KurtBestor / Hitomi-Downloader

:cake: Desktop utility to download images/videos/music/text from various websites, and more.
21.1k stars 1.97k forks source link

미리보기가 안보여요 #856

Closed 23222322 closed 4 years ago

23222322 commented 5 years ago

플로팅 미리보기도 마찬가지고...검색했을때 제일왼쪽에 숫자만 보이고 미리보기 자체가 안보입니다. 2.5b, 2.5c 둘다그렇네요

KurtBestor commented 5 years ago

다운로드 목록에서 하나 선택한 뒤 Ctrl + Alt + C 눌러서 콘솔 띄우고 다음 내용 입력하고 Enter 눌러서 나온 내용 알려주세요:

wherejm39 commented 5 years ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "console\Console.pyo", line 157, in execSingle File "", line 1, in AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'customWidget' 마찬가지로 미리보기 가 뜨지않아 알려주신 방법대로 했을때 다음과 같은 문자가 출력됩니다.

KurtBestor commented 5 years ago

@wherejm39 다운로드 목록에서 작업 하나 선택한 것 맞나요?

SianJeon commented 5 years ago

(PyQt4.QtCore.QSize(), 0)

wherejm39 commented 5 years ago

@KurtBestor 하나만 선택된 상태가 아니였네요;; (PyQt4.QtCore.QSize(227, 320), 133716) 위와 같은 메시지가 출력됩니다.

KurtBestor commented 5 years ago

목록에서 하나 선택하고 콘솔에 다음 내용 입력해서 나온 내용 알려주세요:

wherejm39 commented 5 years ago

96 <image_reader.LoadPixmap object at 0x26730E90> <PyQt4.QtGui.QPixmap object at 0x25170CF0> PyQt4.QtCore.QSize(227, 320)

KurtBestor commented 5 years ago

미리보기가 어떻게 안 뜨는지 스크린샷 찍어서 보여주세요.

wherejm39 commented 5 years ago


깃헙에 이미지 올리는건 처음이라 이렇게 하는게 맞는지 잘 모르겠네요... 흰색 에 해당 작품의 번호만 출력됩니다.

KurtBestor commented 5 years ago

검색기 말고 다운로더 목록에서 미리보기는 제대로 보이나요?

wherejm39 commented 5 years ago

네 다운로드 완료시 목록에서는 정상적으로 출력됩니다.

KurtBestor commented 5 years ago

다운로더 메인 창에서 Shift + Esc 누르면 어떻게 뜨나요?

wherejm39 commented 5 years ago

제목 없음 다운로드 받은 항목 없이 누른 경우입니다.

KurtBestor commented 5 years ago

테스트 부탁드려요: https://github.com/KurtBestor/Hitomi-Downloader-issues/releases/tag/Technical-Preview

SianJeon commented 5 years ago


SianJeon commented 5 years ago


KurtBestor commented 5 years ago

검색기 목록에서 하나 선택하고 콘솔에 다음 내용 입력해서 나오는 내용 알려주세요:

SianJeon commented 5 years ago

customWidget2 fail: ("bad handshake: SysCallError(-1, 'Unexpected EOF')",) Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 273, in read_html File "urllib3\poolmanager", line 326, in urlopen File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 641, in urlopen File "urllib3\util\retry", line 344, in increment File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 603, in urlopen File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 344, in _make_request File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 843, in _validateconn File "urllib3\connection", line 350, in connect File "urllib3\util\ssl", line 356, in ssl_wrap_socket File "urllib3\contrib\pyopenssl", line 478, in wrap_socket SSLError: ("bad handshake: SysCallError(-1, 'Unexpected EOF')",)

Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 273, in read_html File "urllib3\poolmanager", line 326, in urlopen File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 641, in urlopen File "urllib3\util\retry", line 344, in increment File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 603, in urlopen File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 344, in _make_request File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 843, in _validateconn File "urllib3\connection", line 350, in connect File "urllib3\util\ssl", line 356, in ssl_wrap_socket File "urllib3\contrib\pyopenssl", line 478, in wrap_socket SSLError: ("bad handshake: SysCallError(-1, 'Unexpected EOF')",)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "console\Console.pyo", line 153, in execSingle
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "customWidget2.pyo", line 170, in preview
  File "customWidget2.pyo", line 155, in get_thumbs
  File "hiyobi_downloader.pyo", line 20, in pop_img_hiyobi
  File "downloader.pyo", line 273, in read_html
  File "urllib3\poolmanager.pyo", line 326, in urlopen
  File "urllib3\connectionpool.pyo", line 641, in urlopen
  File "urllib3\util\retry.pyo", line 344, in increment
  File "urllib3\connectionpool.pyo", line 603, in urlopen
  File "urllib3\connectionpool.pyo", line 344, in _make_request
  File "urllib3\connectionpool.pyo", line 843, in _validate_conn
  File "urllib3\connection.pyo", line 350, in connect
  File "urllib3\util\ssl_.pyo", line 356, in ssl_wrap_socket
  File "urllib3\contrib\pyopenssl.pyo", line 478, in wrap_socket
SSLError: ("bad handshake: SysCallError(-1, 'Unexpected EOF')",)


customWidget2 fail: ("bad handshake: SysCallError(-1, 'Unexpected EOF')",) Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 273, in read_html File "urllib3\poolmanager", line 326, in urlopen File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 641, in urlopen File "urllib3\util\retry", line 344, in increment File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 603, in urlopen File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 344, in _make_request File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 843, in _validateconn File "urllib3\connection", line 350, in connect File "urllib3\util\ssl", line 356, in ssl_wrap_socket File "urllib3\contrib\pyopenssl", line 478, in wrap_socket SSLError: ("bad handshake: SysCallError(-1, 'Unexpected EOF')",)

Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 273, in read_html File "urllib3\poolmanager", line 326, in urlopen File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 641, in urlopen File "urllib3\util\retry", line 344, in increment File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 603, in urlopen File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 344, in _make_request File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 843, in _validateconn File "urllib3\connection", line 350, in connect File "urllib3\util\ssl", line 356, in ssl_wrap_socket File "urllib3\contrib\pyopenssl", line 478, in wrap_socket SSLError: ("bad handshake: SysCallError(-1, 'Unexpected EOF')",)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "console\Console.pyo", line 153, in execSingle
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "customWidget2.pyo", line 170, in preview
  File "customWidget2.pyo", line 155, in get_thumbs
  File "hiyobi_downloader.pyo", line 20, in pop_img_hiyobi
  File "downloader.pyo", line 273, in read_html
  File "urllib3\poolmanager.pyo", line 326, in urlopen
  File "urllib3\connectionpool.pyo", line 641, in urlopen
  File "urllib3\util\retry.pyo", line 344, in increment
  File "urllib3\connectionpool.pyo", line 603, in urlopen
  File "urllib3\connectionpool.pyo", line 344, in _make_request
  File "urllib3\connectionpool.pyo", line 843, in _validate_conn
  File "urllib3\connection.pyo", line 350, in connect
  File "urllib3\util\ssl_.pyo", line 356, in ssl_wrap_socket
  File "urllib3\contrib\pyopenssl.pyo", line 478, in wrap_socket
SSLError: ("bad handshake: SysCallError(-1, 'Unexpected EOF')",)
KurtBestor commented 5 years ago

콘솔에 다음 입력해서 나온 내용 알려주세요:

__import__('urllib2').build_opener().open('https://hitomi.la', timeout=30).read()[:1000]
SianJeon commented 5 years ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "console\Console.pyo", line 153, in execSingle File "", line 1, in File "urllib2.pyo", line 429, in open File "urllib2.pyo", line 447, in _open File "urllib2.pyo", line 407, in _call_chain File "urllib2.pyo", line 1241, in https_open File "urllib2.pyo", line 1198, in do_open URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 10053] >

