KurtBestor / Hitomi-Downloader

:cake: Desktop utility to download images/videos/music/text from various websites, and more.
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Pixiv user bookmarks download error #3460

Open 2Concreazum opened 3 years ago

2Concreazum commented 3 years ago

Error on version 3.4 and older. Program require cookies for download user bookmarks gallery, although they're already loaded. Separate units of R-18 in format '/artworks/123456...' downloads fine with loaded cookies. The problem appears just today - yesterday bookmarks downloaded normally. Reloading cookies and deleting config file doesn't resolve the problem. Logs for both bookmarks and single download attached below. Add: for extracting cookies has been used extension "Get cookies.txt". 1 log_bookmarks.txt log_single.txt

KurtBestor commented 3 years ago

What is *redacted user id*? I can't reproduce on my end.

2Concreazum commented 3 years ago

I'm self-censor my user number for privacy, but now I realized that I cannot download only my bookmarks. Other users' bookmarks downloads normally. Can I send my link to your PM?

KurtBestor commented 3 years ago


2Concreazum commented 3 years ago

Done, check in your email

KurtBestor commented 3 years ago

I've got nothing in my email

2Concreazum commented 3 years ago

Wait, email on gmail from commits log isn't yours? To where can I write then?

KurtBestor commented 3 years ago

Oh, It's in the spam folder. Try this: https://github.com/KurtBestor/Hitomi-Downloader/releases/tag/Technical-Preview

2Concreazum commented 3 years ago

Same error as on release version

Login required; Update your cookies: Invalid request. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/********/bookmarks/artworks

version: 3.4 (21-06-12 19:06:50 UTC) platform / locale: Windows-10-10.0.19041-SP0 / en order / group / uid: 0 / False / fbb7a992e318425cb02990de6e6aa580 input: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/********/bookmarks/artworks type: pixiv single: False url: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/********/bookmarks/artworks dir: zip: artist: None valid / done: False / True range / range_p: ~500 / None time: 1623528405.9720964 (Jun 12) tags: [] lock: False color: invalid paused: False format: None p2f: None segment: None goodbyedpi: True ytdl: 2021.06.06 pinned: False extras: {} changed: True

[Gallery] None

[File Names]


[Messages] Invalid request. stop Traceback (most recent call last): File "utils", line 1083, in start File "utils", line 1141, in start_ File "extractor\pixiv_downloader", line 63, in read File "extractor\pixiv_downloader", line 311, in get_info File "extractor\pixiv_downloader", line 125, in bookmarks File "", line 2, in call File "constants", line 899, in wrapper File "constants", line 870, in wrapper File "ratelimit\decorators", line 113, in wrapper File "ratelimit\decorators", line 80, in wrapper File "extractor\pixiv_downloader", line 102, in call extractor.pixiv_downloader.PixivAPIError: Invalid request.

Invalid: fail=False EOT: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/********/bookmarks/artworks (16.9s)

KurtBestor commented 3 years ago


I can't reproduce on my end

2Concreazum commented 3 years ago

Okay, thank you for help. Actually it's helped me to find way to "resolve" problem. It seems, like I can't download my bookmarks with cookies from account with them. I tried on different machines, browsers, deleting sites data, changing password, but nothing worked out. Also I'm noticed, that sometimes there are an error 403 Client Error in logs. Then I registered alt-account on pixiv and copy-pasted cookies from there in downloader. And now it's works again, but only in that strange way. 1 403_client_error_log.txt

KurtBestor commented 3 years ago

Try this: https://github.com/KurtBestor/Hitomi-Downloader/releases/tag/Technical-Preview

NKTNIK commented 3 years ago

픽시브 다운로드가 안됩니다. 쿠키 불러오기로 적용시켰는데도 login required만 계속해서 뜨네요ㅠ 비슷한 경우 있나 찾아보다가 https://github.com/KurtBestor/Hitomi-Downloader/issues/3475#issuecomment-860066789 여기서 부계 사용하면 된다길래 새 계정 가입후 그걸로 쿠키 바꿔봤는데 똑같은 오류뜨고 위 링크에 Technical Preview 버전파일 다운받아 실행시켜봐도 안되네요..

작업정보 첨부합니다

Login required; Update your cookies https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/86919624

version: 3.4a (21-06-27 04:50:02 UTC) platform / locale: Windows-10-10.0.19041-SP0 / ko order / group / uid: 1 / False / b108af5817ec44aa92dddf85f52d712f input: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/86919624 type: pixiv single: False url: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/86919624 dir: zip: artist: None valid / done: False / True range / range_p: None / None time: 1625061202.4936266 (Jun 30) tags: [] lock: False color: invalid paused: False format: None p2f: None segment: None goodbyedpi: None ytdl: 2021.06.06 pinned: False extras: {} changed: True

[Gallery] None

[File Names]



stop Traceback (most recent call last): File "utils", line 1085, in start File "utils", line 1144, in start_ File "extractor\pixiv_downloader", line 63, in read File "extractor\pixiv_downloader", line 271, in get_info errors.LoginRequired

Invalid: fail=False EOT: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/86919624 (0.2s)