Kxnrl / Store

Store plugin for Source Engine Games.
90 stars 44 forks source link

Error Store - The Resurrection | Can not retrieve item.parent from database: no result row #127

Closed crashzk closed 4 years ago

crashzk commented 4 years ago

I'm getting the following errors:

store.smx (Store - The Resurrection): Can not retrieve item.parent from database: no result row

What could it be? How can I fix it?

The error logs follow: errors_20200401.log L20200401.log store.error.log

Kxnrl commented 4 years ago

did u import items and parent?

crashzk commented 4 years ago

I literally followed the installation tutorial: #How To Install

In case I installed it from scratch, then I created a database and imported the SQL database.sql, so far everything was fine.

I skipped the upgrade part from the original zeph store, since I don't use this version

And I finished configuring database.cfg.

did u import items and parent?

How can I do this? And where are they?

_NOTE: Store that I installed was the version store_jb, renamed to store._

Kxnrl commented 4 years ago

U should add items and parent manually. the parent means category of items, and item's parentid must be set

crashzk commented 4 years ago

Add Items and Parent SQL manually.

Parent went without errors, Items showed error:

Import successfully completed, 13 queries executed. (additem.zip)
SQL Query: Copy

--  Add models manually.
--  * sql script example *
INSERT INTO `store_item_child` 
    '{YOUR PARENT ID FROM store_item_parent}',  -- parten id
    'hat',                                      -- force to 'hat'
    '{unique_identifier}',                      -- maxlen 32 bytes
    '1',                                        -- 1 = can buy
    '1',                                        -- 1 = can gift
    '0',                                        -- 1 = not included in opening case system.
    'ITEM_NOT_PERSONAL',                        -- if personal item, set to steamid , e.g. "STEAM_1:1:44083262,"
    '0',                                        -- 1 = free for VIP user
    '{Item name in store main menu}',           -- maxlen 64 bytes
MySQL Message: Documentation

# 1136 - Column count does not match the count of values ​​in row 1


[EDIT1] Store does not show any more errors, all plugins loading everything right.

However, I am typing !store in the chat and it does not open any menu, nothing happens, I also tried !inv, !shop and sm_store and nothing, none worked.

Kxnrl commented 4 years ago

any errlogs?

crashzk commented 4 years ago

None, today’s logs, I even shut down and turned on the server to test again.