KurtBestor commented 5 years ago

다음 입력해서 나오는 내용 알려주세요:

SianJeon commented 5 years ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader", line 273, in read_html File "urllib3\poolmanager", line 326, in urlopen File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 641, in urlopen File "urllib3\util\retry", line 344, in increment File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 603, in urlopen File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 344, in _make_request File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 843, in _validateconn File "urllib3\connection", line 350, in connect File "urllib3\util\ssl", line 356, in ssl_wrap_socket File "urllib3\contrib\pyopenssl", line 478, in wrap_socket SSLError: ("bad handshake: SysCallError(-1, 'Unexpected EOF')",)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "console\Console.pyo", line 153, in execSingle
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "downloader.pyo", line 273, in read_html
  File "urllib3\poolmanager.pyo", line 326, in urlopen
  File "urllib3\connectionpool.pyo", line 641, in urlopen
  File "urllib3\util\retry.pyo", line 344, in increment
  File "urllib3\connectionpool.pyo", line 603, in urlopen
  File "urllib3\connectionpool.pyo", line 344, in _make_request
  File "urllib3\connectionpool.pyo", line 843, in _validate_conn
  File "urllib3\connection.pyo", line 350, in connect
  File "urllib3\util\ssl_.pyo", line 356, in ssl_wrap_socket
  File "urllib3\contrib\pyopenssl.pyo", line 478, in wrap_socket
SSLError: ("bad handshake: SysCallError(-1, 'Unexpected EOF')",)
KurtBestor commented 5 years ago

다운로드는 제대로 되나요?

SianJeon commented 5 years ago

다운로드는 제대로 되는데 지금 EH에서 받는거 같아요

처음 다운받기위해 이니셜라이즈? 하는 시간이 길고 다운받은뒤 아이콘이 H가아닌 EH로 뜹니다

다운로드는 느리지만 되요

KurtBestor commented 5 years ago

해당 작업 마우스 우클릭 - 정보... (I) 눌러서 나온 내용 보여주세요.

SianJeon commented 5 years ago


KurtBestor commented 5 years ago

검색기 말고 메인 창 목록에서요.

SianJeon commented 5 years ago

[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)

version: 2.6c platform: Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1 gal_num: [Yd] XX ROM (1338620) dir: DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620) zip: type: ehen artist: Yd url: https://e-hentai.org/g/1338620/7a5b181cfc valid: True done: True range: None range_p: None single: False time: 1558081923.46 (May 17) tags: [] goodbyedpi: False lock: False

[Gallery] 갤러리 넘버: 1338620

제목: XX ROM

작가: yd

그룹: orangemaru

타입: doujinshi

시리즈: fate grand order

캐릭터: mysterious heroine x

태그: full color, group, female:anal, female:bikini, female:swimsuit

언어: Korean

[File Names] [0001] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM067.jpg [0002] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM068.jpg [0003] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM069.jpg [0004] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM070.jpg [0005] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM071.jpg [0006] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM072.jpg [0007] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM073.jpg [0008] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM074.jpg [0009] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM075.jpg [0010] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM076.jpg [0011] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM077.jpg [0012] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM078.jpg [0013] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM079.jpg [0014] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM080.jpg [0015] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM081.jpg [0016] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM082.jpg [0017] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM083.jpg [0018] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM084.jpg [0019] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM085.jpg [0020] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM086.jpg [0021] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM087.jpg [0022] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM088.jpg [0023] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM089.jpg [0024] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM090.jpg [0025] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM091.jpg [0026] DownLoad[Yd] XX ROM (1338620)\IM092.jpg

