Closed cambioformas closed 3 years ago
<class 'str'> 42686 C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI22522\bs4\element:16: UserWarning: The soupsieve package is not installed. CSS selectors cannot be used. C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp\fcba627bc626d5491694d49f7732430af2fbc4c7
이렇게 뜨네용
저도 같은현상입니다 며칠전부터 올려주신 테스트 파일은 전부 안열립니다 물론 이전에 사용중이던 버젼은 전부 정상작동중이구요
<class 'str'> 42686 C:\Users*\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI433242\bs4\element:16: UserWarning: The soupsieve package is not installed. CSS selectors cannot be used. C:\Users*\AppData\Local\Temp\8d63e65354116133114513e3272df38b0fda7c25
이것으로 실행해서 생긴 debug.txt
는 어떤가요?:
이것으로 실행해서 생긴
는 어떤가요?:
이건 debug A 라고만 뜹니다.
debug A
<class 'str'> 42686
debug B
debug C
debug D
C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI124002\bs4\element:16: UserWarning: The soupsieve package is not installed. CSS selectors cannot be used.
debug A
<class 'str'> 42686
debug B
debug C
debug D
C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI104882\bs4\element:16: UserWarning: The soupsieve package is not installed. CSS selectors cannot be used.
['C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp\WinDivert.dll', 'C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp\WinDivert64.sys']
no goodbye_dpi
Failed to start bypass_dpi
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hitomi_downloader_GUI", line 160, in
@@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ ehen <class 'extractor.ehen_downloader.LazyUrl_ehen'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ hiyobi <class 'extractor.hiyobi_downloader.LazyUrl_hiyobi'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ gelbooru <class 'extractor.gelbooru_downloader.LazyUrl_gelbooru'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ sankaku <class 'extractor.sankaku_downloader.LazyUrl_sankaku'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ twitter <class 'extractor.twitter_downloader.LazyUrl_twitter'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ nhentai <class 'extractor.nhentai_downloader.LazyUrl_nhentai'> locker error: You are decorating a non function: <cyfunction Session.get_ses at 0x000002A3E49AFD48> [j_artists] Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ hitomi <class 'hitomi.LazyUrl_hitomi'> PyQt 5.14.2 / 5.14.2 / 5.3.0 AccentColor (0, 120, 215) ARGS: ['C:\Users\\Downloads\hitomi_downloader_GUI_test\hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe'] DPI: 120 border_color: (163, 163, 163) build ani sync default 41.666666666666664 60 False Ani.init Traceback (most recent call last): File "logo", line 38, in read_color FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\Users\\Downloads\hitomi_downloader_GUI_test\hitomi_downloader_GUI.ini'
t0: 4.630105 @@@@@@@ Ignore showMessage install <PyQt.QtWidgets.QLabel object at 0x000002A3E69C54C8> winId: 8061072 handle: <PyQt.QtGui.QWindow object at 0x000002A3E69D8318> setQueueEnabled: True
저는 요렇게 뜨네요 goodbye dpi는 당연히 상시 켜둔상태이구요
이것 cmd에서 다음과 같이 실행하면 어떻게 되나요?:
hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe --debug --no-browser
<class 'str'> 42686
C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI1070802\bs4\element:16: UserWarning: The soupsieve package is not installed. CSS selectors cannot be used.
<class 'str'> 42686
C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI124202\bs4\element:16: UserWarning: The soupsieve package is not installed. CSS selectors cannot be used.
