KurokuLabs / margo

GoSublime + MarGo reborn. I'm just sayin'
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completion for unimported packages does not work? #75

Closed devMYC closed 5 years ago

devMYC commented 5 years ago

Auto completion works fine when packages are imported, and it used to work on unimported packages as well. Not sure if I set something wrong, this is my margo.go file:

package margo

import (


// Margo is the entry-point to margo
func Margo(m mg.Args) {
    // See the documentation for `mg.Reducer`
    // comments beginning with `gs:` denote features that replace old GoSublime settings

    // add our reducers (margo plugins) to the store
    // they are run in the specified order
    // and should ideally not block for more than a couple milliseconds
        // MOTD keeps you updated about new versions and important announcements
        // It adds a new command `motd.sync` available via the UserCmd palette as `Sync MOTD`
        // Interval can be set in order to enable automatic update fetching.
        // When new updates are found, it displays the message in the status bar
        // e.g. `★ margo.sh/cl/18.09.14 ★` a url where you see the upcoming changes before updating
        // It sends the following data to the url https://api.margo.sh/motd.json:
        // * current editor plugin name e.g. `?client=gosublime`
        //   this tells us which editor plugin's changelog to check
        // * current editor plugin version e.g. `?tag=r18.09.14-1`
        //   this allows us to determine if there any updates
        // * whether or not this is the first request of the day e.g. `?firstHit=1`
        //   this allows us to get an estimated count of active users without storing
        //   any personally identifiable data
        // No other data is sent. For more info contact privacy at kuroku.io
        // Interval, if set, specifies how often to automatically fetch messages from Endpoint
        // Interval: 3600e9, // automatically fetch updates every hour

        mg.NewReducer(func(mx *mg.Ctx) *mg.State {
            // By default, events (e.g. ViewSaved) are triggered in all files.
            // Replace `mg.AllLangs` with `mg.Go` to restrict events to Go(-lang) files.
            // Please note, however, that this mode is not tested
            // and saving a non-go file will not trigger linters, etc. for that go pkg
            return mx.SetConfig(mx.Config.EnabledForLangs(

        // Add `go` command integration
        // this adds a new commands:
        // gs: these commands are all callable through 9o:
        // * go: Wrapper around the go command, adding linter support
        // * go.play: Automatically build and run go commands or run go test for packages
        //   with support for linting and unsaved files
        // * go.replay: Wrapper around go.play limited to a single instance
        //   by default this command is bound to ctrl+.,ctrl+r or cmd+.,cmd+r
        // UserCmds are also added for `Go Play` and `Go RePlay`

        // add the day and time to the status bar
        // &DayTimeStatus{},

        // both GoFmt and GoImports will automatically disable the GoSublime version
        // you will need to install the `goimports` tool manually
        // https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports
        // gs: this replaces settings `fmt_enabled`, `fmt_tab_indent`, `fmt_tab_width`, `fmt_cmd`
        // golang.GoFmt,
        // or

        // use gocode for autocompletion
        // gs: this replaces the `gscomplete_enabled` setting
            Autobuild: true,

            // show the function parameters. this can take up a lot of space
            ShowFuncParams: true,

            // whether or not to include Test*, Benchmark* and Example* functions in the auto-completion list
            // gs: this replaces the `autocomplete_tests` setting
            ProposeTests: false,

            // whether or not builtin types and functions should be shown in the auto-completion list
            // gs: this replaces the `autocomplete_builtins` setting
            ProposeBuiltins: false,

            UnimportedPackages: true,

        // show func arguments/calltips in the status bar
        // gs: this replaces the `calltips` setting

        // use guru for goto-definition
        // new commands `goto.definition` and `guru.definition` are defined
        // gs: by default `goto.definition` is bound to ctrl+.,ctrl+g or cmd+.,cmd+g

        // add some default context aware-ish snippets
        // gs: this replaces the `autocomplete_snippets` and `default_snippets` settings

