KurtBestor / Hitomi-Downloader

:cake: Desktop utility to download images/videos/music/text from various websites, and more.
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실행시 dpi 오류 #7180

Closed sb2941 closed 1 month ago

sb2941 commented 1 month ago

5월 6일자 테스트 버전 실행시 아래의 내용의 오류가 뜨면서 dpi가 꺼집니다. 다시 키면 또 뜨면서 꺼집니다.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "goodbye_dpi", line 85, in run File "goodbye_dpi", line 228, in run Exception: Dead: 1

GoodbyeDPI for Hitomi Downloader v0.2.2+: Passive DPI blocker and Active DPI circumvention utility https://github.com/ValdikSS/GoodbyeDPI

Loaded 17 hosts from file whitelist.txt Block passive: 0 Fragment HTTP: 2 Fragment persistent HTTP: 2 Fragment HTTPS: 2 Native fragmentation (splitting): 1 Fragments sending in reverse: 1 hoSt: 0 Host no space: 0 Additional space: 0 Mix Host: 0 HTTP AllPorts: 0 HTTP Persistent Nowait: 1 DNS redirect: 0 DNSv6 redirect: 0 Allow missing SNI: 0 Fake requests, TTL: auto (fixed: 0, auto: 1-4-10, min distance: 3) Fake requests, wrong checksum: 0 Fake requests, wrong SEQ/ACK: 0 Max payload size: 1200

Opening filter Error opening filter: The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it.


dpi 다른 버전으로 따로 2_any_country_dnsredir.cmd를 실행해둬도 안되고, goodbyedpi-0.1.6의 3_all_dnsredir_hardcore.cmd를 실행하니까 뉴토끼 읽는 건 되지만 다운로드 실패.

툰코도 실패.

sb2941 commented 1 month ago

컴퓨터 재부팅하니까 문제 해결.