KwiatLab / Quantum-Tomography

A python library to help perform tomography on a quantum state
MIT License
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Some tweaks to code #11

Closed smturro2 closed 3 years ago

smturro2 commented 3 years ago

Some things were changed. Mainly changes to getTomoInputTemplate and getMeasurements. These now work for 2det/qubit and there was a problem where the default value was processed right.

I also added a new function called buildTomoInput. The goal of this function is to make it easier to build that tomo_input matrix. There is a new top level function. Similar to state_tomography state_tomo has more intuitive inputes and uses buildTomoInput and then sends this to the state_tomography function.

Bayesian function is added but is not working well. It only works in specific regions. Just ignore this for now.