        // add our own snippets
        // gs: this replaces the `snippets` setting

        // check the file for syntax errors
        // gs: this and other linters e.g. below,
        //     replaces the settings `gslint_enabled`, `lint_filter`, `comp_lint_enabled`,
        //     `comp_lint_commands`, `gslint_timeout`, `lint_enabled`, `linters`

        // Add user commands for running tests and benchmarks
        // gs: this adds support for the tests command palette `ctrl+.`,`ctrl+t` or `cmd+.`,`cmd+t`
            // additional args to add to the command when running tests and examples
            TestArgs: []string{},

            // additional args to add to the command when running benchmarks
            BenchArgs: []string{"-benchmem"},

        // run `go install -i` on save
        // golang.GoInstall("-i"),
        // or
        // golang.GoInstallDiscardBinaries("-i"),
        // GoInstallDiscardBinaries will additionally set $GOBIN
        // to a temp directory so binaries are not installed into your $GOPATH/bin
        // the -i flag is used to install imported packages as well
        // it's only supported in go1.10 or newer

        // run `go vet` on save. go vet is ran automatically as part of `go test` in go1.10
        // golang.GoVet(),

        // run `go test -race` on save
        // golang.GoTest("-race"),

        // run `golint` on save
        // &golang.Linter{Name: "golint", Label: "Go/Lint"},

        // run gometalinter on save
        // &golang.Linter{Name: "gometalinter", Args: []string{
        //  "--disable=gas",
        //  "--fast",
        // }},

// DayTimeStatus adds the current day and time to the status bar
type DayTimeStatus struct {

func (dts DayTimeStatus) RMount(mx *mg.Ctx) {
    // kick off the ticker when we start
    dispatch := mx.Store.Dispatch
    go func() {
        ticker := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second)
        for range ticker.C {

func (dts DayTimeStatus) Reduce(mx *mg.Ctx) *mg.State {
    // we always want to render the time
    // otherwise it will sometimes disappear from the status bar
    now := time.Now()
    format := "Mon, 15:04"
    if now.Second()%2 == 0 {
        format = "Mon, 15 04"
    return mx.AddStatus(now.Format(format))

// MySnippets is a slice of functions returning our own snippets
var MySnippets = golang.SnippetFuncs(
    func(cx *golang.CompletionCtx) []mg.Completion {
        // if we're not in a block (i.e. function), do nothing
        if !cx.Scope.Is(golang.BlockScope) {
            return nil

        return []mg.Completion{
                Query: "if err",
                Title: "err != nil { return }",
                Src:   "if ${1:err} != nil {\n\treturn $0\n}",
DisposaBoy commented 5 years ago

This was unfortunately one of the features that got lost after the switch from nsf/gocode.

I'm planning to investigate a more general solution that auto-imports packages while you type but I probably won't get to that until next week.

Relevant issue: https://github.com/KurokuLabs/margo/issues/62

devMYC commented 5 years ago

@DisposaBoy Glad to hear that you're working on it. Appreciate the hard work man!

DisposaBoy commented 5 years ago

This is now implemented in the latest version of GoSublime

devMYC commented 5 years ago

Confirmed, it's now working!


andyone commented 5 years ago

This is now implemented in the latest version of GoSublime

But works only with Golang 1.11+, because this command, doesn't work with earlier versions.

[root@virt ~]# go version
go version go1.10.3 linux/amd64
[root@virt ~]# go list -find -e -f={{.Name}},{{.ImportPath}} std
flag provided but not defined: -find
usage: list [-e] [-f format] [-json] [build flags] [packages]
Run 'go help list' for details.
[root@virt ~]# go version
go version go1.11 linux/amd64
[root@virt ~]# go list -find -e -f={{.Name}},{{.ImportPath}} std
DisposaBoy commented 5 years ago

go1.10 support should be fixed in GoSublime 18.11.06.