KurtBestor / Hitomi-Downloader

:cake: Desktop utility to download images/videos/music/text from various websites, and more.
21.61k stars 2k forks source link

픽시브코믹, welovemanga가 다운이 안됩니다 #3815

Open wlskekrk opened 2 years ago

wlskekrk commented 2 years ago

항상 감사히 잘 쓰고 있습니다 이 두 군데가 다운이 안되네요 픽시브코믹은 며칠전부터 그랬구요 2곳의 정보 올려봅니다

43초 뒤 다시 시작: https://comic.pixiv.net/works/7769

version: 3.6 (21-08-18 01:55:42 UTC) platform / locale: Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1 / ko order / group / uid: 2 / False / 15a0d9621c7948f1867e8d02421b20c7 input: https://comic.pixiv.net/works/7769 type: pixiv_comic single: False url: https://comic.pixiv.net/works/7769 dir: zip: artist: 芳川カズ valid / done: False / True range / range_p: None / None time: 1631874056.3639123 (Sep 17) tags: [] lock: False color: invalid paused: False format: None p2f: None segment: None goodbyedpi: True ytdl: 2021.06.06 pinned: False extras: {} changed: True

[Gallery] None

[File Names]


[Messages] no html dirFormat: [artist] title empty urls stop Traceback (most recent call last): File "utils", line 1097, in start File "utils", line 1181, in start_ Exception: empty urls

Invalid: fail=True EOT: https://comic.pixiv.net/works/7769 (8.3s)

dirFormat: [artist] title empty urls stop Traceback (most recent call last): File "utils", line 1097, in start File "utils", line 1181, in start_ Exception: empty urls

Invalid: fail=True EOT: https://comic.pixiv.net/works/7769 (3.8s)

dirFormat: [artist] title empty urls stop Traceback (most recent call last): File "utils", line 1097, in start File "utils", line 1181, in start_ Exception: empty urls

Invalid: fail=True EOT: https://comic.pixiv.net/works/7769 (8.1s)

dirFormat: [artist] title empty urls stop Traceback (most recent call last): File "utils", line 1097, in start File "utils", line 1181, in start_ Exception: empty urls

Invalid: fail=True EOT: https://comic.pixiv.net/works/7769 (8.5s)

-welovemanga사이트 정보입니다

1분 45초 뒤 다시 시작: https://welovemanga.net/253/

version: 3.6 (21-08-18 01:55:42 UTC) platform / locale: Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1 / ko order / group / uid: 0 / False / b8bdc3ed4f554ce2b3d3040e65e697dc input: https://welovemanga.net/253/ type: lhscan single: False url: https://welovemanga.net/253/ dir: zip: artist: None valid / done: False / True range / range_p: None / [78] time: 1631874125.939892 (Sep 17) tags: [] lock: False color: invalid paused: False format: None p2f: None segment: None goodbyedpi: True ytdl: 2021.06.06 pinned: False extras: {} changed: True

[Gallery] None

[File Names]


[Messages] Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 no chapter-content stop Traceback (most recent call last): File "utils", line 1097, in start File "utils", line 1167, in start_ File "extractor\lhscan_downloader", line 83, in read File "", line 2, in get_imgs File "constants", line 896, in wrapper File "constants", line 867, in wrapper File "extractor\lhscan_downloader", line 170, in get_imgs File "", line 2, in get_imgs_page File "constants", line 896, in wrapper File "constants", line 867, in wrapper File "extractor\lhscan_downloader", line 101, in get_imgs_page Exception: no chapter-content

Invalid: fail=True EOT: https://welovemanga.net/253/ (19.5s)

Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 no chapter-content stop Traceback (most recent call last): File "utils", line 1097, in start File "utils", line 1167, in start_ File "extractor\lhscan_downloader", line 83, in read File "", line 2, in get_imgs File "constants", line 896, in wrapper File "constants", line 867, in wrapper File "extractor\lhscan_downloader", line 170, in get_imgs File "", line 2, in get_imgs_page File "constants", line 896, in wrapper File "constants", line 867, in wrapper File "extractor\lhscan_downloader", line 101, in get_imgs_page Exception: no chapter-content

