Closed crashzk closed 4 years ago
did u import items and parent?
I literally followed the installation tutorial: #How To Install
In case I installed it from scratch, then I created a database and imported the SQL database.sql
, so far everything was fine.
I skipped the upgrade part from the original zeph store, since I don't use this version
And I finished configuring database.cfg
did u import items and parent?
How can I do this? And where are they?
_NOTE: Store that I installed was the version store_jb
, renamed to store
U should add items and parent manually. the parent means category of items, and item's parentid must be set
Add Items and Parent SQL manually.
Parent went without errors, Items showed error:
Import successfully completed, 13 queries executed. (
SQL Query: Copy
-- Add models manually.
-- * sql script example *
INSERT INTO `store_item_child`
'{YOUR PARENT ID FROM store_item_parent}', -- parten id
'hat', -- force to 'hat'
'{unique_identifier}', -- maxlen 32 bytes
'1', -- 1 = can buy
'1', -- 1 = can gift
'0', -- 1 = not included in opening case system.
'ITEM_NOT_PERSONAL', -- if personal item, set to steamid , e.g. "STEAM_1:1:44083262,"
'0', -- 1 = free for VIP user
'{Item name in store main menu}', -- maxlen 64 bytes
MySQL Message: Documentation
# 1136 - Column count does not match the count of values in row 1
[EDIT1] Store does not show any more errors, all plugins loading everything right.
However, I am typing !store
in the chat and it does not open any menu, nothing happens, I also tried !inv
, !shop
and sm_store
and nothing, none worked.
any errlogs?
None, today’s logs, I even shut down and turned on the server to test again.
L20200403.log errors_20200403.log
[SM] Listing 90 plugins:
01 "Admin File Reader" ( by AlliedModders LLC
02 "Admin Help" ( by AlliedModders LLC
03 "Admin Menu" ( by AlliedModders LLC
04 "[CSGO] Advanced Admin" (1.7.1) by PeEzZ
05 "Anti-Flood" ( by AlliedModders LLC
06 "Basic Ban Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
07 "Basic Chat" ( by AlliedModders LLC
08 "Basic Comm Control" ( by AlliedModders LLC
09 "Basic Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
10 "Basic Info Triggers" ( by AlliedModders LLC
11 "Basic Votes" ( by AlliedModders LLC
12 "Client Preferences" ( by AlliedModders LLC
13 "Connect MSG" (1.0) by Crazy
14 "SM CS:GO New Items" (1.1) by Franc1sco franug
15 "Fun Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
16 "Fun Votes" ( by AlliedModders LLC
17 "Gloves" (1.0.4) by kgns |
18 "[CS:GO/CS:S] Jailbreak Gangs" ($$version$) by Headline
19 "[CS:GO/CS:S] Jailbreak Gangs Clan Tags" ($$version$) by Headline
20 "[ANY] Blank Credits System" ($$version$) by Headline
21 "Hosties: Slayed Weapon Remover" (1.0.0) by Jason Bourne & Kolapsicle
22 "Last Request: Circle of Doom" (1.0.2) by Jason Bourne & Kolapsicle
23 "Last Request: Hp Fight" (1.2) by EGood
24 "Store - Default player skins" (2.3.604) by Kyle
25 "Store - Give credits command" (2.3.604) by Kyle
26 "Store - Music Kit" (2.3.604) by Kyle
27 "Store - Pets" (2.3.604) by Kyle
28 "Store - Weapon Skin" (2.3.604) by Kyle
29 "Nade Tails" (2.1) by InternetBully, H3Bus
30 "Nextmap" ( by AlliedModders LLC
31 "[CS:GO] No Fall Damage" (1.0.1) by alexip121093 & Neoxx
32 "[CS:GO] Open Cells" (1.1) by Vaggelis
33 "Paintball" (1.2.0) by Team
34 "Player Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
35 "Reserved Slots" ( by AlliedModders LLC
36 "Say Sounds (including Hybrid Edition)" (4.0.8) by Hell Phoenix|Naris|FernFerret|Uberman|psychonic|edgecom|woody|Miraculix|gH0sTy
37 "ServerAdvertisements3" (3.1.3) by ESK0
38 "SkylerGlow" (4.92) by Skyler
39 "Smart Jail Doors" (0.5.2-beta) by Maxim 'Kailo' Telezhenko
40 "SM:RPG" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung, SeLfkiLL
41 "SM:RPG > Ban players" (1.0-558) by Peace-Maker
42 "SM:RPG > Counter-Strike Experience Module" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung, SeLfkiLL
43 "SM:RPG > Disable experience" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
44 "SM:RPG > Effect Hub" (1.0-558) by Peace-Maker
45 "SM:RPG > Credit Gifting" (1.0-558) by Peace-Maker
46 "SM:RPG > Import THC RPG database" (1.0-558) by Peace-Maker
47 "SM:RPG > Reset interval" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
48 "SM:RPG > Turbo Mode" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
49 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Poison Smoke" (1) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
50 "CT Ban" (2.0.3) by databomb
51 "SM File/Folder Downloader and Precacher" (1.4) by SWAT_88
52 "SM_Hosties v2" (2.2.0) by databomb & dataviruset & comando
53 "TecnoHard™ Plugins Block" (1.3) by abnerfs
54 "Sound Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
55 "Store - The Resurrection" (2.3.604) by Kyle
56 "SwapTeam" (1.2.6) by Rogue - Originally by MistaGee
57 "Team Names" (1.1) by Internet Bully
58 "TecnoHard Chat Tags" (1.5.7) by AbNeR @CSB
