Kunstmaan / KunstmaanBundlesCMS

An advanced yet user-friendly content management system, based on the full stack Symfony framework combined with a whole host of community bundles. It provides a full featured, multi-language CMS system with an innovative page and form assembling process, versioning, workflow, translation and media managers and much more.
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[AdminBundle] fixed base route name for exception admin lists #3414

Closed virtualize closed 2 months ago

virtualize commented 2 months ago
Bug fix? yes
New feature? no
BC breaks? no
Deprecations? no
Fixed tickets

I don't know if this the admin list for exceptions is still used. Or if exceptions are still logged in 7.1. Maybe it's deprecated and there's a config flag to disable it. Haven't found anything on the docs.

Anyway, in our admin UI there's a menu entry for it that throws route-not-found exceptions. So here is a fix for it.

acrobat commented 2 months ago

Thanks @virtualize. You can disable the cms error logging with the kunstmaan_admin.exception_logging.enabled: false if you don't need it in your application because you use sentry for example.