[x] Include an introduction to section 11
Section 11.1 should include:
[x] How have you worked together as a team
[x] What have you done well? Not so well? What could be done differently
[x] Any conflicts? How did you handle them?
[x] Did you reach the project goals? Vurderingskriterie: What did you learn? Whether the group has solved
the given assignment, according to the customer's
objectives of the project.
OBS: følgende står i kompendiet:
It is important to describe problems that may have affected the work, but is not shown in the project report. Make sure that you also describe any additional work that is not shown in the project report.
The project is intended to be conducted as a team-work effort. This means
that also the documentation of the team dynamics process will have an impact on the final
OBS: følgende står i kompendiet: It is important to describe problems that may have affected the work, but is not shown in the project report. Make sure that you also describe any additional work that is not shown in the project report. other).
Vurderingskriterier: The project is intended to be conducted as a team-work effort. This means that also the documentation of the team dynamics process will have an impact on the final grade.