['C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp\WinDivert.dll', 'C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp\WinDivert64.sys']
no goodbye_dpi
Failed to start bypass_dpi
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hitomi_downloader_GUI", line 156, in
@@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ ehen <class 'extractor.ehen_downloader.LazyUrl_ehen'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ hiyobi <class 'extractor.hiyobi_downloader.LazyUrl_hiyobi'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ gelbooru <class 'extractor.gelbooru_downloader.LazyUrl_gelbooru'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ sankaku <class 'extractor.sankaku_downloader.LazyUrl_sankaku'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ twitter <class 'extractor.twitter_downloader.LazyUrl_twitter'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ nhentai <class 'extractor.nhentai_downloader.LazyUrl_nhentai'> locker error: You are decorating a non function: <cyfunction Session.get_ses at 0x0000022362128118> [j_artists] Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ hitomi <class 'hitomi.LazyUrl_hitomi'> PyQt 5.14.2 / 5.14.2 / 5.3.0 AccentColor (0, 120, 215) ARGS: ['C:\Users\\Downloads\hitomi_downloader_GUI_test (3)\hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe'] DPI: 96 border_color: (163, 163, 163) build ani sync default 41.666666666666664 60 False Ani.init Traceback (most recent call last): File "logo", line 38, in read_color FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\Users\\Downloads\hitomi_downloader_GUI_test (3)\hitomi_downloader_GUI.ini'
t0: 5.5829668 @@@@@@@ Ignore showMessage install <PyQt.QtWidgets.QLabel object at 0x0000022363F54D38> winId: 5376286 handle: <PyQt.QtGui.QWindow object at 0x0000022363F5CB88> setQueueEnabled: True
저는 요렇게 나옵니다
hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe --debug --no-browser
debug A <class 'str'> 42686 debug B debug C debug D C:\Users\Hong\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI24962\bs4\element:16: UserWarning: The soupsieve package is not installed. CSS selectors cannot be used. C:\Users\Hong\AppData\Local\Temp\fcba627bc626d5491694d49f7732430af2fbc4c7
이렇게 나옵니다
이것 cmd에서 다음과 같이 실행하면 cmd에 어떻게 뜨나요?:
hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe --no-browser --no-admin
이것 cmd에서 다음과 같이 실행하면 cmd에 어떻게 뜨나요?:
hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe --no-browser --no-admin
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19041.508] (c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users>hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe --no-browser --no-admin [7500] PyInstaller Bootloader 3.x [7500] LOADER: executable is C:\Users\hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe [7500] LOADER: homepath is C:\Users\ [7500] LOADER: _MEIPASS2 is NULL [7500] LOADER: archivename is C:\Users\hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe [7500] LOADER: Extracting binaries [7500] LOADER: Executing self as child [7500] LOADER: set _MEIPASS2 to C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI75002 [7500] LOADER: Setting up to run child [7500] LOADER: Creating child process [7500] LOADER: Waiting for child process to finish... [12492] PyInstaller Bootloader 3.x [12492] LOADER: executable is C:\Users\hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe [12492] LOADER: homepath is C:\Users\ [12492] LOADER: _MEIPASS2 is C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI75002 [12492] LOADER: archivename is C:\Users\hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe [12492] LOADER: SetDllDirectory(C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI75002) [12492] LOADER: Already in the child - running user's code. [12492] LOADER: manifestpath: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI75002\hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe.manifest [12492] LOADER: Error activating the context: ActivateActCtx: 프로세스 기본 활성화 컨텍스트가 이미 설정되어 있기 때문에 프로세스 기본 활성화 컨텍스트를 설정하지 못했습니다.
[12492] LOADER: ucrtbase.dll is exists: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI75002\ucrtbase.dll
[12492] LOADER: Python library: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI75002\python37.dll
[12492] LOADER: Loaded functions from Python library.
[12492] LOADER: Manipulating environment (sys.path, sys.prefix)
[12492] LOADER: sys.prefix is C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI75002
[12492] LOADER: Pre-init sys.path is C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI75002\;C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI75002
[12492] LOADER: Setting runtime options
[12492] LOADER: Bootloader option: pyi-windows-manifest-filename hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe.manifest
[12492] LOADER: Initializing python
[12492] LOADER: Overriding Python's sys.path
[12492] LOADER: Post-init sys.path is C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI75002\;C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI75002
[12492] LOADER: Setting sys.argv
[12492] LOADER: setting sys._MEIPASS
[12492] LOADER: importing modules from CArchive
[12492] LOADER: extracted struct
[12492] LOADER: callfunction returned...
[12492] LOADER: extracted pyimod01_os_path
[12492] LOADER: callfunction returned...
[12492] LOADER: extracted pyimod02_archive
[12492] LOADER: callfunction returned...
[12492] LOADER: extracted pyimod03_importers
[12492] LOADER: callfunction returned...
[12492] LOADER: Installing PYZ archive with Python modules.
