KurtBestor / Hitomi-Downloader

:cake: Desktop utility to download images/videos/music/text from various websites, and more.
22.45k stars 2.07k forks source link

업데이트후 픽시브코믹이 다운이 안되네요 #4893

Open wlskekrk opened 2 years ago

wlskekrk commented 2 years ago

항상 감사히 잘 쓰고 있습니다 업데이트 전에는 아무 이상 없었는데 업데이트 후에 다운이 안되네요 쿠키 초기화를 해도 안됩니다 정보 올릴게요

59분 32초 뒤 다시 시작: https://comic.pixiv.net/works/8426

version: 3.7m (22-06-08 05:17:46 UTC) platform / locale: Windows-10-10.0.22000-SP0 / ko_kr order / group / uid: 0 / False / cdfb997a07464ae4b59a0f9d90242189 input: https://comic.pixiv.net/works/8426 type: pixiv_comic single: False url: https://comic.pixiv.net/works/8426 dir: zip: artist: とおる valid / done: False / True range / range_p: None / None time: 1655269605.3736482 (22-06-15 05:06:45 UTC) tags: [] lock: False color: invalid paused: False format: None p2f: None segment: None admin: True goodbyedpi: True ytdl: yt_dlp 2022.05.18 pinned: False extras: {} live: False changed: True

[Gallery] None

[File Names]


[Messages] no html dirFormat: [artist] title no pages stop Traceback (most recent call last): File "utils", line 1184, in start File "utils", line 1254, in start_ File "extractor\pixiv_comic_downloader", line 66, in read File "extractor\pixiv_comic_downloader", line 150, in get_imgs File "extractor\pixiv_comic_downloader", line 128, in get_pages Exception: no pages

Invalid: fail=True EOT: https://comic.pixiv.net/works/8426 (7.7s)

qj8x67s33a44 commented 2 years ago

업데이트 이전 버전도 화요일까지 잘 되던 게 수요일부터 안 됩니다


wlskekrk commented 2 years ago

테스트버전 올려주신걸로 해보니까 잘되네요 정말 감사합니다