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Fix video links #4

Open EyebrowHairs opened 4 years ago

EyebrowHairs commented 4 years ago


I should have formatted it like this:

Also order by date (reverse chronological)

EyebrowHairs commented 4 years ago

Do the same with Books, Articles, Examples, Forums. Darn it, do the same with the Software List.

Note to self: from now on use [link](URL) for cleaner formatting...

srid commented 4 years ago

Note that you can also embed YouTube videos. <iframe>.. tags are allowed. That is how we embed the Google spreadsheet.

srid commented 4 years ago

Do the same with Books, Articles, Examples, Forums.

Tables might be handy in some cases.

EyebrowHairs commented 4 years ago

Note that you can also embed YouTube videos. <iframe>.. tags are allowed. That is how we embed the Google spreadsheet.

Will do this for "Videos"

EyebrowHairs commented 4 years ago

Do the same with Books, Articles, Examples, Forums.

Tables might be handy in some cases.

The dreaded MD tables have returned 😅 I'll play around with it anyways because these aren't that bad.

srid commented 4 years ago

There are also definition lists (which neuron now supports).

:   red fruit
:   computer company

:   orange fruit
:   telecom company
EyebrowHairs commented 4 years ago

Oooh nice! How will it look like when formatted?

EyebrowHairs commented 4 years ago

Oh nevermind, I found it!

srid commented 4 years ago

Just used it here as a demo: https://reddit.zettel.page/what-is-it.html ... in the definitions, you can use arbitrary markdown (so bold, italic, etc. will work).
