Kxnrl / Store

Store plugin for Source Engine Games.
89 stars 46 forks source link

Inventory not fetching #160

Open PrinzFerdiVonRom opened 3 years ago

PrinzFerdiVonRom commented 3 years ago

Heyho as the title says after ive installed the everything i downloaded to the corresponding folders on my csgo server and setting up a data base i get the error "[Store] Please wait. Your inventory hasn't been fetched yet." when i type !store in the chat and the latest part of the error log tells me that: L 04/27/2021 - 00:18:37: Failed to connect to SQL database. [029] Error: Could not find database config "csgo" help would be greatly appreciated

LucasJX commented 3 years ago

You have to add a connection named "csgo" to a database (name it as you want) in your database.cfg. Then go to phpmyadmin and create the database.