KurtBestor / Hitomi-Downloader

:cake: Desktop utility to download images/videos/music/text from various websites, and more.
21.62k stars 2k forks source link

Can't download videos or gifs that require ffmpeg.exe #6402

Open VanishingBlaze opened 11 months ago

VanishingBlaze commented 11 months ago

Lately things like youtube videos and pixiv gifs won't download after my antivirus did a false flag and removed ffmpeg.exe (ffprobe is still there though). I've tried to add back the ffmpeg through making a copy on another computer and trying to transfer it over, but the temp folder won't let me add it. Please help. Here's the task info if that helps:

しぐれうい(9さい)が躍るだけ #shorts

version: 3.8e (23-07-25 02:44:56 UTC) platform / locale: Windows-10-10.0.19041-SP0 / en_us order / group / uid: 0 / False / c890f29a4b654e0a9201b5611c8541c5 input: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/A-M0zMeG_Ec type: youtube single: True url: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/A-M0zMeG_Ec dir: hitomi_downloaded_youtube zip: artist: しぐれうい valid / done: False / True range / range_p: None / None time: 1696002672.2591722 (23-09-29 15:51:12 UTC) - 277s elapsed tags: [] lock: False color: invalid_done paused: False format: mp4 p2f: None segment: {'chunk': 1048576, 'n_threads': 4, 'overwrite': True, 'mode': 'query'} admin: True goodbyedpi: True ytdl: yt_dlp 2023.06.22 pinned: False extras: {} live: False changed: True

[File Names] [0001] hitomi_downloaded_youtube\しぐれうい(9さい)が躍るだけ #shorts (A-M0zMeG_Ec).mp4

[URLs] [0001] LazyUrl(https://www.youtube.com/shorts/A-M0zMeG_Ec) ---> https://rr4---sn-hp57ynlr.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1696024199&ei=J_IWZczEJoqjy_sPh8uR8AQ&ip=2600%3A1700%3A59a0%3A34b0%3A1173%3Ae627%3A4bac%3A1946&id=o-AJJp6Pdl3NpHc1l963QpS-EPUPpmp3jQrpfqjos2VQ2d&itag=137&aitags=133%2C134%2C135%2C136%2C137%2C160%2C242%2C243%2C244%2C247%2C248%2C278%2C394%2C395%2C396%2C397%2C398%2C399&source=youtube&requiressl=yes&mh=v7&mm=31%2C26&mn=sn-hp57ynlr%2Csn-5uaeznyz&ms=au%2Conr&mv=m&mvi=4&pl=41&initcwndbps=773750&spc=UWF9f7ImT-LuU40UxQxmae3xxYaTmfkbHZ9kFkpARg&vprv=1&svpuc=1&mime=video%2Fmp4&ns=Br-7qJXEmI78a0yLf0StZIAP&gir=yes&clen=7531323&dur=13.886&lmt=1694773154366329&mt=1696002121&fvip=4&keepalive=yes&fexp=24007246&beids=24350018&c=WEB&txp=553C434&n=o5ucMSaSKUwQcQ&sparams=expire%2Cei%2Cip%2Cid%2Caitags%2Csource%2Crequiressl%2Cspc%2Cvprv%2Csvpuc%2Cmime%2Cns%2Cgir%2Cclen%2Cdur%2Clmt&lsparams=mh%2Cmm%2Cmn%2Cms%2Cmv%2Cmvi%2Cpl%2Cinitcwndbps&lsig=AG3C_xAwRgIhAIOL_9mX2F8qJ_9tcIaqx6yFSfXXnGtpbcC6waCg_IH8AiEAhKY3k0_ejh9WHP_vhW71bp9mjcrVguO62kVYDZ8xlbo%3D&sig=AOq0QJ8wRQIgdPIY43heRbZyzefHgb87EzyjHiNey7w8q-WrVHva-U0CIQDxPX3bF-06m3nYDPyTNZaxLJFYagzGwUr0HOkl0Fd33g%3D%3D

