KxSystems / jupyterq

Jupyter kernel for kdb+
Apache License 2.0
104 stars 46 forks source link

VSCode integration #60

Open Flomastruk opened 3 years ago

Flomastruk commented 3 years ago

VSCode is well-suited to run Juptyter python notebooks and can do so with different (conda-) environments. However, jupyterQ won't launch on my computer even though it shows an option to select "Q(kdb+)" kernel (the option became available after installing jupyterq). There isn't a dettailed error message I could find, it just shows: "Command 'Jupyter: Select a Kernel' resulted in an error (Timed out waiting to get a heartbeat from kernel process.)"

Dianeod commented 3 years ago

The extension for programming languages other than python to be used within jupyter was only added to VisualStudio code earlier this month as detailed here https://devblogs.microsoft.com/python/introducing-the-jupyter-extension-for-vs-code/. As this is still in early development stage from the VisualStudio developers and is available as a beta feature we have not looked into adding support for the kernel at this point. We'll keep an eye out for it moving to be a fully supported feature from VisualStudio and prioritise the addition of support for this feature once we can assess complexity and value added.