Kunstmaan / KunstmaanBundlesStandardEdition

The "Kunstmaan Bundles Standard Edition" distribution
MIT License
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Can't generate default-site with demo data #94

Closed reypm closed 8 years ago

reypm commented 9 years ago

I'm following the steps at docs but this one:

app/console kuma:generate:default-site --demosite

Is failing with this error:

Symfony > kuma:generate:default-site --demosite Welcome to the Kunstmaan default site generator Site generation This command helps you to generate a default site setup. The layout will be created for the AlomicubaWebsiteBundle bundle.

[InvalidArgumentException] Bundle "AlomicubaWebsiteBundle" does not exist or it is not enabled. Maybe you forgot to add it in the registerBundles() method of your AppKernel.php file?

kuma:generate:default-site [--namespace[="..."]] [--prefix[="..."]] [--demosite] The command terminated with an error status (1)

But bundled is created as this log shows:

Symfony > kuma:generate:bundle Welcome to the Kunstmaan bundle generator ....

Bundle namespace: Alomicuba/WebsiteBundle Bundle name [AlomicubaWebsiteBundle]: WebsiteBundle

Target directory [/var/www/html/alomicuba/src]: Determined 'yml' to be used as the format for the generated configuration

Summary before generation

You are going to generate a "Alomicuba\WebsiteBundle\WebsiteBundle" bundle in "/var/www/html/alomicuba/src/" using the "yml" format.

Do you confirm generation [yes]? Bundle generation Generating the bundle code: OK Checking that the bundle is autoloaded: OK Confirm automatic update of your Kernel [yes]? Enabling the bundle inside the Kernel: OK Confirm automatic update of the Routing [yes]? Importing the bundle routing resource: OK

You can now start using the generated code!

And also is enabled in AppKernel.php, any advice? I'm using the version based on Symfony 2.4

axelpas commented 9 years ago

Same issue here :) EDIT: /kunstmaan/generator-bundle/Kunstmaan/GeneratorBundle/Command Line #102: $finder->directories()->in($dir)->depth('== 1');

It actually does not look after directory under depth > 1

So, much uglier solution, just add on line #219 your bundle name $bundleName = "AlomicubaWebsiteBundle";

xtrasmal commented 9 years ago

Seems like it is better to use Bolt.cm as a CMS. This one is far from usable. Documentation reflects the author's passion and dedication to this bundle.