Invalid: fail=True EOT: https://welovemanga.net/253/ (19.8s)

Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 no chapter-content stop Traceback (most recent call last): File "utils", line 1097, in start File "utils", line 1167, in start_ File "extractor\lhscan_downloader", line 83, in read File "", line 2, in get_imgs File "constants", line 896, in wrapper File "constants", line 867, in wrapper File "extractor\lhscan_downloader", line 170, in get_imgs File "", line 2, in get_imgs_page File "constants", line 896, in wrapper File "constants", line 867, in wrapper File "extractor\lhscan_downloader", line 101, in get_imgs_page Exception: no chapter-content

Invalid: fail=True EOT: https://welovemanga.net/253/ (21.6s)

Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 Chapter 80 no chapter-content stop Traceback (most recent call last): File "utils", line 1097, in start File "utils", line 1167, in start_ File "extractor\lhscan_downloader", line 83, in read File "", line 2, in get_imgs File "constants", line 896, in wrapper File "constants", line 867, in wrapper File "extractor\lhscan_downloader", line 170, in get_imgs File "", line 2, in get_imgs_page File "constants", line 896, in wrapper File "constants", line 867, in wrapper File "extractor\lhscan_downloader", line 101, in get_imgs_page Exception: no chapter-content

Invalid: fail=True EOT: https://welovemanga.net/253/ (21.0s)

wlskekrk commented 2 years ago

welovemanga를 오늘 다시 다운받아보니 로딩할때 나타나는 gif들만 다운되네요 다시 한번 정보 올려봅니다


version: 3.6 (21-08-18 01:55:42 UTC) platform / locale: Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1 / ko order / group / uid: 0 / False / 2f09e5e6b06d46319d58ac318d0c01c9 input: https://welovemanga.net/253/ type: lhscan single: False url: https://welovemanga.net/253/ dir: hitomi_downloaded_lhscan\KOE GA DASENAI SHOUJO WA zip: artist: None valid / done: True / True range / range_p: None / [78] time: 1632308856.2229125 (Sep 22) tags: [] lock: False color: done paused: False format: None p2f: None segment: None goodbyedpi: True ytdl: 2021.06.06 pinned: False extras: {} changed: True

[Gallery] None

[File Names] [0001] hitomi_downloaded_lhscan\KOE GA DASENAI SHOUJO WA\Chapter 80\0000.gif [0002] hitomi_downloaded_lhscan\KOE GA DASENAI SHOUJO WA\Chapter 80\0001.gif [0003] hitomi_downloaded_lhscan\KOE GA DASENAI SHOUJO WA\Chapter 80\0002.gif [0004] hitomi_downloaded_lhscan\KOE GA DASENAI SHOUJO WA\Chapter 80\0003.gif [0005] hitomi_downloaded_lhscan\KOE GA DASENAI SHOUJO WA\Chapter 80\0004.gif [0006] hitomi_downloaded_lhscan\KOE GA DASENAI SHOUJO WA\Chapter 80\0005.gif [0007] hitomi_downloaded_lhscan\KOE GA DASENAI SHOUJO WA\Chapter 80\0006.gif [0008] hitomi_downloaded_lhscan\KOE GA DASENAI SHOUJO WA\Chapter 80\0007.gif

