Kushal997-das / Project-Guidance

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Loan Eligibility Prediction using ML #1199

Open yashwe0 opened 1 week ago

yashwe0 commented 1 week ago

We can add .ipynb file which contains the following points : 1) Understanding the Problem 2) Data Acquisition and Exploration 3) Data Preprocessing and Feature Engineering 4) Model Selection and Training 5) Deployment and Monitoring

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

It's great having you contribute to this project

Thanks for opening thisIssue 🙌, Welcome to Project Guidance 💖 We will review everything and get back to you.
Make sure to give a star to this repo before making a fork! Thank you :)
github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago


It's great having you contribute to this project

Thanks for opening thisIssue 🙌, Welcome to Project Guidance 💖 We will review everything and get back to you.
Make sure to give a star to this repo before making a fork! Thank you :)