Kunstmaan / KunstmaanBundlesStandardEdition

The "Kunstmaan Bundles Standard Edition" distribution
MIT License
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Unable to create project #166

Closed n8green closed 9 years ago

n8green commented 9 years ago

I'm considering using this CMS for a project, however I am struggling to get this running in a dev environment as per the documentation here

When running composer create-project kunstmaan/bundles-standard-edition myprojectname, I cant seem to get past the following:


I have tried this on a few different platforms, including your vagrant box. I have also tried editing the composer.json file to pull in lower versions of 'kunstmaan/bundles-cms', but have the same issue. I have also tried running the create-project command with sudo - same issue.

Is this an issue with the current state of the repo, or is there something I can do to work around this?

Any advice would be hugely appreciated.

roderik commented 9 years ago

You are having a permission error on your computer. Try the command in a different location

n8green commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your reply.

That's also what I thought on first glance, however I am running the site in a vagrant box, with Apache & PHP cli both running as the 'vagrant' user. The document root is owned by 'vagrant' recursively. The SSH connection I am using is (naturally) the 'vagrant' user account.

All other packages which the composer create-project kunstmaan/bundles-standard-edition myprojectname command installs (jms, doctrine, symfony, sensio etc etc), install successfully - its just when it gets to the 'kunstmaan/bundles-cms' package that it falls over with this error.

As mentioned, I also tried (as a last resort) running the composer commands using sudo - same issue.

Regardless - I tried running the command in a different location as you suggested (this time not owned by vagrant) and immediately get '[ErrorException] mkdir(): Permission denied'.

If this really is a permissions issue - it isn't like any I have seen before.

So no joy yet. Any other ideas please?

n8green commented 9 years ago

Turns out that this was caused by default vagrant (virtualbox) filesharing on windows. I'm not sure of the exact cause, I just know that when I configure vagrant to use the rsync filesharing method, I no longer have this error.

Thanks for looking!

roderik commented 9 years ago

Glad you found it because i had no idea :)