KxmischesDomi / MoreAxolotls

Adds many new realistic axolotl types
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Synced Entity Data errors #19

Open V-lpen opened 11 months ago

V-lpen commented 11 months ago

Hello! I'm using More-axolotl 2.0.1 mavapi 1.1.3 mavm 1.2.4 Here are my logs

I am getting entity data desyncing

that is causing errors https://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftForge/comments/wry0wz/strange_entity_visual_error_on_the_client_when/

I reached out to embeddeddt and they told me that the custom synched entity data is not safe "This is not safe, as the IDs can be assigned differently on the server & client, which will cause the error spam & issues you ran into"

KxmischesDomi commented 11 months ago

You cant launch more axolotl with forge as it is a fabric mod only. As for the issue you mean with the code part, I will look into that

KxmischesDomi commented 11 months ago

Oh that other reddit post with forge wasnt from u. Nvm then ig

AkashiiKun commented 11 months ago

the issue happens on quilt only, discussion has been talked on #mav-api-mod

TropheusJ commented 11 months ago

This issue is not specific to quilt. It will break at random if other installed mods also do this, fabric or quilt.