Kureev / react-native-blur

React Native Blur component
MIT License
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Duplicate class eightbitlab.com.blurview.BlurAlgorithm #479

Closed bulkinav closed 1 year ago

bulkinav commented 1 year ago


I trying build project with the latest version 4.1.0 in Android Studio and get an error:

Duplicate class eightbitlab.com.blurview.BlurAlgorithm found in modules jetified-BlurView-version-2.0.2-runtime (com.github.Dimezis:BlurView:version-2.0.2) and jetified-blurview-1.6.6-runtime (com.eightbitlab:blurview:1.6.6)

Titozzz commented 1 year ago

Can you try ./gradlew clean inside android folder and rebuild the app ?

bulkinav commented 1 year ago

Of course, I did it (Clean / Rebuild), but still gets this error. And no problem with version 3.3.0


gradle: 6.9.1 gradle plugin: 4.2.2

System: OS: macOS 12.4 CPU: (6) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8500 CPU @ 3.00GHz Shell: 3.2.57 - /bin/bash Binaries: Node: 18.5.0 - /usr/local/bin/node Yarn: 1.22.19 - /usr/local/bin/yarn npm: 8.5.5 - /usr/local/bin/npm Watchman: 2022.07.04.00 - /usr/local/bin/watchman Managers: CocoaPods: 1.11.3 - /usr/local/bin/pod SDKs: iOS SDK: Platforms: DriverKit 21.4, iOS 15.5, macOS 12.3, tvOS 15.4, watchOS 8.5 Android SDK: API Levels: 28, 29, 30, 31 Build Tools: 30.0.2, 30.0.3, 31.0.0, 32.0.0 Android NDK: Not Found IDEs: Android Studio: Chipmunk 2021.2.1 Patch 1 Chipmunk 2021.2.1 Patch 1 Xcode: 13.4.1/13F100 - /usr/bin/xcodebuild Languages: Java: 1.8.0_312 - /usr/bin/javac npmPackages: @react-native-community/cli: Not Found react: 18.2.0 => 18.2.0 react-native: 0.67.4 => 0.67.4 react-native-macos: Not Found npmGlobalPackages: react-native: Not Found

Titozzz commented 1 year ago

Did you have a patch package or something done to get 3.3 working that you kept ? Like a custom blurview version or something ?

Please try to reproduce in a fresh new project and let me know

bulkinav commented 1 year ago

@Titozzz I found the reason for this behavior. This is problem on "react-native-bottom-sheet" side: https://github.com/gorhom/react-native-bottom-sheet/issues/1037

Titozzz commented 1 year ago

Closing here then