[12492] LOADER: PYZ archive: PYZ-00.pyz
[12492] LOADER: Running
[12492] LOADER: Running
[12492] LOADER: Running
[12492] LOADER: Running
[12492] LOADER: Running
[12492] LOADER: Running
debug A
QIODevice::read (QFile, ":\cacert.pem"): device not open
<class 'str'> 42686
debug B
debug C
debug D
C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI75002\bs4\ UserWarning: The soupsieve package is not installed. CSS selectors cannot be used.
QIODevice::read (QFile, ":\tags.json"): device not open
['C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp\WinDivert.dll', 'C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp\WinDivert64.sys']
no goodbye_dpi
Failed to start goodbye_dpi
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hitomi_downloader_GUI", line 154, in
Failed to start bypass_dpi
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hitomi_downloader_GUI", line 160, in
@@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ ehen <class 'extractor.ehen_downloader.LazyUrl_ehen'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ hiyobi <class 'extractor.hiyobi_downloader.LazyUrl_hiyobi'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ gelbooru <class 'extractor.gelbooru_downloader.LazyUrl_gelbooru'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ sankaku <class 'extractor.sankaku_downloader.LazyUrl_sankaku'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ twitter <class 'extractor.twitter_downloader.LazyUrl_twitter'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ nhentai <class 'extractor.nhentai_downloader.LazyUrl_nhentai'> QIODevice::read (QFile, ":\artists_korean.json"): device not open [j_artists] Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ hitomi <class 'hitomi.LazyUrl_hitomi'> PyQt 5.14.2 / 5.14.2 / 5.3.0 AccentColor (55, 142, 195) ARGS: ['hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe'] DPI: 144 border_color: (163, 163, 163) build ani sync default 41.666666666666664 60 False Ani.init Traceback (most recent call last): File "logo", line 38, in read_color FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'hitomi_downloader_GUI.ini'
t0: 2.3103987 @@@@@@@ Ignore showMessage install <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLabel object at 0x00000283F49863A8> winId: 1946158406 handle: <PyQt.QtGui.QWindow object at 0x00000283F499D1F8> setQueueEnabled: True QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 0,0,0,50' QWidget::setMaximumSize: (frameLabel/QLabel) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 55, 142, 195, 64' name 'alphaSlider' is not defined name 'alphaSlider' is not defined ##########dt: 0.5680826999999999 4561 ##########dt: 0.07873189999999974 4565 QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 0,0,0,50' QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 55, 142, 195, 64' wait... customWidget.Thread QWidget::setMaximumSize: (label_10/QLabel) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (label10/QLabel) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (menu0/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (menu0/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (menu1/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (menu1/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (menu2/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (menu2/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (menu3/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (menu3/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (menu4/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (menu4/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (menu5/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (menu5/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (menu6/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (menu6/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (colorLabel/QLabel) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QSystemTrayIcon::setVisible: No Icon set QWidget::setMaximumSize: (preview/TiltLabel) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (preview/TiltLabel) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (button/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (button/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) 맑은 고딕 Font: Gulim -> 맑은 고딕 QWidget::setMaximumSize: (plot/Plot) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (plot/Plot) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (MainWindow/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (MainWindow/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (MainWindow/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (MainWindow/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (MainWindow/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (MainWindow/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (MainWindow/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (MainWindow/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (MainWindow/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (MainWindow/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (MainWindow/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (MainWindow/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (MainWindow/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (MainWindow/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (AnalWindow/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (AnalWindow/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (MainWindow/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (MainWindow/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (MainWindow/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (MainWindow/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (Form/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (Form/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (SettingWindow/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (SettingWindow/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (MainWindow/Window) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (MainWindow/Window) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (StatWindow/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (StatWindow/MainWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (edit/IconEdit) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (playButton/MyCheckBox) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (searchButton/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (searchButton/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (nextButton/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (nextButton/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (pbar/MyProgressBar) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (filterButton/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (filterButton_/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (clearButton/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (clearButton/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (progressBar/MyProgressBar) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) yeah!!! 3.5 QWidget::setMaximumSize: (listWidget/MyListWidget) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (listWidget/MyListWidget) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) yeah!!! 4 font id: 0 font family: Roboto (len: 1) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (typeGameCGCheck/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (typeMangaCheck/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (typeDoujinshiCheck/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (typeArtistCGCheck/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (typeAnimeCheck/MyPushButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) Supported Image Formats: [b'bmp', b'pbm', b'pgm', b'png', b'ppm', b'xbm', b'xpm'] QWidget::setMaximumSize: (CustomWidget/CustomWidget) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (label/QLabel) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (label/QLabel) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (right/QWidget) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) artistEdit stackedWidgetPage1 groupEdit stackedWidgetPage1 seriesEdit stackedWidgetPage1 characterEdit stackedWidgetPage1 tagEdit stackedWidgetPage1 simpleEdit frame1 QWidget::setMaximumSize: (edit_port/MyLineEdit) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (resizePreset/QToolButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (resizePreset/QToolButton) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (resizeWidth/MyLineEdit) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (resizeHeight/MyLineEdit) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (box_zip/MyScrollArea) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QWidget::setMaximumSize: (box_zip/MyScrollArea) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 0, 0, 0, 40' QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 0, 0, 0, 40' build ani sync default 41.666666666666664 20 False Ani.init QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 55, 142, 195, 64' searcherWindow.zoom: 1.0 [1920x1080], x689y187w810h855 (x555.0y112.5) QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 0, 0, 0, 40' QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 55, 142, 195, 64' Checking for updates... HitomiDownloader2
changed <PyQt5.QtCore.QEvent object at 0x00000283F9114438>
setColor A 0.00371689999999969
QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 109.0, 152.5, 179.0, 255.0'
QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 55, 142, 195, 64'
QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 109.0, 152.5, 179.0, 255.0'
QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 0, 0, 0, 40'
QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 55, 142, 195, 64'
changed <PyQt5.QtCore.QEvent object at 0x00000283F9118438>
QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 55, 142, 195, 64'
QCssParser::parseColorValue: Specified color without alpha value but alpha given: 'rgb 55, 142, 195, 64'
setColor B 0.12794000000000016
border_color: (163, 163, 163)
setColor C 0.005735999999999741
setColor D 0.03532259999999976
setColor E 9.470000000000312e-05
setColor F 1.85999999997577e-05
setColor Z 4.9200000000304556e-05
build ani sync default 41.666666666666664 24 False
setQueueEnabled: False
changed <PyQt5.QtCore.QEvent object at 0x00000283F912CDC8>
remove <MyListWidget.MyListWidget object at 0x00000283F495AE58> <logo.Logo object at 0x00000283F49865E8> start False
MyConfigParserError [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'hitomi_downloader_GUI.ini'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hitomi_downloader_GUI", line 7806, in
setShortcut changed <PyQt5.QtCore.QEvent object at 0x00000283F912C828> "C:\Users\hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe" -tray changed <PyQt5.QtCore.QEvent object at 0x00000283F912BE58>
build ani sync default 41.666666666666664 33 False Ani.init solve: finally Error try_n: init 2 Traceback (most recent call last): File "constants", line 806, in wrapper File "extractor\manatoki_downloader", line 47, in init File "extractor\manatoki_downloader", line 117, in get_soup File "clf2", line 37, in solve AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'lock'
layoutChanged backup order customWidget.update_order setQueueEnabled: False changed <PyQt5.QtCore.QEvent object at 0x00000283FC2D2E58> changed <PyQt5.QtCore.QEvent object at 0x00000283FC2D2E58> <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x00000283F91453A8> <MyListWidget.MyListWidget object at 0x00000283F495AE58> <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x00000283F2FA45E8> <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x00000283F2FA44C8> <MainWindow.MainWindow object at 0x00000283F2FA4438> setQueueEnabled: True updateStat changed <PyQt5.QtCore.QEvent object at 0x00000283FC2E1438> changed <PyQt5.QtGui.QWindowStateChangeEvent object at 0x00000283FC2E1438>
이렇게 쭉 뜨네요
다운로더 창은 안 뜨나요?
다운로더 창은 안 뜨나요?