[Messages] [debug] [youtube] Extracting URL: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/A-M0zMeG_Ec [debug] [youtube] A-M0zMeG_Ec: Downloading webpage [debug] [youtube] A-M0zMeG_Ec: Downloading ios player API JSON [warning] [youtube] YouTube said: ERROR - Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/devconsole-project. [warning] [youtube] HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized. Retrying (1/3)... [debug] [youtube] A-M0zMeG_Ec: Downloading ios player API JSON Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader_v3", line 152, in download File "requests\sessions", line 555, in get File "utils", line 972, in request File "downloader", line 250, in session_request File "requests\sessions", line 542, in request File "requests\sessions", line 655, in send File "requests\adapters", line 449, in send File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 677, in urlopen File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 381, in _make_request File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 978, in _validate_conn File "urllib3\connection", line 309, in connect File "urllib3\connection", line 160, in _new_conn File "urllib3\util\connection", line 61, in create_connection File "socket", line 752, in getaddrinfo File "decorator", line 232, in fun File "locker", line 114, in _wrapper Exception: Timeout2

use just download: overwrite=True [warning] [youtube] YouTube said: ERROR - Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/devconsole-project. [warning] [youtube] HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized. Retrying (2/3)... [debug] [youtube] A-M0zMeG_Ec: Downloading ios player API JSON [warning] [youtube] YouTube said: ERROR - Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/devconsole-project. [warning] [youtube] HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized. Retrying (3/3)... [debug] [youtube] A-M0zMeG_Ec: Downloading ios player API JSON [warning] [youtube] YouTube said: ERROR - Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/devconsole-project. [debug] [youtube] A-M0zMeG_Ec: Downloading android player API JSON

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

[warning] [youtube] YouTube said: ERROR - Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/devconsole-project. [warning] [youtube] HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized. Retrying (1/3)... [debug] [youtube] A-M0zMeG_Ec: Downloading android player API JSON [warning] [youtube] YouTube said: ERROR - Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/devconsole-project. [warning] [youtube] HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized. Retrying (2/3)... [debug] [youtube] A-M0zMeG_Ec: Downloading android player API JSON [warning] [youtube] YouTube said: ERROR - Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/devconsole-project. [warning] [youtube] HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized. Retrying (3/3)... [debug] [youtube] A-M0zMeG_Ec: Downloading android player API JSON [warning] [youtube] YouTube said: ERROR - Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/devconsole-project. [warning] [youtube] Unable to download API page: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized (caused by <HTTPError 401: 'Unauthorized'>); please report this issue on https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues?q= , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are on the latest version using yt-dlp -U [warning] [youtube] Unable to download API page: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized (caused by <HTTPError 401: 'Unauthorized'>); please report this issue on https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues?q= , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are on the latest version using yt-dlp -U [debug] [youtube] A-M0zMeG_Ec: Downloading player f7e1823a retry (1)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

live: not_live retry (2) [27p][7.142857142857143fps][None][None] mhtml [None / None] ─ sb0 - 48x27 (storyboard) [None][0fps][48.978kbps][48.978] webm [None / opus] ─ 249 - audio only (low) [None][0fps][64.789kbps][64.789] webm [None / opus] ─ 250 - audio only (low) [None][0fps][129.893kbps][129.893] m4a [None / mp4a.40.2] ─ 140 - audio only (medium) [None][0fps][125.654kbps][125.654] webm [None / opus] ─ 251 - audio only (medium) [144p][24fps][None][84.443] mp4 [av01.0.00M.08 / None] ─ 394 - 144x256 (144p) [144p][24fps][None][111.035] mp4 [avc1.4d400c / None] ─ 160 - 144x256 (144p) [144p][24fps][None][86.545] webm [vp9 / None] ─ 278 - 144x256 (144p) [240p][24fps][None][186.65] mp4 [av01.0.00M.08 / None] ─ 395 - 240x426 (240p) [240p][24fps][None][245.002] mp4 [avc1.4d4015 / None] ─ 133 - 240x426 (240p) [240p][24fps][None][188.572] webm [vp9 / None] ─ 242 - 240x426 (240p) [360p][24fps][None][417.042] mp4 [av01.0.01M.08 / None] ─ 396 - 360x640 (360p) [360p][24fps][None][633.808] mp4 [avc1.4d401e / None] ─ 134 - 360x640 (360p) [360p][24fps][96.0kbps(fixed)][905.607] mp4 [avc1.42001E / mp4a.40.2] ─ 18 - 360x640 (360p) [360p][24fps][None][402.309] webm [vp9 / None] ─ 243 - 360x640 (360p) [480p][24fps][None][616.053] mp4 [av01.0.04M.08 / None] ─ 397 - 480x854 (480p) [480p][24fps][None][1159.665] mp4 [avc1.4d401e / None] ─ 135 - 480x854 (480p) [480p][24fps][None][611.908] webm [vp9 / None] ─ 244 - 480x854 (480p) [720p][24fps][None][1049.373] mp4 [av01.0.05M.08 / None] ─ 398 - 720x1280 (720p) [720p][24fps][None][1961.673] mp4 [avc1.4d401f / None] ─ 136 - 720x1280 (720p) [720p][24fps][None][1451.515] webm [vp9 / None] ─ 247 - 720x1280 (720p) [1080p][24fps][None][2568.231] mp4 [av01.0.08M.08 / None] ─ 399 - 1080x1920 (1080p) [1080p][24fps][None][4338.944] mp4 [avc1.640028 / None] ─ 137 - 1080x1920 (1080p) [1080p][24fps][None][2554.749] webm [vp9 / None] ─ 248 - 1080x1920 (1080p)

