Lightweight vault and password manager for Android, KeePassDX allows editing encrypted data in a single file in KeePass format and fill in the forms in a secure way.
I tried to make some small changes to make it much easier on the user to understand the instructions and the results, there is one small thing which is if the user did not open the directory where he saved the the file, it will say that the app is not installed, I can make it print a different error message if the file was not found but the command would be much longer.
The old method will not display anything if the file was not found' so there will be no output.
I tried to make some small changes to make it much easier on the user to understand the instructions and the results, there is one small thing which is if the user did not open the directory where he saved the the file, it will say that the app is not installed, I can make it print a different error message if the file was not found but the command would be much longer.
The old method will not display anything if the file was not found' so there will be no output.