Kunzisoft / KeePassDX

Lightweight vault and password manager for Android, KeePassDX allows editing encrypted data in a single file in KeePass format and fill in the forms in a secure way.
GNU General Public License v3.0
4.28k stars 261 forks source link

The latest version 4.0.7 cannot open the database, downgrading 406 is normal #1850

Closed nichousha123 closed 1 week ago

nichousha123 commented 1 week ago

406 upgraded to 407. After entering the password and opening the key file, clicking the unlock button does not open the database. Please see the video for details. I reinstalled 406 and it returned to normal.

keepassDX Version: 4.0.7 Build: libre Language: Chinese

Mobile phone information Brand: vivo V2046A

Version name: Android 11 Red Velvet Cake

API version: 30


nichousha123 commented 1 week ago

After testing, I installed the same installation package on another Huawei phone of mine and it worked fine. It can open

huawei nova2 emui 8.0.0 Android 8.0

nichousha123 commented 1 week ago

It is recommended to add a bug log recording function, and the saved log file path can be customized. When there is a bug later, it can be sent to you to help you locate the bug and solve the bug smoothly. At present, I can only record the screen to let you see the bug, please consider this function!

J-Jamet commented 1 week ago

Same as https://github.com/Kunzisoft/KeePassDX/issues/1848 The Play Store usually lets me see crashes like this. For the moment, I've managed to deal with bugs this way, but an internal log system could make things easier. After that, it's more up to the system to manage log returns, so I'd have to make an easy procedure in the wiki for extracting them.