KutsuyaYuki / ABG_extension

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Every boot it says "installing..." #24

Closed Zullian closed 1 year ago

Zullian commented 1 year ago

Extension works just fine but each time I start SD I get this line:

Installing requirements for Web UI Installing opencv-python for ABG_extension Installing Pillow for ABG_extension

Idk why is that there every time when extensions works.

Murlors commented 1 year ago

I addressed it in https://github.com/KutsuyaYuki/ABG_extension/pull/23.

I think this is due to the following:

The is_installed function in launch.py uses the importlib.util.find_spec method, which is used to find the specification of a module, but it uses the package name as an argument in install.py, which should be the module name and not the package name.

KutsuyaYuki commented 1 year ago

I merged the pull request by @Murlors and this should be fixed now.