다운로더 창도 떠요 / 근데 마나토끼는 다운이안되네용
전 저 명령어로도 안켜집니다
몇 비트의 무슨 OS 쓰시나요?
몇 비트의 무슨 OS 쓰시나요? 윈10 홈버젼 64bit 씁니다
몇 비트의 무슨 OS 쓰시나요?
저도 64비트 윈도우 10 홈버전입니다
이건 어떤가요?:
마찬가지로 실행 안되네요 ㅠ
@cambioformas 이것 cmd에서 다음과 같이 실행하고:
hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe --no-browser --no-admin
Ctrl + Alt + C 눌러서 콘솔 열고 다음과 같이 입력하고 Enter 누르면 어떻게 뜨나요?:
@cambioformas 이것 cmd에서 다음과 같이 실행하고:
hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe --no-browser --no-admin
Ctrl + Alt + C 눌러서 콘솔 열고 다음과 같이 입력하고 Enter 누르면 어떻게 뜨나요?:
Python 3.7.7 (tags/v3.7.7:d7c567b08f, Mar 10 2020, 10:41:24) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "console\Console", line 153, in execSingle
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "c:\users\kurtb\appdata\local\programs\python\python37\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\pyimod03_importers", line 623, in exec_module
File "site-packages\PyQt\QtWebEngineWidgets", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: QtWebEngineWidgets must be imported before a QCoreApplication instance is created
이렇게 뜹니다
@cambioformas 이것 cmd에서 다음과 같이 실행하면 cmd에 어떻게 뜨나요?:
hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe --no-admin
hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe --no-admin
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19041.508] (c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users>hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe --no-admin [1280] PyInstaller Bootloader 3.x [1280] LOADER: executable is C:\Users\hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe [1280] LOADER: homepath is C:\Users\ [1280] LOADER: _MEIPASS2 is NULL [1280] LOADER: archivename is C:\Users\hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe [1280] LOADER: Extracting binaries [1280] LOADER: Executing self as child [1280] LOADER: set _MEIPASS2 to C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI12802 [1280] LOADER: Setting up to run child [1280] LOADER: Creating child process [1280] LOADER: Waiting for child process to finish... [8848] PyInstaller Bootloader 3.x [8848] LOADER: executable is C:\Users\hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe [8848] LOADER: homepath is C:\Users\ [8848] LOADER: _MEIPASS2 is C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI12802 [8848] LOADER: archivename is C:\Users\hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe [8848] LOADER: SetDllDirectory(C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI12802) [8848] LOADER: Already in the child - running user's code. [8848] LOADER: manifestpath: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI12802\hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe.manifest [8848] LOADER: Error activating the context: ActivateActCtx: 프로세스 기본 활성화 컨텍스트가 이미 설정되어 있기 때문에 프로세스 기본 활성화 컨텍스트를 설정하지 못했습니다.
[8848] LOADER: ucrtbase.dll is exists: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI12802\ucrtbase.dll
[8848] LOADER: Python library: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI12802\python37.dll
[8848] LOADER: Loaded functions from Python library.
[8848] LOADER: Manipulating environment (sys.path, sys.prefix)
[8848] LOADER: sys.prefix is C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI12802
[8848] LOADER: Pre-init sys.path is C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI12802\;C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI12802
[8848] LOADER: Setting runtime options
[8848] LOADER: Bootloader option: pyi-windows-manifest-filename hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe.manifest
[8848] LOADER: Initializing python
[8848] LOADER: Overriding Python's sys.path
[8848] LOADER: Post-init sys.path is C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI12802\;C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI12802
[8848] LOADER: Setting sys.argv
[8848] LOADER: setting sys._MEIPASS
[8848] LOADER: importing modules from CArchive
[8848] LOADER: extracted struct
[8848] LOADER: callfunction returned...
[8848] LOADER: extracted pyimod01_os_path
[8848] LOADER: callfunction returned...
[8848] LOADER: extracted pyimod02_archive
[8848] LOADER: callfunction returned...
[8848] LOADER: extracted pyimod03_importers
[8848] LOADER: callfunction returned...
[8848] LOADER: Installing PYZ archive with Python modules.