utime: 1694649600.0


[1080p][24fps][None][4338.944] mp4 [avc1.640028 / None] ─ 137 - 1080x1920 (1080p)

[None][0fps][48.978kbps][48.978] webm [None / opus] ─ 249 - audio only (low) [None][0fps][64.789kbps][64.789] webm [None / opus] ─ 250 - audio only (low) [None][0fps][129.893kbps][129.893] m4a [None / mp4a.40.2] ─ 140 - audio only (medium) [None][0fps][125.654kbps][125.654] webm [None / opus] ─ 251 - audio only (medium) [360p][24fps][96.0kbps(fixed)][905.607] mp4 [avc1.42001E / mp4a.40.2] ─ 18 - 360x640 (360p)

[None][0fps][129.893kbps][129.893] m4a [None / mp4a.40.2] ─ 140 - audio only (medium) [360p][24fps][96.0kbps(fixed)][905.607] mp4 [avc1.42001E / mp4a.40.2] ─ 18 - 360x640 (360p)

[None][0fps][129.893kbps][129.893] m4a [None / mp4a.40.2] ─ 140 - audio only (medium)

filename: しぐれうい(9さい)が躍るだけ #shorts (A-M0zMeG_Ec).mp4 Resolution: None Codec: None / mp4a.40.2 Abr: 129.893 Subtype: m4a FPS: 0

Download audio: https://rr4---sn-hp57ynlr.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1696024199&ei=J_IWZczEJoqjy_sPh8uR8AQ&ip=2600%3A1700%3A59a0%3A34b0%3A1173%3Ae627%3A4bac%3A1946&id=o-AJJp6Pdl3NpHc1l963QpS-EPUPpmp3jQrpfqjos2VQ2d&itag=140&source=youtube&requiressl=yes&mh=v7&mm=31%2C26&mn=sn-hp57ynlr%2Csn-5uaeznyz&ms=au%2Conr&mv=m&mvi=4&pl=41&initcwndbps=773750&spc=UWF9f7ImT-LuU40UxQxmae3xxYaTmfkbHZ9kFkpARg&vprv=1&svpuc=1&mime=audio%2Fmp4&ns=Br-7qJXEmI78a0yLf0StZIAP&gir=yes&clen=226583&dur=13.955&lmt=1694773085218980&mt=1696002121&fvip=4&keepalive=yes&fexp=24007246&beids=24350018&c=WEB&txp=5532434&n=o5ucMSaSKUwQcQ&sparams=expire%2Cei%2Cip%2Cid%2Citag%2Csource%2Crequiressl%2Cspc%2Cvprv%2Csvpuc%2Cmime%2Cns%2Cgir%2Cclen%2Cdur%2Clmt&lsparams=mh%2Cmm%2Cmn%2Cms%2Cmv%2Cmvi%2Cpl%2Cinitcwndbps&lsig=AG3C_xAwRAIgTNkIoUO1C7czm9V_BepS2tKltWmsqNXfEKvYgUVVvb0CIFXmZa0NLhiyRufp5ioI8RtASr98pk2KvgeOgFUiVENZ&sig=AOq0QJ8wRAIgEDP0gDajYPUhu7gkc4Iza_npBnvFfugY4Ki3SemwCXUCIFD3Y_4Lo5Wfj8jwnPmV49h43w-lb-L6HQdBW5CudAho

