Lightweight vault and password manager for Android, KeePassDX allows editing encrypted data in a single file in KeePass format and fill in the forms in a secure way.
Six months ago I saved a heavy database (a zip file backup by SimpleX Chat) as attachment in KeePassDX. It was like 80 mb.
After I delete it, the KeePassDX .kbdx file has lost little weight, so I have a fat .kbdx with no heavy attachments within. My .kdbx is now about 120mb.
How to slim down it? Does it exists a vacuum function in order to remove the unused database spaces and compress it?
Six months ago I saved a heavy database (a zip file backup by SimpleX Chat) as attachment in KeePassDX. It was like 80 mb.
After I delete it, the KeePassDX .kbdx file has lost little weight, so I have a fat .kbdx with no heavy attachments within. My .kdbx is now about 120mb.
How to slim down it? Does it exists a vacuum function in order to remove the unused database spaces and compress it?