[8848] LOADER: PYZ archive: PYZ-00.pyz
[8848] LOADER: Running
[8848] LOADER: Running
[8848] LOADER: Running
[8848] LOADER: Running
[8848] LOADER: Running
[8848] LOADER: Running
debug A
QIODevice::read (QFile, ":\cacert.pem"): device not open
<class 'str'> 42686
debug B
debug C
debug D
C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI12802\bs4\ UserWarning: The soupsieve package is not installed. CSS selectors cannot be used.
QIODevice::read (QFile, ":\tags.json"): device not open
['C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp\WinDivert.dll', 'C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp\WinDivert64.sys']
no goodbye_dpi
Failed to start goodbye_dpi
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hitomi_downloader_GUI", line 154, in
Failed to start bypass_dpi
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hitomi_downloader_GUI", line 160, in
@@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ ehen <class 'extractor.ehen_downloader.LazyUrl_ehen'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ hiyobi <class 'extractor.hiyobi_downloader.LazyUrl_hiyobi'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ gelbooru <class 'extractor.gelbooru_downloader.LazyUrl_gelbooru'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ sankaku <class 'extractor.sankaku_downloader.LazyUrl_sankaku'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ twitter <class 'extractor.twitter_downloader.LazyUrl_twitter'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ nhentai <class 'extractor.nhentai_downloader.LazyUrl_nhentai'> QIODevice::read (QFile, ":\artists_korean.json"): device not open [j_artists] Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ hitomi <class 'hitomi.LazyUrl_hitomi'> PyQt 5.14.2 / 5.14.2 / 5.3.0 AccentColor (55, 142, 195) ARGS: ['hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe'] DPI: 144 border_color: (163, 163, 163) build ani sync default 41.666666666666664 60 False Ani.init Traceback (most recent call last): File "logo", line 38, in read_color FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'hitomi_downloader_GUI.ini'
t0: 4.0369675 @@@@@@@ Ignore showMessage install <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLabel object at 0x0000022C7C692AF8> winId: 460586 handle: <PyQt.QtGui.QWindow object at 0x0000022C7C69A948> setQueueEnabled: True Could not find QtWebEngineProcess.exe [1280] LOADER: Back to parent (RC: -1073740791) [1280] LOADER: Doing cleanup [1280] LOADER: Freeing archive status for C:\Users\hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe
이렇게 뜹니다
이건 실행 되나요?:
이것도 반응이 없네요.. ㅠ
이것 cmd에서 다음과 같이 실행하면 cmd에 어떻게 뜨나요?:
hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe --no-admin
hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe --no-admin
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19041.508] (c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users>hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe --no-admin [2068] PyInstaller Bootloader 3.x [2068] LOADER: executable is C:\Users\hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe [2068] LOADER: homepath is C:\Users\ [2068] LOADER: _MEIPASS2 is NULL [2068] LOADER: archivename is C:\Users\hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe [2068] LOADER: Extracting binaries [2068] LOADER: Executing self as child [2068] LOADER: set _MEIPASS2 to C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI20682 [2068] LOADER: Setting up to run child [2068] LOADER: Creating child process [2068] LOADER: Waiting for child process to finish... [1184] PyInstaller Bootloader 3.x [1184] LOADER: executable is C:\Users\hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe [1184] LOADER: homepath is C:\Users\ [1184] LOADER: _MEIPASS2 is C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI20682 [1184] LOADER: archivename is C:\Users\hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe [1184] LOADER: SetDllDirectory(C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI20682) [1184] LOADER: Already in the child - running user's code. [1184] LOADER: manifestpath: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI20682\hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe.manifest [1184] LOADER: Error activating the context: ActivateActCtx: 프로세스 기본 활성화 컨텍스트가 이미 설정되어 있기 때문에 프로세스 기본 활성화 컨텍스트를 설정하지 못했습니다.
[1184] LOADER: ucrtbase.dll is exists: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI20682\ucrtbase.dll
[1184] LOADER: Python library: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI20682\python37.dll
[1184] LOADER: Loaded functions from Python library.
