KurtBestor / Hitomi-Downloader

:cake: Desktop utility to download images/videos/music/text from various websites, and more.
21.12k stars 1.97k forks source link

검색기 기본데이터 다운로드 에러발생 #978

Closed KurtCobane closed 5 years ago

KurtCobane commented 5 years ago

기본데이터 다운로드를 시작하면 응답없음이 뜨거나 아래 오류가 발생합니다. Technical Preview 버전도 동일한 증상이 발생합니다. 태스크매니저를보면 CPU는 0% 메모리는 130mb정도 점유하고있습니다.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "hitomi_searcher", line 215, in download_json File "hitomi_searcher", line 378, in downloadjson File "downloader", line 276, in read_html File "urllib3\poolmanager", line 326, in urlopen File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 641, in urlopen File "urllib3\util\retry", line 344, in increment File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 603, in urlopen File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 344, in _make_request File "urllib3\connectionpool", line 843, in _validate_conn File "urllib3\connection", line 305, in connect File "urllib3\connection", line 169, in _new_conn NewConnectionError: <urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x23377AD0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 10060] 연결된 구성원으로부터 응답이 없어 연결하지 못했거나,


hitomi_data jason파일은 11번까지만 생성됩니다. 20번까지 생성되야 되는거 아닌가요?

방화벽 예외파일로 등록해뒀습니다.

*/ ini 파일 [Searcher] normal = 1 forbidden = 0 preview = 1 tags = 1 webtoon = 1 kor = 0 simple = title = artist = group = type_all = 1 type_gamecg = 1 type_manga = 1 type_doujinshi = 1 type_artistcg = 1 type_anime = 1 series = character = tag = language = Korean advanced_search = 1 rem_dup = 0 split = 0 filter = zoom = 1.25 fav_artist = [] fav_group = [] fav_series = [] fav_character = [] fav_tag = [] fav_simple = [] bmksort = date viewmode = list searchreversed = 0

[Preference] number of pages = 1 server_auto = 1 server = 4 hitomifilenametypenumber = 0 txtcheck = 1 proxy = proxy_idpass = 0 proxy_id = zip_ext = 1 zip_rm = 1 zip_ext_nhentai = 0 zip_rm_nhentai = 0 zip_ext_manamoa = 0 zip_rm_manamoa = 0 zip_ext_pixiv = 0 zip_rm_pixiv = 0 zip_ext_twitter = 0 zip_rm_twitter = 0 zip_ext_insta = 0 zip_rm_insta = 0 zip_ext_tumblr = 0 zip_rm_tumblr = 0 zip_ext_deviant = 0 zip_rm_deviant = 0 zip_ext_artstation = 0 zip_rm_artstation = 0 zip_ext_etc = 0 zip_rm_etc = 0 incompletetime = 0 ugoira_gif = 2 ugoira_dither = 1 ugoira_quality = 90 viewer = 0 completer = 1 incomplete = 1 youtube_type = 0 nico_id = nico_pw = ±ª‚ƒa–·†T°£ pixiv_id = pixiv_pw = ±ª‚ƒa–·†T°£ language = 0 resize = 0 resize_combo = 0 resize_width = 1920 resize_height = 1920 dns = 0 pixiv_tag = 0 hitomi_tag = 1 pixiv_tags = [] hitomi_tags = ["female:loli", "male:males only"] preview_size = 1 custom_color = 0 color = 4285036170 autosave = 0 autosave_t = 4 dirs = {} tag_name = {"blue": "Blue", "gray": "Gray", "purple": "Purple", "yellow": "Yellow", "green": "Green", "orange": "Orange", "red": "Red"} exfile = 0 exfileimg = 0.0 exfilegif = 0.0 exfilevideo = 0.0 youtubeformat = title showdate = 0.0 checkautodel = 0.0 youtubecombo_res = 1 youtubecombo_abr = 1 hidecheck = 0.0 hideedit = box_convert = 0 convertcombo = 0 convertquality = 75 pdfcheck = 0.0 subtitle = 0.0 subtitlecombo = 0 zipprogramedit = zipprogrambox = 0 dpicheck = 1.0 startup = 0.0 speedcheck = 0.0 speedbox = 1.0 albumart = 1.0 nicobox = 1 minimizetotray = 0.0 closetotray = 0.0 showtraymessage = 1.0

[Downloader] always on top = 0 alpha = 100 clipboard = 0 delete without warning = 0 trash = 1 number of threads = 64 dirformat = [artist] title (id) filter = play = 1.0 edit = pixivformat = id_ppage download directory = hitomi_downloaded


KurtCobane commented 5 years ago

재시도 해본것들

노트북에서는 정상작동함을 확인하였습니다.. 왜 데스크탑에서만 안될까요

KurtCobane commented 5 years ago

해결 cmd 에서 MTU 값을 확인해보니 500으로 나옴 1500으로 바꾼후 재시도 하니 응답없음증상이 사라졌음. 패킷이 너무 작아서 프로그램이 오류난거같음.