Open nirali-chavda opened 6 months ago
same here, when I use blur with position absolute and navigate to other screen, that screen(after navigating) is covered white foreground with some opacity
This is hepping with me too in Android any luck?
Same here
Same here.. RN 0.74.2
iOS works fine.
Android has this issue
Facing the same issue. react-native
version 0.74.2
, @react-native-community/blur
version 4.3.2
In my case, I use the BlurView with absolute position in a navigation bottom bar. When I navigate to the target view, the whole screen would disappear and just leave my APP on plain SplashScreen. I encounter this problem on Android 13 so far, and iOS is just fine.
"react-native": "0.74.2",
"@react-native-community/blur": "^4.4.0",
"@react-navigation/bottom-tabs": "^6.5.20"
So to save my day, I set a boolean state by a 1s timeout in useEffect. Now it seems alright. There's a bit of blur transition in the beginning, though that's fine for me.
const [blur, setBlur] = React.useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
}, []);
return (
<BlurView style={Platform.OS === 'ios' || blur ? { position: 'absolute' } : null} ... />
It's a shame but I don't have time to investigate this problem on Android side. Hope that someone else find out the root cause and share here.
Same here..
@react-native-community/blur version : 4.4.0 react-native version : 0.74.3
Android has this issue iOS works fine.
Has anyone managed to solve it somehow on Android?
There is a discussion here: and what seems to solve the problem (but introduce a slight flicker) is using the setting: animation: 'slide_from_bottom',
So far no "clean" solution that I know of.
if you are using stack navigation, you can also using these codes
useEffect(() => {
const transitionEnd = navigation.addListener('transitionEnd', (e) => {
console.log('transitionEnd', e)
return transitionEnd
}, [navigation])
When i use Below Blurview component with position absolute then my StackNavigation slide animation is not working properly but when i remove position absolute then slide animation works fine but Blurview is not working.