
|   static $class$iFields = 3762492080
|   static $class$objectSize = 156
|   static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class
|   static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@315535784 (0x12ceb1a8)
|   static $change = null
|   static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 5
|   static $class$name = null
|   static $class$sFields = 3762492040
|   static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 0
|   static $class$classFlags = 0
|   static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[10]@315590456 (0x12cf8738)
|   static $class$methods = 3762492168
|   static $class$accessFlags = 524305
|   static $class$dexTypeIndex = 74
|   static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 8
|   static $class$status = -536870912
|   static $classOverhead = byte[712]@315541049 (0x12cec639)
|   static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 1
|   static $class$vtable = null
|   static $class$primitiveType = 131072
|   static $class$clinitThreadId = 12247
|   static $class$superClass = androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
|   static $class$componentType = null
|   static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 160
|   static $class$extData = null
|   static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 26
|   static $class$classLoader = dalvik.system.PathClassLoader@315179528 (0x12c94208)
|   TAG = "Suggsn@Popular"
|   _$_findViewCache = java.util.HashMap@315802008 (0x12d2c198)
|   viewAdapter = com.kunaalkumar.suggsn.results_components.ResultsAdapter@315802048 (0x12d2c1c0)
|   viewManager = androidx.recyclerview.widget.GridLayoutManager@315802080 (0x12d2c1e0)
|   viewModel = com.kunaalkumar.suggsn.view_model.MoviesViewModel@315802216 (0x12d2c268)
|   mAdded = false
|   mAnimationInfo = null
|   mArguments = null
|   mBackStackNesting = 0
|   mCalled = true
|   mChildFragmentManager = null
|   mContainer = null
|   mContainerId = 0
|   mDeferStart = false
|   mDetached = false
|   mFragmentId = 0
|   mFragmentManager = null
|   mFromLayout = false
|   mHasMenu = false
|   mHidden = false
|   mHiddenChanged = false
|   mHost = null
|   mInLayout = false
|   mInnerView = null
|   mIsCreated = false
|   mIsNewlyAdded = false
|   mLayoutInflater = null
|   mLifecycleRegistry = androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleRegistry@315802288 (0x12d2c2b0)
|   mMenuVisible = false
|   mParentFragment = com.kunaalkumar.suggsn.movies.MoviesFragment@315505568 (0x12ce3ba0)
|   mPerformedCreateView = false
|   mPostponedAlpha = 0.0
|   mRemoving = false
|   mRestored = false
|   mRetainInstance = false
|   mRetainInstanceChangedWhileDetached = false
|   mSavedFragmentState = null
|   mSavedStateRegistryController = androidx.savedstate.SavedStateRegistryController@315802328 (0x12d2c2d8)
|   mSavedUserVisibleHint = null
|   mSavedViewState = android.util.SparseArray@315802344 (0x12d2c2e8)
|   mState = 0
|   mTag = null
|   mTarget = null
|   mTargetRequestCode = 0
|   mTargetWho = null
|   mUserVisibleHint = false
|   mView = null
|   mViewLifecycleOwner = null
|   mViewLifecycleOwnerLiveData = androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData@315802368 (0x12d2c300)
|   mWho = "e54eb489-afc6-49fc-9982-1329665085b0"
|   shadow$_klass_ = com.kunaalkumar.suggsn.movies.Popular
|   shadow$_monitor_ = -1923851277
* Excluded Refs:
| Field: android.os.Message.obj
| Field: android.os.Message.next
| Field: android.os.Message.target
| Field: android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.mMessageQueue (always)
| Field: android.view.ViewGroup$ViewLocationHolder.mRoot
| Thread:FinalizerWatchdogDaemon (always)
| Thread:main (always)
| Thread:LeakCanary-Heap-Dump (always)
| Class:java.lang.ref.WeakReference (always)
| Class:java.lang.ref.SoftReference (always)
| Class:java.lang.ref.PhantomReference (always)
| Class:java.lang.ref.Finalizer (always)
| Class:java.lang.ref.FinalizerReference (always)
KunaalKumar commented 5 years ago

Problem is with FragmentStatePageAdapter. Using FragmentPageAdapter seems to fix it but that will use a lot of memory. Will continue looking into it.

KunaalKumar commented 5 years ago

Fix in 918d330

Using FragmentPageAdapter seems to fix it but that will use a lot of memory

Will need to later implement FragmentStatePagAdapter