[1184] LOADER: Manipulating environment (sys.path, sys.prefix)
[1184] LOADER: sys.prefix is C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI20682
[1184] LOADER: Pre-init sys.path is C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI20682\;C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI20682
[1184] LOADER: Setting runtime options
[1184] LOADER: Bootloader option: pyi-windows-manifest-filename hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe.manifest
[1184] LOADER: Initializing python
[1184] LOADER: Overriding Python's sys.path
[1184] LOADER: Post-init sys.path is C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI20682\;C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI20682
[1184] LOADER: Setting sys.argv
[1184] LOADER: setting sys._MEIPASS
[1184] LOADER: importing modules from CArchive
[1184] LOADER: extracted struct
[1184] LOADER: callfunction returned...
[1184] LOADER: extracted pyimod01_os_path
[1184] LOADER: callfunction returned...
[1184] LOADER: extracted pyimod02_archive
[1184] LOADER: callfunction returned...
[1184] LOADER: extracted pyimod03_importers
[1184] LOADER: callfunction returned...
[1184] LOADER: Installing PYZ archive with Python modules.
[1184] LOADER: PYZ archive: PYZ-00.pyz
[1184] LOADER: Running
[1184] LOADER: Running
[1184] LOADER: Running
[1184] LOADER: Running
[1184] LOADER: Running
[1184] LOADER: Running
debug A
QIODevice::read (QFile, ":\cacert.pem"): device not open
<class 'str'> 42686
debug B
debug C
debug D
C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI20682\bs4\ UserWarning: The soupsieve package is not installed. CSS selectors cannot be used.
QIODevice::read (QFile, ":\tags.json"): device not open
['C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp\WinDivert.dll', 'C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp\WinDivert64.sys']
no goodbye_dpi
Failed to start goodbye_dpi
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hitomi_downloader_GUI", line 159, in
Failed to start bypass_dpi
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hitomi_downloader_GUI", line 165, in
@@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ ehen <class 'extractor.ehen_downloader.LazyUrl_ehen'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ hiyobi <class 'extractor.hiyobi_downloader.LazyUrl_hiyobi'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ gelbooru <class 'extractor.gelbooru_downloader.LazyUrl_gelbooru'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ sankaku <class 'extractor.sankaku_downloader.LazyUrl_sankaku'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ twitter <class 'extractor.twitter_downloader.LazyUrl_twitter'> @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ nhentai <class 'extractor.nhentai_downloader.LazyUrl_nhentai'> QIODevice::read (QFile, ":\artists_korean.json"): device not open [j_artists] Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) @@@@ LazyUrl.Register @@@@ hitomi <class 'hitomi.LazyUrl_hitomi'> PyQt 5.14.2 / 5.14.2 / 5.3.0 AccentColor (55, 142, 195) ARGS: ['hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe'] DPI: 144 border_color: (163, 163, 163) build ani sync default 41.666666666666664 60 False Ani.init Traceback (most recent call last): File "logo", line 38, in read_color FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'hitomi_downloader_GUI.ini'
t0: 5.2390065 @@@@@@@ Ignore showMessage install <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLabel object at 0x000001C0116E2558> winId: 460272 handle: <PyQt.QtGui.QWindow object at 0x000001C0116F63A8> setQueueEnabled: True Could not find QtWebEngineProcess.exe [2068] LOADER: Back to parent (RC: -1073740791) [2068] LOADER: Doing cleanup [2068] LOADER: Freeing archive status for C:\Users\hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe
이것 설치하고 다시 시도해보실래요?:
파이썬이랑 bs4설치 후 가장 마지막에 올려주신 버젼으로 cmd에서 hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe --no-browser --no-admin 명령어로 실행은 성공했는데 마나토끼가 다운이 안되네요
콘솔에서 import('PyQt.QtWebEngineWidgets') 이걸 입력하면
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "console\Console", line 153, in execSingle
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "c:\users\kurtb\appdata\local\programs\python\python37\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\pyimod03_importers", line 623, in exec_module
File "site-packages\PyQt\QtWebEngineWidgets", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: QtWebEngineWidgets must be imported before a QCoreApplication instance is created
요렇게 뜹니다
설치한 파이썬 버젼은 3.78입니다
다른 외장하드에서 유튜브파일 받는용도로 쓰는 정식버젼 최신(3.0b) 다운로더에선 [import('PyQt.QtWebEngineWidgets')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "console\", line 153, in execSingle
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PyQt.QtWebEngineWidgets'
이상이 발견되지 않네요
파이썬 말고 이걸 설치해주세요:
파이썬 말고 이걸 설치해주세요:
그것도 설치되어있습니다 예전에 설치해뒀던것과 같은버젼이예요
이것 설치하고 다시 시도해보실래요?:
설치해봤지만 똑같네요..