L20200403.log errors_20200403.log

SM Plugins List

[SM] Listing 90 plugins:
  01 "Admin File Reader" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  02 "Admin Help" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  03 "Admin Menu" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  04 "[CSGO] Advanced Admin" (1.7.1) by PeEzZ
  05 "Anti-Flood" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  06 "Basic Ban Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  07 "Basic Chat" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  08 "Basic Comm Control" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  09 "Basic Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  10 "Basic Info Triggers" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  11 "Basic Votes" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  12 "Client Preferences" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  13 "Connect MSG" (1.0) by Crazy
  14 "SM CS:GO New Items" (1.1) by Franc1sco franug
  15 "Fun Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  16 "Fun Votes" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  17 "Gloves" (1.0.4) by kgns | oyunhost.net
  18 "[CS:GO/CS:S] Jailbreak Gangs" ($$version$) by Headline
  19 "[CS:GO/CS:S] Jailbreak Gangs Clan Tags" ($$version$) by Headline
  20 "[ANY] Blank Credits System" ($$version$) by Headline
  21 "Hosties: Slayed Weapon Remover" (1.0.0) by Jason Bourne & Kolapsicle
  22 "Last Request: Circle of Doom" (1.0.2) by Jason Bourne & Kolapsicle
  23 "Last Request: Hp Fight" (1.2) by EGood
  24 "Store - Default player skins" (2.3.604) by Kyle
  25 "Store - Give credits command" (2.3.604) by Kyle
  26 "Store - Music Kit" (2.3.604) by Kyle
  27 "Store - Pets" (2.3.604) by Kyle
  28 "Store - Weapon Skin" (2.3.604) by Kyle
  29 "Nade Tails" (2.1) by InternetBully, H3Bus
  30 "Nextmap" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  31 "[CS:GO] No Fall Damage" (1.0.1) by alexip121093 & Neoxx
  32 "[CS:GO] Open Cells" (1.1) by Vaggelis
  33 "Paintball" (1.2.0) by otstrel.ru Team
  34 "Player Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  35 "Reserved Slots" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  36 "Say Sounds (including Hybrid Edition)" (4.0.8) by Hell Phoenix|Naris|FernFerret|Uberman|psychonic|edgecom|woody|Miraculix|gH0sTy
  37 "ServerAdvertisements3" (3.1.3) by ESK0
  38 "SkylerGlow" (4.92) by Skyler
  39 "Smart Jail Doors" (0.5.2-beta) by Maxim 'Kailo' Telezhenko
  40 "SM:RPG" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung, SeLfkiLL
  41 "SM:RPG > Ban players" (1.0-558) by Peace-Maker
  42 "SM:RPG > Counter-Strike Experience Module" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung, SeLfkiLL
  43 "SM:RPG > Disable experience" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
  44 "SM:RPG > Effect Hub" (1.0-558) by Peace-Maker
  45 "SM:RPG > Credit Gifting" (1.0-558) by Peace-Maker
  46 "SM:RPG > Import THC RPG database" (1.0-558) by Peace-Maker
  47 "SM:RPG > Reset interval" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
  48 "SM:RPG > Turbo Mode" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
  49 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Poison Smoke" (1) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
  50 "CT Ban" (2.0.3) by databomb
  51 "SM File/Folder Downloader and Precacher" (1.4) by SWAT_88
  52 "SM_Hosties v2" (2.2.0) by databomb & dataviruset & comando
  53 "TecnoHard™ Plugins Block" (1.3) by abnerfs
  54 "Sound Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
  55 "Store - The Resurrection" (2.3.604) by Kyle
  56 "SwapTeam" (1.2.6) by Rogue - Originally by MistaGee
  57 "Team Names" (1.1) by Internet Bully
  58 "TecnoHard Chat Tags" (1.5.7) by AbNeR @CSB
  59 "TecnoHard™ Freeday" (1.4) by AbNeR @CSB
  60 "TecnoHard™ Lasers" (1.2_tecnohard2018) by AbNeR @CSB
  61 "TecnoHard™ Rendição" (1.2) by AbNeR @CSB
  62 "TecnoHard™ Xerife" (1.10.2) by AbNeR @CSB
  63 "Thirdperson | Mirrow Mode" (1.11) by Zephyrus
  64 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Adrenaline" (1.0-558) by Peace-Maker
  65 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Antidote" (1.0-558) by Peace-Maker
  66 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Antiflash" (1.0-558) by Peace-Maker
  67 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Armor+" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
  68 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Armor regeneration" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
  69 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Bouncy Bullets" (1.0-558) by Peace-Maker
  70 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Increase Clipsize" (1.0-558) by Peace-Maker
  71 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Damage+" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
  72 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Fast Reload" (1.0-558) by Peace-Maker
  73 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Fire Pistol" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
  74 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Fire Grenade" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
  75 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Frost Pistol" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
  76 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Reduced Gravity" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
  77 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Grenade Resupply" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
  78 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Health+" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
  79 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Ice Grenade" (1.0-558) by Peace-Maker
  80 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Ice Stab" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
  81 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Impulse" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
  82 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Long Jump" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
  83 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Medic" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
  84 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Health regeneration" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
  85 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Resupply" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
  86 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Speed+" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
  87 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Stealth" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
  88 "SM:RPG Upgrade > Vampire" (1.0-558) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
  89 "VoiceAnnounceEx" (2.1.2) by Franc1sco franug, Mini and GoD-Tony
  90 "Weapons & Knives" (1.5.0) by kgns | oyunhost.net

SM Exts List

[SM] Displaying 17 extensions:
[01] Automatic Updater ( Updates SourceMod gamedata files
[02] Webternet ( Extension for interacting with URLs
[03] CS Tools ( CS extended functionality
[04] BinTools ( Low-level C/C++ Calling API
[05] SDK Tools ( Source SDK Tools
[06] Top Menus ( Creates sorted nested menus
[07] GeoIP ( Geographical IP information
[08] SDK Hooks ( Source SDK Hooks
[09] Client Preferences ( Saves client preference settings
[10] SQLite ( SQLite Driver
[11] <OPTIONAL> file "store_sm.ext.dll": The specified module was not found.
[12] PTaH (1.1.1): Additional CS:GO Hooks and Natives
[13] Sound Info Library (1.0): Access information of sound files
[14] SteamWorks Extension (1.2.3): Exposes SteamWorks functions to Developers
[15] Regex ( Provides regex natives for plugins
[16] DHooks (2.2.0-detours9): Dynamic Hooks
[17] MySQL-DBI ( MySQL driver implementation for DBI
crashzk commented 4 years ago

I made some changes, now some errors appear in the log and generated a log only from the store.

L20200403.log store.error.log errors_20200403.log

L 04/03/2020 - 11:36:18: Database connection is lost or not yet initialized.
L 04/03/2020 - 11:36:18: Database connection is lost or not yet initialized.
L 04/03/2020 - 11:36:18: Database connection is lost or not yet initialized.

However, I use the same host for all databases, those of the other plugins the connection is being made successfully. My config in database.cfg:

        "driver"    "mysql" 
        "host"      "3XX.XX0.X2.XX"
        "database"  "zkXXXX_XXXXXXXX"
        "user"      "zkXXXX_XXXXXXXX"
        "pass"      "XXXXXX"

[EDIT1] I have a database for Plugin Gangs, on the same host, connection is made successfully, without errors.