currently for paired tumor - normal WES samples processed with TWIST UMIs
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LIMITATION: initial paired calling pipeline #42

Open Kurt-Hetrick opened 1 year ago

Kurt-Hetrick commented 1 year ago

for the initial paired calling pipeline, if there were tumors that you wanted to call against multiple normals, but independently. you would have to submit them as separate batches and would have to wait until one batch is totally finished before submitting another one. without to going too far in the details, this is due to the qc report having the tumor and normal ids in separate records. as such it would be difficult to write code so that you can use the normal and tumor id in job naming to make a job name unique, which without having unique names, would cause collisions. considering that this is hopefully only a stop gap pipeline, i'm not going to attempt to somehow make this a possibility as hopefully a new sample manifest format will make obtaining the tumor and normal IDs from the same record much easier, but I think it is important to note this limitation for the time being for posterity sake.