Kungsgeten / org-brain

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Adding brain-input: and brain-output: besides brain-parent: , brain-child: and brain-friend: #371

Open michaelsjackson opened 3 years ago

michaelsjackson commented 3 years ago

I described the idea here already. Wanted to start a new separate issue for it, making it more visible. See https://github.com/Kungsgeten/org-brain/issues/340#issuecomment-871680078 and its following posts.

Kungsgeten commented 3 years ago

Hi! Isn't this the same issue you've already opened at #306 ? If inputs are on the left and outputs on the right, where would you suggest friend entries go?

michaelsjackson commented 3 years ago

Yes, but now hoping to show its usefulness using another metaphor of a process / workflow / lecture / work done sequentially. So, related yes, but not exactly same. I tried to explain it here simpler or in more detail.

Friends will go to the right, as it is now. Friends do not need to change at all. Nothing needs to be changed. Only adding input from left (with arrow head), output to the right (with arrow head), friend as now (double headed). Not sure if we can add colors to those arrows, probably yes, using a different face. Input arrows could be red for example, output arrows could be green. Red signalling, look those you need to consider. Green signalling, look those will be your gains later.

input   --->   current  <--->   friend
                         --->   output
michaelsjackson commented 3 years ago

The only thing which needs to be checked is following: Whenever I add an input link (hitting i for example) or an output link (hitting o for example), two files need to be checked and if necessary changed.

Example: I am on current and want to add an output link. I hit o. Now two things have to happen:

  1. In current a #+BRAIN_OUTPUT needs to be added, if not available yet.
  2. In output a #+BRAIN_INPUT needs to be added, if not available.

In a similar fashion it will be for input links. For each generated or deleted input/output linking two files need to be checked and changed, if necessary. That's all I guess. Plus the header arrows, additional colors / faces would be nice, but not a must. In my opinion this would give much more modeling power to org-brain. At least I would benefit a lot from this way of structuring the content / entries. Walking in hierarchies or in sequences on same hierarchy level.

You can check lean management or six sigma for more examples for process or workflow based use cases. Or simply in lectures where you teach, first do this, then do that. If there are subdetails we add those as child, then start another sequence there, first do this, then that... Your game programming lectures should profit as well I guess? Are you using Godot 3 or other tools?

michaelsjackson commented 3 years ago

This sequencing technique one could use for the "Folgezettel" technique of Zettelkasten as well. But it is just a defined sequence you can follow along, forward or backward. You know those sequential elements need to be run / walked through in this order.

You could use it for historic data entries, if you want.

Philosophers, influences as input, influencing as output.