KupoServer / Issues

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Lost r/e quest item. #40

Open Walt222 opened 6 years ago

Walt222 commented 6 years ago

Date & Time:

Character Name: Walt

Nation: Bastok

Job Info: /

Zone Name: /

NPC/Monster/Item Name (If involved.): Poetic Parchment

Position (use !where in game): /

Client Version (use /ver in game): /

Are you using Ashita or Windower? (If so say which one.): ashita

Were you multiboxing/dualboxing?: x

Steps to reproduce the issue: x

Any additional information: While cleaning out inventory i apparently tossed the Poetic Parchment (required to unlock brd), ive went back to the quest location to get another but i get no response from the song ruins (i tried trading another parchament, too). It's a careless mistake sorry for the bother..

this is the quest link: http://ffxiclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/The_Old_Monument

beauxq commented 6 years ago

A fix for this is up for review.

Walt222 commented 6 years ago

up for review? would i not be able to just get that rare/ex item back?

ghost commented 6 years ago

I think he means that there is a patch to be able to get the rare/ex item in game back. Not you being able to get it back directly from atomos. But I think that’d be no problem while we wait for the patch.

beauxq commented 6 years ago

Yeah, Atom0s could give you the item. But the fix would make it so he doesn't have to worry about it if it happens to other people in the future. Atom0s is pretty busy, so we don't want him to have to worry about everyone that loses the item.

Walt222 commented 6 years ago

sorry the phrasing made it sound odd to me, but i understand now, lol.

davismj commented 6 years ago