cmd에서 다음과 같이 실행하고:
hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe --no-browser --no-admin
Ctrl + Alt + C 눌러서 콘솔 열고 다음과 같이 입력하고 Enter 누르면 폴더 열릴텐데:
os.startfile(os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS, 'PyQt5\\Qt\\bin'))
그 곳에 QtWebEngineProcess.exe
가 있나요?
cmd에서 다음과 같이 실행하고:
hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe --no-browser --no-admin
Ctrl + Alt + C 눌러서 콘솔 열고 다음과 같이 입력하고 Enter 누르면 폴더 열릴텐데:
os.startfile(os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS, 'PyQt5\\Qt\\bin'))
그 곳에
가 있나요?
네 있습니다
저도 있습니다
관리자권한실행이나 일반 클릭으론 실행이 안되고 cmd에서 hitomi_downloader_GUI.exe --no-browser --no-admin명령어로만 실행되며 역시 마나토끼만 안받아집니다 콘솔에서 import('PyQt.QtWebEngineWidgets') 입력시
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "console\Console", line 153, in execSingle
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'Vimport' is not defined
이렇게 뜹니다
마나토끼 아무 만화나 목록주소 넣고 선택화 다운로드로 들어가면
Failed to read pages: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'lock'
Traceback (most recent call last): File "page_selector", line 79, in f File "extractor\manatoki_downloader", line 141, in f File "extractor\manatoki_downloader", line 117, in get_soup File "clf2", line 37, in solve AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'lock' 요렇게 뜨네요
저도 위에 분이랑 똑같습니다
4k다운로더 실행되고
qutebrowser는 미설치버젼은 실행이 안되고 설치버젼은 멀쩡하게 실행됩니다
새로 올려주신버젼의 다운로더도 cmd를 통한 실행만 가능하며
콘솔에서 import('PyQt.QtWebEngineWidgets') 입력시
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "console\Console", line 153, in execSingle
File "
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "console\Console", line 157, in execSingle
File "<string>", line 1
IndentationError: unexpected indent
요렇게 뜨면서 마찬가지로 마나토끼만 안받아집니다
마나토끼 목록주소 넣고 선택화 다운로드 들어가면 바로 전에 올려주신 버젼이랑 완전히 동일한 창이 뜨네요
이건 실행 되나요?:
가 아니라 __import__('PyQt.QtWebEngineWidgets')
이건 실행 되나요?:
가 아니라__import__('PyQt.QtWebEngineWidgets')
아니요 ㅠ
이건 실행 되나요?:
가 아니라__import__('PyQt.QtWebEngineWidgets')
콘솔에 뜬걸 여기로 복붙하니 앞뒤에 __가 빠져서 올라갔나봅니다
qutebrowser 미설치 버전이랑 설치 버전 모두 동일한 파일인데 왜 한 쪽은 실행이 안 될까요.. 모르겠네요
혹시 드라이브 다르게 하면 실행이 되나요?
미설치버젼은 실행하면 hitomi downloader와 마찬가지로 처음에만 반응이 있으나 작업관리자에도 안뜨고 아예 켜지질 않습니다 다만 말씀하신대로 c드라이브에서 다른 외장하드로 옮기면 멀쩡하게 실행되고(혹시나해서 다시 c드라이브 downloads폴더로 옮기고 실행해보니 안켜졌습니다) hitomi downloader는 외장하드로 옮겨도 여전히 실행이 안돼요
노트북7대와 데스크탑 두대있는걸로 전부 시험해봤는데 전부 같은증상이네요 ㅠㅠ
이전에 올려주신것과 완전 동일한 증상입니다
저 밑에 마나토끼 화수 잘못 다운된다는 이슈 글에 답변해주신 링크 타고 다운로더 새로 받았는데
별짓을 다해도 실행이 안됩니다.