Open nes123 opened 4 years ago
There is also a warning message with React-Native v0.62.2:
Animated: useNativeDriver
was not specified. This is a required option and must be explicitly set to true
or false
If you see the warning message you can fix yourself like
animationFunction={(prop, value) =>
Animated.spring(prop, {
toValue: value,
friction: 8,
useNativeDriver: true,
This is actually what's defined in the default props here but for some reason the warning still appears.
@3plusalpha worked. Tks
@3plusalpha worked !! Thanks you !
It seems that a simple change will make this library much smoother
animationFunction: (prop, value) => Animated.spring(prop, { toValue: value, friction: 8, }),
goes to:
animationFunction: (prop, value) => Animated.spring(prop, { toValue: value, friction: 8, useNativeDriver: true }),