KurtBestor / Hitomi-Downloader

:cake: Desktop utility to download images/videos/music/text from various websites, and more.
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픽시브 수정된 후 파일명 형식 #3097

Open kelsen12 opened 3 years ago

kelsen12 commented 3 years ago

1 2

설정은 id_ppage title로 되어있는데 다운로드 시 파일명에 id_ppage title에 id 값이 추가로 더 붙어서 다운로드 됩니다 ex) 123456_p0 title(pixiv_illust_123456)

작업 정보입니다

「…どうかな?」 (pixiv_illust_87632329)

version: 3.3 (21-02-11 10:01:39 UTC) platform / locale: Windows-10-10.0.18362-SP0 / ko order / group / uid: 0 / False / 755a0da859a84aed9e32652d8d6383be input: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/87632329 type: pixiv single: False url: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/87632329 dir: down\「…どうかな?」 (pixiv_illust_87632329) zip: artist: None valid / done: True / True range / range_p: ~100000 / None time: 1613048006.1599762 (Feb 11) tags: [] lock: False color: done paused: False format: None p2f: None segment: None goodbyedpi: False ytdl: 2021.02.10 changed: True

[Gallery] None

[File Names] [0001] down\「…どうかな?」 (pixiv_illust_87632329)\87632329_p0 「…どうかな?」 (pixiv_illust_87632329).png [0002] down\「…どうかな?」 (pixiv_illust_87632329)\87632329_p1 「…どうかな?」 (pixiv_illust_87632329).png

[URLs] [0001] LazyUrl(https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/87632329) ---> https://i.pximg.net/img-original/img/2021/02/09/01/12/48/87632329_p0.png [0002] LazyUrl(https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/87632329) ---> https://i.pximg.net/img-original/img/2021/02/09/01/12/48/87632329_p1.png

[Messages] tags: [] tags_ex: [] stop EOT: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/87632329 (2.7s)

KurtBestor commented 3 years ago

테스트 부탁드려요: https://github.com/KurtBestor/Hitomi-Downloader/releases/tag/Technical-Preview

hoohoohoo507 commented 3 years ago

저같은 경우에는 픽시브 그냥은 다운받을수 없고 쿠키를 넣어야만 다운받을수 있네요 실패시에도 쿠키 넣으라고 나오고요 K-20210212-015601

kelsen12 commented 3 years ago

잘 받아집니다 감사합니다

zeromas1 commented 3 years ago

저같은 경우에는 픽시브 그냥은 다운받을수 없고 쿠키를 넣어야만 다운받을수 있네요 실패시에도 쿠키 넣으라고 나오고요 K-20210212-015601

I had the same problem. I realized the Chrome extension I was using "Get cookies.txt" was not exporting a sufficient cookies file. I used the Firefox "cookies.txt" and the file it output worked.