[URLs] [0001] https://e-hentai.org/s/687238d29d/1338620-1 --->;fileindex=66148565;xres=1280/IM067_.jpg [0002] https://e-hentai.org/s/7fa8345162/1338620-2 --->;fileindex=66148566;xres=1280/IM068_.jpg [0003] https://e-hentai.org/s/1c8337a21b/1338620-3 --->;fileindex=66148567;xres=1280/IM069_.jpg [0004] https://e-hentai.org/s/c21e655250/1338620-4 --->;fileindex=66148568;xres=1280/IM070_.jpg [0005] https://e-hentai.org/s/5ce8d60b15/1338620-5 --->;fileindex=66148569;xres=1280/IM071_.jpg [0006] https://e-hentai.org/s/8e25a03004/1338620-6 --->;fileindex=66148570;xres=1280/IM072_.jpg [0007] https://e-hentai.org/s/15f81ae55c/1338620-7 --->;fileindex=66148571;xres=1280/IM073_.jpg [0008] https://e-hentai.org/s/c9762951ff/1338620-8 --->;fileindex=66148572;xres=1280/IM074_.jpg [0009] https://e-hentai.org/s/105c68c0a8/1338620-9 --->;fileindex=66148573;xres=1280/IM075_.jpg [0010] https://e-hentai.org/s/0c752c5971/1338620-10 --->;fileindex=66148574;xres=1280/IM076_.jpg [0011] https://e-hentai.org/s/df043d1035/1338620-11 --->;fileindex=66148575;xres=1280/IM077_.jpg [0012] https://e-hentai.org/s/b7adbf3a2b/1338620-12 --->;fileindex=66148576;xres=1280/IM078_.jpg [0013] https://e-hentai.org/s/66a4a05504/1338620-13 --->;fileindex=66148577;xres=1280/IM079_.jpg [0014] https://e-hentai.org/s/9d695f4f56/1338620-14 --->;fileindex=66148578;xres=1280/IM080_.jpg [0015] https://e-hentai.org/s/eedbc5d294/1338620-15 --->;fileindex=66148579;xres=1280/IM081_.jpg [0016] https://e-hentai.org/s/6fbf29c363/1338620-16 --->;fileindex=66148580;xres=1280/IM082_.jpg [0017] https://e-hentai.org/s/db769a99ec/1338620-17 --->;fileindex=66148581;xres=1280/IM083_.jpg [0018] https://e-hentai.org/s/745fed7045/1338620-18 --->;fileindex=66148582;xres=1280/IM084_.jpg [0019] https://e-hentai.org/s/8a625c5cfd/1338620-19 --->;fileindex=66148583;xres=1280/IM085_.jpg [0020] https://e-hentai.org/s/5e11f32c6d/1338620-20 --->;fileindex=66148584;xres=1280/IM086_.jpg [0021] https://e-hentai.org/s/0a4469d264/1338620-21 --->;fileindex=66148585;xres=1280/IM087_.jpg [0022] https://e-hentai.org/s/c244506460/1338620-22 --->;fileindex=66148586;xres=1280/IM088_.jpg [0023] https://e-hentai.org/s/b95ac223fb/1338620-23 --->;fileindex=66148587;xres=1280/IM089_.jpg [0024] https://e-hentai.org/s/91b1bc5b7e/1338620-24 --->;fileindex=66148588;xres=1280/IM090_.jpg [0025] https://e-hentai.org/s/1defa152f5/1338620-25 --->;fileindex=66148589;xres=1280/IM091_.jpg [0026] https://e-hentai.org/s/3d28b2439f/1338620-26 --->;fileindex=66148590;xres=1280/IM092_.jpg

KurtBestor commented 5 years ago

옵션 (Options) - 설정 - 고급 설정 에서 DPI 우회 켜보세요.

SianJeon commented 5 years ago


KurtBestor commented 5 years ago

아직 문제 그대로인가요?

SianJeon commented 5 years ago

dpi우회 옵션 설정후 정상 작동되는거 확인 했습니다. 히토미에서 다운로드 되는거 같구영 미리보기도 정상 작동합니다.

stale[bot] commented 4 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed after 30 days if no further activity occurs, but feel free to re-open a closed issue if needed.