59 "TecnoHard™ Freeday" (1.4) by AbNeR @CSB
60 "TecnoHard™ Lasers" (1.2_tecnohard2018) by AbNeR @CSB
61 "TecnoHard™ Rendição" (1.2) by AbNeR @CSB
62 "TecnoHard™ Xerife" (1.10.2) by AbNeR @CSB
63 "Thirdperson | Mirrow Mode" (1.11) by Zephyrus
64 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Adrenaline" (1.0-558) by Peace-Maker
65 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Antidote" (1.0-558) by Peace-Maker
66 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Antiflash" (1.0-558) by Peace-Maker
67 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Armor+" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
68 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Armor regeneration" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
69 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Bouncy Bullets" (1.0-558) by Peace-Maker
70 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Increase Clipsize" (1.0-558) by Peace-Maker
71 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Damage+" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
72 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Fast Reload" (1.0-558) by Peace-Maker
73 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Fire Pistol" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
74 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Fire Grenade" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
75 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Frost Pistol" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
76 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Reduced Gravity" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
77 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Grenade Resupply" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
78 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Health+" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
79 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Ice Grenade" (1.0-558) by Peace-Maker
80 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Ice Stab" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
81 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Impulse" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
82 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Long Jump" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
83 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Medic" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
84 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Health regeneration" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
85 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Resupply" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
86 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Speed+" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
87 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Stealth" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
88 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Vampire" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
89 "VoiceAnnounceEx" (2.1.2) by Franc1sco franug, Mini and GoD-Tony
90 "Weapons & Knives" (1.5.0) by kgns |
[SM] Displaying 17 extensions:
[01] Automatic Updater ( Updates SourceMod gamedata files
[02] Webternet ( Extension for interacting with URLs
[03] CS Tools ( CS extended functionality
[04] BinTools ( Low-level C/C++ Calling API
[05] SDK Tools ( Source SDK Tools
[06] Top Menus ( Creates sorted nested menus
[07] GeoIP ( Geographical IP information
[08] SDK Hooks ( Source SDK Hooks
[09] Client Preferences ( Saves client preference settings
[10] SQLite ( SQLite Driver
[11] <OPTIONAL> file "store_sm.ext.dll": The specified module was not found.
[12] PTaH (1.1.1): Additional CS:GO Hooks and Natives
[13] Sound Info Library (1.0): Access information of sound files
[14] SteamWorks Extension (1.2.3): Exposes SteamWorks functions to Developers
[15] Regex ( Provides regex natives for plugins
[16] DHooks (2.2.0-detours9): Dynamic Hooks
[17] MySQL-DBI ( MySQL driver implementation for DBI
I made some changes, now some errors appear in the log and generated a log only from the store.
L20200403.log store.error.log errors_20200403.log
L 04/03/2020 - 11:36:18: Database connection is lost or not yet initialized.
L 04/03/2020 - 11:36:18: Database connection is lost or not yet initialized.
L 04/03/2020 - 11:36:18: Database connection is lost or not yet initialized.
However, I use the same host for all databases, those of the other plugins the connection is being made successfully. My config in database.cfg
"driver" "mysql"
"host" "3XX.XX0.X2.XX"
"database" "zkXXXX_XXXXXXXX"
"user" "zkXXXX_XXXXXXXX"
"pass" "XXXXXX"
[EDIT1] I have a database for Plugin Gangs, on the same host, connection is made successfully, without errors.
I'm getting the following errors:
What could it be? How can I fix it?
The error logs follow: errors_20200401.log L20200401.log store.error.log