KvyatkovskyAleksey / ScrapeWebdriver

Class based on selenium webdriver.Firefox with methods for scraping.
MIT License
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How to use? #6

Open douglasdcm opened 1 year ago

douglasdcm commented 1 year ago

Hi, how are you? Which version of Python are you using?

KvyatkovskyAleksey commented 1 year ago

Hi! I using 3.8, but be sure that you use selenium 3 version, in 4 api little changed. Do you want to use it with scrapy? I'll try to add more info to readme at this week.

douglasdcm commented 1 year ago

Thank you!

Do you want to use it with scrapy?

Not really, I want to validate a library I've been working on against real crawler projects in order to get issues and missing configuration in this library. So, to validate, I need first run the crawlers as is, apply my changes, run it and compare with the original code.

douglasdcm commented 1 year ago

Who do I run it? I tried in many ways

  2008  pip install -r requirements.txt 
 2009  python scrapy_webdriver/scrapy_webdriver.py 
 2010  cd scrapy_webdriver/
 2011  python scrapy_webdriver.py 
 2012  python -m scrapy_webdriver
 2013  cd ..
 2014  pip install scrapy_webdriver
 2015  pip install --upgrade pip
 2016  pip install --upgrade setuptools
 2017  pip install scrapy_webdriver
 2018  python -m scrapy_webdriver
 2019  python scrapy_webdriver
 2020  python scrapy_webdriver/scrapy_webdriver.py