[URLs] [0001] LazyUrl(https://welovemanga.net/253/63663/) ---> https://welovemanga.net/uploads/lazy_loading.gif [0002] LazyUrl(https://welovemanga.net/253/63663/) ---> https://welovemanga.net/uploads/lazy_loading.gif [0003] LazyUrl(https://welovemanga.net/253/63663/) ---> https://welovemanga.net/uploads/lazy_loading.gif [0004] LazyUrl(https://welovemanga.net/253/63663/) ---> https://welovemanga.net/uploads/lazy_loading.gif [0005] LazyUrl(https://welovemanga.net/253/63663/) ---> https://welovemanga.net/uploads/lazy_loading.gif [0006] LazyUrl(https://welovemanga.net/253/63663/) ---> https://welovemanga.net/uploads/lazy_loading.gif [0007] LazyUrl(https://welovemanga.net/253/63663/) ---> https://welovemanga.net/uploads/lazy_loading.gif [0008] LazyUrl(https://welovemanga.net/253/63663/) ---> https://welovemanga.net/uploads/lazy_loading.gif

[Messages] Chapter 80 /uploads/lazy_loading.gif stop EOT: https://welovemanga.net/253/ (7.0s)

KurtBestor commented 2 years ago

테스트 부탁드려요: https://github.com/KurtBestor/Hitomi-Downloader/releases/tag/Technical-Preview

wlskekrk commented 2 years ago

오 두곳다 잘되는군요 정말 감사드립니다

ghost commented 2 years ago

https://weloma.net/ 이 주소로 바뀐건지 다시 안되는거 같습니다.

KurtBestor commented 2 years ago

@seica2031 주소만 비슷한 유사 사이트예요

ghost commented 2 years ago

아 그러네요. 감사합니다. 다만 해당 사이트에서도 되는 게 있고 계속 안되는게 있는데 괜찮으시다면 확인 한번 부탁드립니다,

목록 주소를 입력해주세요: https://welovemanga.net/475/

version: 3.6 (21-10-03 16:09:03 UTC) platform / locale: Windows-10-10.0.19041-SP0 / ko order / group / uid: 0 / False / 77e9294640be4e76bc59a28e4a5fccb1 input: https://welovemanga.net/475/ type: lhscan single: False url: https://welovemanga.net/475/ dir: zip: artist: None valid / done: False / True range / range_p: None / None time: 1633443067.1631918 (5 Oct) tags: [] lock: False color: invalid paused: False format: None p2f: None segment: None admin: True goodbyedpi: False ytdl: 2021.06.06 pinned: False extras: {} changed: True

[Gallery] None

[File Names]


[Messages] no html no html 목록 주소를 입력해주세요: https://welovemanga.net/475/ stop Traceback (most recent call last): File "utils", line 1121, in start File "extractor\lhscan_downloader", line 60, in init errors.Invalid: 목록 주소를 입력해주세요: https://welovemanga.net/475/

Invalid: fail=False EOT: https://welovemanga.net/475/ (12.2s)

목록 주소를 입력해주세요: https://welovemanga.net/475/ stop Traceback (most recent call last): File "utils", line 1121, in start File "extractor\lhscan_downloader", line 60, in init errors.Invalid: 목록 주소를 입력해주세요: https://welovemanga.net/475/

Invalid: fail=False EOT: https://welovemanga.net/475/ (17.6s)

no html 목록 주소를 입력해주세요: https://welovemanga.net/475/ stop Traceback (most recent call last): File "utils", line 1121, in start File "extractor\lhscan_downloader", line 60, in init errors.Invalid: 목록 주소를 입력해주세요: https://welovemanga.net/475/

Invalid: fail=False EOT: https://welovemanga.net/475/ (20.2s)

no html 목록 주소를 입력해주세요: https://welovemanga.net/475/ stop Traceback (most recent call last): File "utils", line 1121, in start File "extractor\lhscan_downloader", line 60, in init errors.Invalid: 목록 주소를 입력해주세요: https://welovemanga.net/475/

Invalid: fail=False EOT: https://welovemanga.net/475/ (9.0s)

KurtBestor commented 2 years ago

참고해주세요: https://github.com/KurtBestor/Hitomi-Downloader/issues/3324#issuecomment-939504904

stale[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed after 30 days if no further activity occurs, but feel free to re-open a closed issue if needed.