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Title: Resume Parsing and JOb Description comparison using Deep Java Library(djl.ai) and Natural Language Processing (Standford NLP) in java programming language. #1020

Closed Damini2004 closed 4 months ago

Damini2004 commented 4 months ago

Is your proposal related to a problem? Please describe.

Traditional resume parsing methods, relying on rule-based systems, struggle with the complexity and variations in resume formats and languages. Instead, leveraging machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) offers a more adaptable and precise solution by learning patterns from data and comprehending textual content deeply.

The summarized approach entails:

Data Preprocessing: Standardizing resume formats and cleaning text for consistency. Feature Extraction: Utilizing djl.ai to extract features such as skills, education, and contact information. Natural Language Processing: Employing Stanford NLP for semantic analysis and identifying entities like job titles and organizations. Model Integration: Developing a unified pipeline merging djl.ai and Stanford NLP outputs to fuse extracted features and NLP insights. Evaluation and Fine-tuning: Assessing parsing performance on diverse datasets and refining parameters to enhance results. Key benefits encompass improved accuracy, scalability for processing extensive resume volumes, and customization for specific parsing needs.

In conclusion, the proposed integration of djl.ai and Stanford NLP aims to propel automated resume analysis forward, striving for robust and scalable solutions in talent acquisition and recruitment processes.

Add any other context or screenshots about the proposal request here.

Screenshot 2024-05-13 230854 Here Screenshot 2024-05-13 230948 Here in above image we attached resume and Provide job description Click for checking whether the candidate how uch eligible for the job role. The the Output first show the the paragraph which is resume extracted data, Second paragraph indicate the key point are extracted from previously extrated data and then it generated a score by comparing job description and key point extracted data. Kindly assign this issue to me i can add new several approches using java . Assign this issue with GSSOC24 With level

Damini2004 commented 4 months ago

Here i just wanted to tell you that this project i will design in SpringBoot Framework so as per that you have to download it in order to test it. Thank You sir for assigning this issue to me. I humbly request you to enhance the level of this issue because here i will use the Deep Java Libraray and Standford NLP Dependency