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

use just download: overwrite=True thumb: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/A-M0zMeG_Ec/sddefault.jpg retry (3)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (4)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (5)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (6)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (7)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

audio done Convert: D:\Downloads-data drive\hitomi_downloader_GUI\hitomi_downloaded_youtube\しぐれうい(9さい)が躍るだけ #shorts (A-M0zMeG_Ec).mp4 rename (1): C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\21e97bbc2fdf4150994deed9506a4e80_a.tmp -> D:\Downloads-data drive\hitomi_downloader_GUI\hitomi_downloaded_youtube\tmp198a228232e54bbba59eb29bb5dadee6_a.weba rename (1): D:\Downloads-data drive\hitomi_downloader_GUI\hitomi_downloaded_youtube\しぐれうい(9さい)が躍るだけ #shorts (A-M0zMeG_Ec).mp4 -> D:\Downloads-data drive\hitomi_downloader_GUI\hitomi_downloaded_youtube\tmp198a228232e54bbba59eb29bb5dadee6_v.mp4 -i tmp198a228232e54bbba59eb29bb5dadee6_v.mp4 -i tmp198a228232e54bbba59eb29bb5dadee6_a.weba -c:v copy -c:a copy -strict experimental -preset ultrafast -threads 0 tmp198a228232e54bbba59eb29bb5dadee6_o.mp4 retry (8)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (9)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (10)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (11)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (12)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (13)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (14)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (15)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (16)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (17)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (18)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (19)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (20)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (21)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (22)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (23)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

【ffmpeg】 load... 【ffmpeg】 download... Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader_v3", line 152, in download File "requests\sessions", line 555, in get File "utils", line 972, in request File "downloader", line 250, in session_request File "requests\sessions", line 542, in request File "requests\sessions", line 655, in send File "requests\adapters", line 449, in send File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 677, in urlopen File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 381, in _make_request File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 978, in _validate_conn File "urllib3\connection", line 309, in connect File "urllib3\connection", line 160, in _new_conn File "urllib3\util\connection", line 61, in create_connection File "socket", line 752, in getaddrinfo File "decorator", line 232, in fun File "locker", line 114, in _wrapper Exception: Timeout2

use just download: overwrite=True

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (1)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (2)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (3)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (4)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (5)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (6)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (7)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (8)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (9)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (10)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (11)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (12)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (13)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (14)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (15)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (16)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (17)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (18)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (19)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (20)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (21)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (22)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

retry (23)

Fail : \?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 1133, in download File "downloader", line 724, in init PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\?\C:\Users\vanis\AppData\Local\Temp\ffmpeg.exe'

Lazyurl pp Error: hitomi_downloaded_youtube\しぐれうい(9さい)が躍るだけ #shorts (A-M0zMeG_Ec).mp4 Traceback (most recent call last): File "hitomi_downloader", line 418, in run File "hitomidownloader", line 411, in pp File "extractor\youtube_downloader", line 302, in pp File "ffmpeg", line 281, in merge File "ffmpeg", line 160, in run File "decorator", line 232, in fun File "locker", line 63, in _wrapper File "ffmpeg", line 128, in load Exception: Failed to download

utime Error: hitomi_downloaded_youtube\しぐれうい(9さい)が躍るだけ #shorts (A-M0zMeG_Ec).mp4 Traceback (most recent call last): File "hitomi_downloader", line 432, in run FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified: 'hitomi_downloaded_youtube\しぐれうい(9さい)が躍るだけ\u3000#shorts (A-M0zMeG_Ec).mp4'

stop -show_streams -print_format json -v error "しぐれうい(9さい)が躍るだけ #shorts (A-M0zMeG_Ec).mp4" {

} しぐれうい(9さい)が躍るだけ #shorts (A-M0zMeG_Ec).mp4: No such file or directory Traceback (most recent call last): File "utils", line 1928, in finish File "ffmpeg", line 850, in get_info File "ffmpeg", line 847, in get_info Exception: Failed to convert; exit code: 1

EOT: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/A-M0zMeG_Ec (243.7s)

rickmiron commented 11 months ago

Does the temporary folder not allow you to add it? What message does it show? and if you manage to paste it in the temporary folder, go to your antivirus settings and tell it that this file is not a virus.

VanishingBlaze commented 11 months ago

Keep getting destination folder access denied when trying to paste it in

rickmiron commented 11 months ago

run as administrator in cmd use this command: copy file-origin folder-destination example:

copy C:\Users\Myuser\Desktop\ffmpeg.exe C:\Users\Myuser\AppData\Local\Temp

replace Myuser with your username

VanishingBlaze commented 11 months ago

Do I add the copy, or just the c:\ stuff?

VanishingBlaze commented 11 months ago

Got access is denied. zero files copied