Kunstmaan / KunstmaanBundlesCMS

An advanced yet user-friendly content management system, based on the full stack Symfony framework combined with a whole host of community bundles. It provides a full featured, multi-language CMS system with an innovative page and form assembling process, versioning, workflow, translation and media managers and much more.
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MenuBundle menu_entity configuration not fully supported #998

Closed henrypenny closed 8 years ago

henrypenny commented 8 years ago

Changing the menu_entity configuration doesn't fully work.


vendor/kunstmaan/bundles-cms/src/Kunstmaan/MenuBundle/Service/MenuService.php:50 :

$menuObjects = $this->em->getRepository('KunstmaanMenuBundle:Menu')->findAll();



$menu = new Menu();

jockri commented 8 years ago

Indeed, this should be changed. Can you send a PR to fix this?