Kunzisoft / KeePassDX

Lightweight vault and password manager for Android, KeePassDX allows editing encrypted data in a single file in KeePass format and fill in the forms in a secure way.
GNU General Public License v3.0
4.28k stars 261 forks source link

In-app Shortcut to switch TO Magikeyboard #1845

Closed benyjr closed 2 weeks ago

benyjr commented 2 weeks ago

Switching to the Magikeyboard takes too many keystrokes and needs to be as smooth as the process of switching back.

Describe the solution you'd like A shortcut to switch directly to Magikeyboard when viewing an entry would be a great addition.

Perhaps in the opposite corner from the lock icon.

J-Jamet commented 2 weeks ago

Duplicate : https://github.com/Kunzisoft/KeePassDX/issues/311 Linked : https://github.com/Kunzisoft/KeePassDX/issues/365