Lightweight vault and password manager for Android, KeePassDX allows editing encrypted data in a single file in KeePass format and fill in the forms in a secure way.
At the moment it is possible to enable biometric unlock when a password is used. But it is not possible when the database is only unlocked with a key file. I think it should be also possible to use biometric unlock when only using a key file. So it could be senseful that the key file is only selected after biometric unlock. If not successful, path to the key file should be empty.
At the moment it is possible to enable biometric unlock when a password is used. But it is not possible when the database is only unlocked with a key file. I think it should be also possible to use biometric unlock when only using a key file. So it could be senseful that the key file is only selected after biometric unlock. If not successful, path to the key file should be empty.