KxSystems / javakdb

Using Java with kdb+
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Unable to use javakdb maven dependency in Pom - getting Failed to read artifact descriptor for com.kx:javakdb:jar:2.0. #86

Closed codewithsugi closed 2 months ago

codewithsugi commented 2 months ago

Unable to use the maven dependency in Pom - getting Failed to read artifact descriptor for com.kx:javakdb:jar:2.0. The following artifacts could not be resolved: com.kx.multi:JavaKdbModules:pom:2.0 )absent.

I am having the below dependency in my pom.xml

com.kx javakdb 2.0

Link --> https://central.sonatype.com/artifact/com.kx/javakdb

and settings.xml (followed this only)--> https://central.sonatype.org/consume/consume-apache-maven/

in your settings.xml we are referring https://repo1.maven.org/maven2 but actually the jar is available in https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/com/kx/. I have updated my settings xml but still I am facing the same issue.

And I hope the minimum requirement to use this jar is Java 1.8 but I am using java 11.

Can you guys please have a look and let me know the correct dependency to use it in our projects?

sshanks-kx commented 2 months ago

This bit com.kx.multi:JavaKdbModules:pom:2.0 absent. about missing pom has been rectified & should be there now if you could try again. Sorry.

codewithsugi commented 2 months ago

Hi @sshanks-kx , Thanks for your quick response. Yes now there is no such error and its loading properly with this settings (https://central.sonatype.org/consume/consume-apache-maven/)

sshanks-kx commented 2 months ago

Closing now as appears to be ok. Thanks for letting us know.